
Finding My Treasure

Love is something that Jasmine holds great value to. It was the reason why she decided to take the chance and marry her husband, Fuyuto Hayashi, and move to a foreign land where she knows no one but her husband's family. It was love that allowed her to gain three beautiful children that she loves with all her life. She believed that there was nothing that will beak the bond that she had with her partner and soulmate. She thought that he felt the same but she was wrong so terribly wrong. Darian had cut ties with her and their children and decided to marry a woman that that his family approved of. Jasmine quickly fallen into a deep depression, finding herself either drinking and wobbling in self-pity or trying to break the two apart wanting nothing more than to bring the same amount of pain that he given her. Neglecting the precious treasure that she did had, this continue on until one day when Jasmine's children died during a school fieldtrip. Full of regret and she wished that she could be a better mother. A system decided to grant her wish by allowing her to travel to each dimension and collect the scattered shards of her babies souls. Jasmine was happy to be given the chance but there was a catch that she did not know about.

Bluepanda_7803 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

A hope in the form of a small little pixie

Meanwhile, a small humanoid fairy was sitting on a sunflower sulking. It had been searching for the perfect host to help it become the most amazing being of its race. 'But things ain't working out how I want it to.'

'Why is it so hard to find a perfect host?' The creature thought to itself sadly as it played with the flower's pollen that was in its palm. Not at all bother with the humans that occasional walking passed, knowing that it was blessed with a power that keeps it safe from their prying eyes. It was something that it used to be proud of the gift since in some ways it shows how much their creator truly cares.

'But it is so lonely though,' It mused to itself as it thought about the humans that it met while trying to find a suitable host.

It met the homeless, single parents, superstars, etc. However, none of them manage to capture its attention for long.

'What am I going to do?' The creature thought as it allow the wind to blow the pollen out of its hands.

"GIVE ME BACK MY BABIES!" The anguished cry of a woman startled the creature making it float off the flower. A chill went through its body as excitement caused its body to shake. 'Eh, Why do I feel so excited?'

The creature did the one thing that was natural during a strange situation like this. It went exploring to find the source. Following the sweet scent that it could not describe lead it to an apartment complex that looked like it had seen better days. Inside one of the top apartments was an African-American woman who was rocking back and forth on the floor crying uncontrollably.

The creature did not know why the woman was so distraught but it knows one thing. 'She is perfect!'

The creature fazed through the window and shout through the air towards her and went inside her body. After glowing, Jasmine passed out on the floor.

'What happened?' Jasmine groaned as she slowly open her eyes, she tensed up expecting the same hangover to greet her like always but was surprised when nothing happened. If anything she did not feel any type of ache and pain anywhere on her body. Her hands press down on something soft and cool as she sat up.

'I am sleeping on a couch.' Jasmine thought as she become more aware of her surroundings. She looked around only to see that she was surrounded by holograms that shows images of places that she had never seen before. Looking up she saw the stars and planets, it was the most beautiful sight that she had ever seen.

"But where are my children," Jasmine said as she got up and begin looking for any sign of Daisuke, Liam, and Ken.

"Good morning, host!" An overly cheerful voice greeted stopping her from what she was doing, looking behind to see something blizzard. Floating in front of her was a small creature that was the size of her fist, it remind her of a doll with green skin a leaf on top of its head, and large violet-blue eyes. Jasmine was not able to tell the gender it was since it was pants and a shirt made of brown leaves.

"What are you?"

"I am glad you asked," The creature said happily as it pointed at itself. "I am 0056 and I am your system, Host."

'Host? System?' Jasmine thought as her heart quicken thinking about all the novels she used to read on the internet when she was young. 'I always wanted something like that to happen to me but then I grew up.'

"Sorry, um, system?" Jasmine begins testing the word out. "But I am not interested in becoming your 'host' as you put it. I just want to go home."

"Why?" System 0056 question as it tilts its head. "You are isolated from your biological family, your children are dead, and you are drunk that is on your way to becoming homeless. So why not become my host?"

Jasmine's voice was caught in her throat when it mention her children, the wounds are still fresh and the last thing she wants is for something that know nothing about her situation to talk about it.

"Exactly why I can't become your host, I am simply a sorry excuse of a drunk who has nothing in her name nor any special talent," Jasmine explains after taking a shaken breath. "So it would be for the best if you go and find someone who is more excited about this opportunity."

Jasmine started to try and find an exit when she heard the system say something that caused her eyes to widen.

"Even if there is a chance to bring back your kids?"

"How can I bring them back to life?" Jasmine demanded if there is a chance to have her children back into her arms then of course she will take it. Jasmine could not tell if the system was happy with her response since its face is stuck in a deadpan expression but the way it begin to glow much brighter than before made her believe that it was happy.

"You just have to complete missions in different worlds," The system explained happily it managed to get Jasmine's attention. "With each mission complete equals a piece of their souls coming to you."

"How many are there that I need to collect?" Jasmine asked eagerly, she could not stop the large smile from forming across her lips as she waits for the answer.

"One thousand and six hundred pieces!!" The system answered just as excited to get the show on the road. However, it became confused when Jasmine's smile drop and dread replace the happiness that she was showing. "What's wrong?"

"One thousand and six hundred," Jasmine muttered in a dazed. "Those are a lot of pieces."

"Oh!" The system exclaimed as it figured out why the woman was upset. "That is just my estimate. Some may be larger pieces so it can be less" 'Or more.'

"It will be fine," Jasmine stated as she give the system a warm smile, was much more determined than earlier. "There is no way that I am going to let a chance like this slip from my fingers. So what are we going to do first?"

"Well, we are going to start with an easy mission." The system repeated the words that it memorized since it was first created. With a wave of its hand, three holograms made their way over towards Jasmine's direction and stopped seven meters away from them."There are three level D worlds that we can go do, let's see…. The first is a hero world, the second one is a pop star-based world, and the last one is historical."

'Since this is my first time I should try to find one that I am at least a little bit familiar with.' Jasmine mused while looking at each one of the holograms carefully. 'I have little to no interest in anything celebrate-related so option two is out of the question. We just got out of slavery times, I am not interested in finding out what that was like.'

"Tell me more about the hero world." Jasmine as she looks back over towards the system.

The system emits another bright glow followed by the second and third holograms disappearing from her sight leaving the first one left. The hologram shows an image of an eighteen years old boy with cold lime green eyes and dark red hair.

"In this world, this boy will become the world's worst villain after he turns twenty years old. The mission is very simple just prevent him from becoming one."

"Understand when do we start?"

The hologram begins to warp into a blue-and-white vortex. The pull it was giving had air getting sucked inside. Fortunately for her, it was not strong enough to forcefully suck her in.

"Just step right in!" The system said Jasmine looked at the vortex and after taking a deep breath she swiftly made her way inside. Not wanting to end up chicken out. 'Don't worry babies I'm coming.'

"Sleeping on the job, huh?" An older man questioned as Jasmine felt someone hit her head with something light. Jasmine opened her eyes and looked up at the old man that was roughly fifty.

The man has short gray hair with a matching mustache, his golden brown looked down warmly at her. In his hand was a newspaper.

"Just a little bit," Jasmine laugh nervously as she sit up off the table. Jasmine was a little alarmed at how much… younger her voice sounded. 'What in the world happened?'

"We are in the superhero world, did you forget already?" The system asked as it appeared beside the old man's head.

"What the-"

"Language young lady!" The man scolded her before she can get the chance to curse. "I refused to hear someone as young as yourself cursing again."

"S-Sorry!" Jasmine stuttered out, the man eyed her not really believing what she is saying before just letting it go.

"As long as it does not happen again," The man said as he cleared his throat. "Anyhow, I just want to inform you that it is closing time, the last thing you want is to meet any of those awful villains during your walk home."

"Ah, right." Jasmine agreed awkwardly before thanking him, she felt a sense of relief when the man went to his office to take care of a few things. Allowing her to be alone with the system in question.

"Okay explain what is going on." Jasmine demanded.