

Being the director of Delia's hospital? The director of the most famous hospital in town?

Baily was also stunned and astonished, and Delia's mouth opened wide next to him, unable to believe his ears.

Delia's father and his uncle are only the president of the Delia Family Hospital and the president of the Delia Family Hospital, where there is a third Delia Family Hospital? How is this possible? The Delia family hospital has never had a precedent of having an outsider as the director.

But next, Baily smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Grandpa, I'm not treating you to ask for any reward, and your reward is too generous for me to accept."

He actually cursed in his heart, if he gave the little master money directly, no matter how much, he would accept it all, but as a dean, to be honest, Baily really does not have that interest, saving people and treating diseases, that is only his ability, but he does not want to make money by treating people for the rest of his life, not to mention, if he showed his superior medical skills, and thus attracted the attention of some people, it would also lead him into The situation is extremely dangerous.

Before he had fully developed himself, Baily only wanted to make money and improve his cultivation quietly.

But he didn't know that the one he refused was the director of the biggest hospital in the whole windy town, a hospital that other people would like to enter.

The old man of Delia family also frowned and swept a glance at Baily, the look in his eyes was already completely different from just now.

Delia opened her mouth, astonished, could not say anything at all.

For a while, the room was quiet, after a long time, the old man only lightly smiled: "Since Baily you are not here, then I will not force you, Delia, if you two have something to do, go ahead and do it, grandpa is still a little uncomfortable ... "

Delia nodded: "Grandpa, then you rest early, Baily and I will go out first."

Baily picked the watermelon and Delia just out of the house, Delia is wide eyed, a face of disbelief: "Baily, my grandfather actually want you to be the dean!"

Baily touched his nose, and before he could say anything, Delia shook her head again and said, "And you actually refused!"

"Can I really be the director of your Delia's hospital? I think your grandfather is just saying that, so what, we still have things to do."

Delia remembered about the watermelon and nodded, "Let's go to the study and talk to my father."

Delia's father was really in the study, and when he heard Delia's voice coming into the room, he turned his head strangely, "Delia, you're here, I haven't asked you yet, what are you doing back this time?"

Delia beamed and said with some reluctance, "Dad, do you not want me to come back so much? I've been in that place for so long, it's a rare trip back, and you still want to talk about me."

His father shook his head helplessly: "You child, just impatient, let you stay in the fire village, that is ... forget it, let's not talk about it today, this young man is your friend, right, you brought him back with you is there something important?"

He said walked up to Baily, smiled lightly and extended his hand: "My name is Reid, Delia's father, the old man's illness, thanks to you."

Baily shook Reid's hand and said with a light smile, "Uncle, it's nothing, we are all doctors, treating the sick and saving people, as we should."

Reid nodded, but he was curious about Baily. This kid was obviously dressed as a countryman, and it seemed that his family was not particularly well-off.

But Baily never mentioned a word about asking for payment, which is really strange.

Delia came over and tugged on his sleeve, interrupting his thoughts with a happy smile on her face: "Dad, I came back here to tell you something serious! I've found a way to make our branch hospital surpass the main hospital!"

Reid frowned: "What a big talk for a child."

Delia didn't expect her father to say that, so she said, "Humph!" I didn't say anything big, Dad. Baily and I brought back some beauty fruits and vegetables, just try it yourself."

Baily also had the sense to take out a watermelon from the floor, cut it open on the table and handed a piece to Reid.

Reid frowned and wondered, took the watermelon and said, "What effect can this watermelon have? What does it have to do with our hospital?" Delia, just stop messing around.

Delia stomped her foot, "Dad, you take a bite of watermelon! Then look in the mirror and you'll see.

Seeing his daughter so insistent, Reid was helpless and had to take a bite of the watermelon. A few minutes later, he looked in the mirror and his face changed abruptly: "This ..."

After eating the watermelon, Reid's face that a few obvious wrinkles unexpectedly quietly receded, he opened his mouth, half a long time before responding: "This watermelon can beauty?"

Seeing her father's astonished look, Delia couldn't help but smile: "Dad, these fruits and vegetables grown by Baily have a very good beauty effect, this effect is not comparable to ordinary cosmetics, I think, this kind of fruits and vegetables, should be able to put into our hospital's post-operative repair."

Reid nodded, and his heart was shocked: "These watermelons ...Baily brother, how do you sell your watermelons? Can you mass produce them?" Reid, after all, is the director of the Delia family branch, also see the huge commercial value contained in these beauty fruits and vegetables, if their hospital can introduce these watermelons, then their hospital's cosmetic technology and some general post-operative repair will become Lei County, not ... even the first in the country, because up to now there is simply No effect such amazing skin improvement drugs appear.

Baily smiled, finally came to the point up, he nodded: "Uncle, my watermelon are my own planted out, of course, to be able to mass production, only the price of watermelon ... one hundred a catty."

This price is also within Reid's acceptable range, so he agreed: "Delia, you take the Baily brothers out to weigh the watermelon, if the Baily brothers have such watermelons in the future, we want them all."

The two of them went out and weighed the watermelon, and the total amount was more than 20,000 yuan, which was nothing for Delia's family.

After the watermelon deal was settled, Baily didn't stay long and planned to go back to the village.

Delia did not go back to the village with Baily. Delia's family bought Baily's watermelon and needed to study how to put the watermelon into use in the hospital, so Reid left all the matters to Delia.

Having earned another sum of money, Baily was not stingy and spent more than a thousand dollars to buy a cell phone outside, and went to a restaurant and ate a bowl of noodles with meat, before taking a bus back to Fire Village.

Just arrived at the entrance of the village, suddenly saw a group of people hurrying towards the east of the village, he saw Harding also followed in the crowd, he could not help but wonder quickly ran over and asked, "Harding, what are you doing here?"

Harding glanced at Baily and said curiously, "Baily, don't you know that something has happened to Gianna's land ... and the village committee is going to take it away from her."

Baily's eyes glared: "What?" He was shocked, there is something wrong with the land! Turning away from Harding, he ran quickly towards Gianna's melon field in the east ...