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When I wake up I am back in my old room. The little pink room that my fathers decorated for me, but I never liked pink, they assumed that was my favorite color. Every little toy that I got from them was still there and none of the toys that I got were from my mother, that they knew of. The one thing I got from my mother is a necklace that holds all my magic so no one can take it, it also hides my powers. When I was young no one knew how to stop me so my mom hides in secret a necklace around her body, that necklace holds all the magic that I could not control when I was young. That necklace is under my bed now in between the pink bed and mattress. When I lift up the mattress I see the small blue pendant that is left of my mother.

----- Flashback

"Sweetheart to break the pendant you need to burn it and your power will be free." My mother looks panicked when she says this. She puts the pendant under the bed when my bedroom door opens with my fathers at the door with a knife that has a gold glowing light.

They look at my mother and say, "You can't run this time we will kill you." James, my stepfather, walks over with the knife and stabs her with it. My mother screams at me to run. So the next thing I know is that I am in the forest.

----- End of flashback

I summon some Hell Fire in my hand and burn the pendant along with my hatred. My father walks in on me doing this and he smiles like a blind man can see again.

"Well done my darling, well done. I was wondering where that was since you left." I feel the power that was missing from me come back. I felt the poison in my blood and the fire in my eye. The power that was taken to protect everyone is back in my hands. Now it is time to get revenge.

"Father, did you really believe that I would follow you back to this place without a plan? Because I plan on killing you since I have my magic back. If I remember correctly I was able to hurt you with my Hell Fire. Or was that just everyone else? Oh, I remember now, I can kill you with anything that I can do also I can destroy your soul." My father had sweat running down his face, and considering that we are in Hell that is surprising. So I know that he is scared. I throw hellfire at him but he runs, I go searching for him acting as it is hide-and-seek.

To be continued!