
Finding The Lost Princess

They say everything happens for a reason.... But why me? Out of all people why does it have to be me? Why do i have to suffer much more? Date Started 07/20/17

RavenBunny · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


Alex's POV

"Who are you?" I asked the cloaked woman right front of me.

"Malapit na " she whispered

"The Fvck do you mean!?" I asked frustratedly. Then she started to disappear like a mist (again). she has been showing up in my dreams frequently. 


*phone rings* what now?  

I stood out of my bed and went straight to my small bathroom and did my morning rituals such as brushing my teeth and washing my face,after that i went to my closet and wore my usual clothes which is black oversized shirt,partnered with my gray sweat pants and lastly my  converse sneakers. 

I turned around to grab my phone from the charger plug  and opened it and was bombarded with notifications all from light.

You have 25 missed calls and 53 messages.

I didn't bother to to reading it or texting him back  i'm gonna be going there anyways, why bother wasting my energy?  

i grabbed my car keys from the cupboard and headed to nearest coffeeshop, 

" good morning miss alex!" axel a really friendly part timer, he smiled to me so sweetly which seems to work all time time with the ladies who visits his cafe everyday just to see him. not me though  " good morning " i replied indifferently " hmmm i haven't seen u in a while still u want the usual right?" he asked still smiling ear to ear. i nodded in response

" here u go Hot Caramel Macchiato Venti!"  he passed it to me happily, i thanked him and left. I did a U-turn and drove to my Boss's office. 

his office wasn't  that far it was only a 10 minute drive as i arrived i parked my car to an only employee parking spot. 

* Light's Office * 

i threw my phone and keys on the couch and sat comfortably.his office's interior is very simple, very organized and clean. in the middle of the room there's his huge desk he was sitting on, and a huge stack of paperworks you can tell he's a very busy man.  

" you know u really need to fix that habit of yours young lady " he said i ignored what he said. 

" you really need to start answering my calls and messages" he said in a very worried tone " what if something happened to you? i won't be able to know if u keep ignoring my calls like this" 

" alright alright stop yapping i will i will" i grumbled " sighs what am i gonna do with u" he shook his head. 

" so watchu got for me??" i asked still lying comfortably on his couch. "here" he threw a folder towards me and it landed exactly on my stomach. 

i read the contents; to summarize it some broker stole a Dragons egg, and he's currently hiding within the city, they want to track him down, take away the egg from him that's all. 

" how much did they offer??" i asked and sipped my coffee " " 300,000 jewels " he said casually 

 " seriously!? " he nodded " wow for an egg uhuh might be a mystic or a rare kind " 

" i don't know they didn't really give us a lot of information" 

" hey Boss what if took this egg for myself and disappear?" i asked cheekily  "u want to die??" he glared at me " stop fooling around! are u down for the job or not?" 

" yeah of course with this amount of money for an easy work who would say no?" 

" then leave my office now and get to work"      

i drove back to my house and started preparing what i needed for tonight;

- Twin Swords

- My favorite jet black hoodie

- Smoke grenade

- Other necessary items necessary for survival in my backpack       

i Summoned my Familiar Pochi to help me track the egg.

my familiar is a tempest wolf i happened to rescue him in one of my mission and was able to make him as my familiar his class is currently a Middle class but as he grows i'm pretty confident he will be in Mystic class. 

"pochi do u feel any unusual activities around or an unusual presence?"  mindlink he shook his head. 

" well then go back to my shadow for now if you do feel something unusual notify me immediately" 

i grabbed all my stuffs and headed outside. its time

i summoned huge magic circle in my garage, show me all magical activities within this city  

i whispered then i felt a powerful forced inside my head its started showing me all magical activities within the city. 

i saw hunters, trackers doing their missions, light my boss using his powers as well to finish his stack of paperworks, runaways, then there! 

a red huge egg in the middle of the room and a glass covering perhaps it was enchanted with anti detection magic, that thing may be able to fool the other trackers but not me that thick aura coming from that egg im positive that's the one. 


the force was getting stronger the pain keeps crushing me, so immediately canceled the magic circle. 

goddammit! " master"  pochi called out  worried he came out from my shadow and started licking my face " i'm alright bud i'm alright" i caressed his head  " Awoooooooooooooo~ master" he cried and snuggled beside me. 

this always happens almost everyday but i guess he still can't get used to it, that ability was deep secret nobody know except my familiar even light is not informed about this. 

that ability allows me to monitor and track something within the current standards i set. but it requires a really strong solid mindset i can only used to a small amount of time.  

as the pain gradually disappears, i stood up and patted pochi's head to show him alright. 

" lets go?" i smiled to him 

i Drove my car towards the abandon blueberry farm up ahead is a forest, i covered my car with bushes so no one will suspect, it doesn't hurt to be cautious. 

" Pochi Come out"  he emerged from my shadow. 

we ran and ran till we finally arrived to our target destination, the place was an abandoned mansion. you can tell it has been left there for a long time, it looked super run down. 

i studied the downstairs area to make sure there's no traps planted. i signaled pochi to stay as i climb up the stairs. i concealed my presence  and made no sound and headed towards the said room. 

as i opened the door, fireballs started shooting at my direction i dodged and jumped at the other end of the room. 

i scanned the whole looking for my bastard attacker but he was nowhere to be seen was it just set up trap? i walked towards the middle of the room recklessly. 

Target locked ~ 

my target was sitting inside a glass radiating a red light i better hurry before that guy gets back! i started studying the glass around to find out if he enchanted something that will alarm but to my surprise there wasn't anything at all, i grabbed the egg and shoved it inside my bag i know this is really suspicious that this thing is not guard at all but i got my target and it seems that its not fake so i just have to leave here immediately i don't care anymore here comes my money~ . 

i know this missions is quite easily and that is terrifyingly weird! that's all i'm gonna say  


a movement outside the door, he's here! i looked around the room to look for another escape and to luck i found a window not far away from me i can jump there. " Pochi run!" i mind linked 

i didn't hear him respond " Pochi!"  i tried calling out to him again through mind linked. still no response i started to feel anxious. and then a magic circle  appeared in the middle of the room. 

" looking for this little guy?" a voice behind me. i jolted and jumped to the window sill. 

i looked at him, the man was holding my knocked out familiar that man had a brown hair and a chocolate skin tone. ha this bastard 

" let go of him!" i gritted  

" trent let go off him we're here to ask for a friendly relationship not make them hostile towards us more especially her"  another man came out behind him 

this time he had a blue hair and a very pale complexion. " hello you must be Miss  Alex Schneider"  he started walking towards me. 

" you! don't make a single damn move before i throw this egg!" i yelled and as i put out my bag outside the window. 

" okay okay please calm down" he said raising both his arms to the side. 

" First of all how the hell do you know my long gone name huh!? second let pochi go! did u hurt him!?? who are you guys what do you want from me?!?" 

" that's simple you have a black hair and black eyes that only fallen clan would have and a really strong tracking ability making you the star of all trackers and for the whole clue about your identity was provided by your boss, and we didn't hurt your pet we just put him to sleep and as for the last question Blythe will explain it to  you"  and another guy appeared again. light did? but why???

he looks pretty young he had silver hair a really odd light tinted green eyes. 

" sighs tell the last guy to come out u guys popping out of nowhere makes me tired"

" heh" finally the last guy came out glaring at me he had a really fiery red hair as gold eyes, seeing them all side by side reminds of power rangers Ha~

" first  could you please uhmm give us the egg back? you see that egg is already some else's familiar and the egg was already hatched but we had to provide  a mission to attract you so we had to stuff uhh his familiar in there since he's the only who has one right now and he's really not happy  about it since ha attacked you as soon as you opened the door, but trust me didn't really do it on purpose it was just an act of impulse because he was overprotective of his familiar. so will you please give us back the egg and we will give back you your familiar as well " blond haired dude and his name seems to be blythe. 

i gave him the look " i don't trust you" 

" we will give you your 300,000 reward! you just have to listen to us!" with that ladies i heard the cha-ching sound on the back of my head. 

" here" i threw the egg towards the dude who kept glaring at me. " now gimme back my pochi "

" uhh yes yes" the brown haired guy  he whispered something to the silver haired kid then i saw pochi floating towards. 

when i finally had him in my arms i glanced at the window okay safe!   i can still run away  from these guys and i will ask light for an explanation later. 

" you aren't thinking of running away are you?" red haired guy asked while caressing the egg as if it was his most valuable treasure. 

" what if i am??"  i smirked " its ok we can just hunt you down" he said nonchalantly still looking at his egg. 

" Miss Schneider please hear us out w-" five minutes" i said and hugged pochi tightly and established different ways to escape from them. 

" if you say so then-" before he could even say anything i jumped out the window, threw a smoke grenade and started running for my dear life i enhanced my legs and kept running. i looked behind me and there wasn't anyone behind me. 

as i got into my car i layed pochi on the back seat, i didn't hesitate and stepped on the pedal i need to get away from here. 



a loud heavy sound landed on top of my car 

" Like i said we can just  easily hunt you down! bang!" he kept banging my roof. 

what how!?? " stop the car right now Miss Schneider" Blythe appeared right in the middle of road. 

" leave me alone God Dammit!" i drifted away from him " if i were you i would really stop those guys are really on their last straws you know" a voice from behind me. 

i looked behind me to see that brown haired man was sitting on the back seat and holding pochi. 

" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" i screamed on top my lungs when my eyes went back to the road i saw  the young kid with a silver standing there unmoved and Blythe running after the car. 

i tried to hold the break to slower the car down but i couldn't move child move! dammit u leave me no choice! 

i forcefully yanked the steering wheel to the left. with that the car hit a large tree instead. 

making me hit my head to the wheel and was forcefully pushed back by the airbags. 

ha! i've done it! i must be crazy hahahahahaha. then i realized the passenger behind me and pochi.

" pochi!" i yelled out hoarsely while blood coming out of my mouth. 

i tried moving but the pain was unbearable. i'm about to pass out  

i need to find out if pochi is safe


" Blythe! over here! heal her! Miss i didn't mean to" 

" Miss your familiar is safe" 

" Miss stay with us this won't take long" 

" please please stay with us we really need you"  all voices i heard. 

" u need me why? ha this the first time i heard someone desperately needed me you guys are pretty funny" i responded then lost my consciousness.  


currently editing this i might post the second one tomorrow or maybe sometime this week. 

thank you for reading my useless book!~