
Fine, I'll Play The Villain.

You want me to be the villain? Fine, I'll play the villain. I'll be the villain my experiences made me, and I'll be the villain in your play.

ThatTerribleWriter · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

I Have it All(I Was Losing All Of It)


The feeling of waking up, the sluggishness, clung to me and whispered sweet nothingness in my ear. My bed joined in its sweet whispers, pulling me closer and closer into its soft embrace. My mind was susceptible to it, as were my eyes. I blinked the attempt to rise and shine weakening when I shifted to the other side of the pillow, the fluffy side. It groaned in protest as my head sunk into its pillowy embrace.

The wind and the trees joined the conspiracy to keep me down. I felt the wind's soft but cool hands dance across my skin. The trees, though they groaned and angrily threatened with their cracks, their leaves sang a melody I never got tired of. Though my eyes were closed, in my mind I saw how they swayed when they sang the melody, how some fluttered to the floor in little twirls while others swayed and attempted to fly whilst they sang the song, the wind egging them on.

It was enough. It was quiet. It was peaceful. It was perfect.

Then something ruined it. Something broke the spell of nature. I shot up, the comforts of the morning bed and air ruined. Hurried footsteps thundered throughout the house, and I turned to my big sister, who was already off the bed and out the door. I tumbled, kicking the sheets away from me before I followed after her. I passed my mother and sister, their panicked voices fading as I stopped and took in the sight before me.

A heap of termite-bitten, hole-riddled, thin-lined wood greeted us. I looked at it, and for some reason, I looked up. In the ceiling was a hole, larger than all three of us, looking down at us, as if it begged to be filled again. I looked at the pile, realising that it stood right up to my chest as I stepped forward, my hand outstretched as I touched one of the flimsier parts of the heap and pulled. It crackled and complained, pieces of it flying onto my skin and the floor, near my free feet. I turned, raising the wood before my mother and sister and smiled.

"At least I get more sticks!" Mother smiled, her hand on mine as the other grabbed unto my new weapon of mass destruction. "I put them outside for you alright?"

I nodded, my smile widening as she pulled my stick away from me with no resistance.

She did put the pile outside. I don't know how, or when, but I remember that she did because I saw it up in flames.