

When life gives you lemons I guess you have to make some lemonade even if it will be shitty unless you have some water and sugar with you…. Join the journey of Robyn ……or whichever her name is in trying to find her real name and purpose in life prior to the accident which lead to her amnesia. Will she be able to find the truth or will she have to live under the guise of Robyn the normie. I didn’t create the cover reference below https://www.pinterest.com/pin/436075176421992351/

MysticR · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


I find myself exhausted despite not doing much, so I plop myself on the grass while brainstorming a way home.

Fortunately, my phone is self-charging using solar energy, and I seem to have an unlimited amount of internet access so I can use the phone to my heart's content...I wonder how I got my hands on such a useful invention….

So how can I get back to civilization without causing havoc?.... I can either use the phone GPS and walk it home...… probably an impossible feat as I am currently exhausted and injured. Option two teleport there…..well since I don't know where home is ...… I guess that is not an option at least for now... I can try and phone a towing company that will get me back home together with the remains of my car.... always hoping that the address on the ID card exists...…Forth option, disintegrate the remains of the car and call a taxi.

Well, the third option seems like the best option right now as it will get both me and the car back home (my poor car :'( ) ...though first I need to find some information about myself before I can go back to civilization...

So, I will do what most people do if they want to get to know someone... I will use the web.

I first enter my name in a search engine…. Apparently, I work as a Senior Lecturer teaching a Masters in Biology and also some human biology to Medical students, I also seem to have a PhD on the effect of global warming on bees and pollination … well quite an early achiever a PhD at 23.....also… this does not explain multiple things….. 1. the two blades I had attached to my back when I first awoke.... 2. the expensive stuff I have which are not yet on the market and, 3. how the heck did I get a custom car that I can't even find on the search engine...I am guessing that with my pay as a senior lecturer I would not be able to afford these things…..grrrr.

So, In short, I got to know the background of the identity I am currently portraying but...I got more confused on what the heck is my real identity....and now I have another huge problem….The car...If I get a tow truck I will have to explain how I got my hands on such a car…which obviously I have no idea about also, I have another problem…..if I leave the car here and someone sees it…. will create problems…damn what a mess.

On the bright side, it seems like (at least on the surface) I am not a wanted criminal, and I seem to have retained most of the general knowledge to function in society... Freaken why did I have to forget the most important thing...myself….

Well, sadly… I will have to destroy my precious and take a taxi... I feel like crying…. I somehow feel very attached to that car…. despite not remembering anything….well, I can always buy another one once I find out where I got the money from…..

I'd better start now as it's already 5 pm and according to the GPS I have a 2-hour drive home and to be honest, I am not feeling that great right now….I guess I will need to add going to a hospital in my to-do list as one of my legs is hurting like hell…. So less walking more magic teleporting.

I visualize the area where I want to go and...IT WORKED….I AM NEAR MY PRECIOUS… I walk towards it for one last time and look inside…. The remains of what looked like a luxury car with leather interior and all the things one could wish in a racing car….well since it's not burning anymore I might as well go inside for one last time…

I search the glove box and luggage boot in which I find a burnt suitcase….. ….anyway, I open it, and inside I find some documents burnt to cinders and a black ring attached to a necklace….shit, I think I remember this ring….

I looked on its inside, and there it was a message which I remember, and it's really close to my heart...Darky my love wherever you are I will always be with you- Leon… I obviously wore the thing immediately round my neck...Damn.....so I have a lover… but can someone explain to me...Why the heck do I not have his phone number on my phone and why did he not write his full name AGRRR….. I guess this is the "work" phone ….fucken hell…..back to square one…

Well….. better hurry up and do the deed ….. Bye, my precious car….so I invoke my mana again, and well the car disappears as if it never existed….. one less problem to think about …..now for the next step…..Taxi time!!…

I hope the driver does not take a long time to arrive and does not rob me of the money I have....wait…. I'd better check how much I have on me…..SHOOT…..the magic pouch strikes again.....5,000 euro...WHO THE HECK KEEPS THAT MUCH MONEY ON THEM…..