

After last night's football game, the couch had told me to meet him this Friday and practice so I can show them what I got.

It now being Thursday morning. I got up like a normal day. Mom left early again, and I'm now heading to my locker. I oddly haven't seen the crew this morning and I wondered where they would be.

Lost in thought I had realized the tardy bell rang for first period.shit.

Quickly walking so I can try to make it to first period. I finally arrive.

As soon as I open the door everyone turns to me. Awkward. I give the teacher a sorry look and quickly sit at my seat.

"Looser can't even get to class on time."

"I know right. She probably was to busy fucking someone."

"Ya she's such a whore."

"I heard she got kicked out of her old school because she skipped classes so much doing god knows what."

"Ya! Have you seen her she is practically drooling over Jacob, it's so annoying."

"Can you shut the fuck up and stop talking about me like I'm not right here!" I yell to the gossip girls behind me. Not realizing how loud I was everyone turns to me.

"Cerara! No yelling in my class!" The teacher yells. The two girls grin at me and I just roll my eyes and turn back around so I don't get in trouble.

"Hey. Just ignore them. They clearly don't matter." Jace whispers to me from the desk beside me. I just smile and nod before paying attention to the teachers lesson.


After my 3rd period before I go to my next class I had to head to my locker to grab my books for ELA.

Heading there now I quickly open my locker and grab what I need, about to walk away I'm interrupted by the two girls from first period.

"Hey slut. I just wanted to make it clear. You can't talk to me like that." She says with a high pitched voice like a child.

"Oh I'm sorry do i need to remind you that I have the right to speak. As being my own person I don't think I have to listen to you." I roll my eyes and try to walk away but the other girl blocks me with her arm.

"Oh my fucking god can you let me go to my class!" I yell.

"Not until you apologize to us." The orange blondie says.

"For what? Sticking up for myself." I laugh.

"No for yelling at us you whore!"

"Well maybe if you stop making up crap about me I won't have too. Now move the fuck over before I make you."

"I don't think you want to touch me." Orange mocks.

"Oh ya and why is that? It's not like I can't take y'all. You're both flat sticks that I can snap in a second." I threatened.

"Because my daddy is the principal and I don't think he will be very happy to hear that you hurt me or threatened me."

"Yup. Bye bye Cerara." The white blonde backs up.

I roll my eyes but don't say anything. That little bitch. She's gonna get me expelled if I mess with her.

"Hm. Right well I also don't think your daddy's going to be very happy that your late for class too." I smirk. And right after I say that the bell rings.

"Oh frick we gotta go." White blonde says.

"This isn't over prick. Also stay away from Jacob and Ethan! They are ours!"

"Hm I don't see a label claiming that but ok." I smirk. Both girls growl before running to there next class quickly. Bitches.

Making my way to ELA I get in the class and go straight to my desk next to Ethan who looks super tired.

"Hey! You good?"

"Uh huh. Ya! Just stayed up last night trying to do homework." He says half asleep.

"Oh? Are you having trouble?"

"Yes! I'm doing terrible in school CeCe! My dads going to kill me." He whines.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I can tutor you some days if you'd like. I make pretty good grades."

"Oh that would be amazing! I already asked Ben and we tried. But he's terrible at teaching."

"Okay." I laugh. "Well maybe after school today we can go to the park and work on it?"

"Ya that sounds great. Thank you so much Cerara. This means a lot."

"Of course!"


After having a normal lunch with the crew and going through all my classes the bell for last period rings and I'm on my way to the front to meet my friends so we can go to the park.

"Hey whore." Orangie squeaks.

"Is your life really that boring that the best thing you can think of is being all up on me all the time?"

"No. Our life's are awesome! Way better then yours!"

"Right?" I hum.

"We just wanted to warn you." Whitey mocks. God there voices are annoying.

"Right. About?"

"If you don't stop being all over Ethan and Jacob we will make sure your life is a living hell."

"Well what if they want to hang out with me? Also why are y'all so obsessed with them. It's getting pretty annoying."

"They won't want to cause your just an ugly rat and they are only friends with you because they feel bad for you."

"We are not annoying! The boys are in love with us. I mean I don't know why they wouldn't be. Like look at us." Ya I'm looking. Still look like flat white bitches to me.

"Hm right ok. Well if they are so in love with y'all go over and show me." I smirk.

"What no why?!" I squeal.

"Why are you so nervous. They love y'all right? So go over there and show me how much they love y'all."

"Fine. Whatever. It's not a problem I mean everyone loves us we are literally the prettiest people in this school."

"Okay ya. Well then help yourself." They both scuff before walking over to the boys and Tessa who are outside by the stairs.

I'm walking shortly behind them ready to see them make a fool out of themself.

Before reaching them Tessa and Ethan both smile and wave to me and I wave back but laugh after seeing thing 1 and thing 2 wave back like it was for them.

"Hey boys." Orangie says in a high pitched 'flirty' voice.

"Um. Hey bekah?" Jacob says awkwardly before looking over at me questionable. I just shrug back at him and let the girls continues

"Hi Ethan." Whitey says while twirling her hair around her finger.

"Hi. Macy." He says shortly.

"So y'all boys want to hang out with us later. We can go to my daddy's big mansion and watch a movie in my own move theater at my house." Bekah says cockily.

"Um we are good." Ethan says awkwardly.

"Ya we have plans already. Sorry girls." Jacob says.

"What!? That's not fair! Skip your plans! We are way more important!" Macy squeals. Causing all of us to flinch and shift awkwardly.

"Right well we can't say can y'all just leave now." Ethan says as politely as possible.

Both girls huff before turning to me angrily.

"I thought you said they were in love with y'all and would do anything for y'all." I mock.

"Your such a bitch! You will pay for this!" Bekah shouts before storming off.

"What the hell!?" Jacob says shocked. "Did you really just stand up to 'miss perfect' and her side chick." He says proudly.

I just shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. "I guess."

"Girl! You realize how powerful they are! They can end for whole highschool life with one daddy please!" Tessa also says proudly.

"They aren't doing shit." I shrug.

"How are you not worried. They. can get you expelled Cece." Ben explains.

"Have y'all ever once actually seen them get someone expelled?" I ask.

"Um. No."

"But she says she will."

"Right. She threatens. But never actually does it. So it doesn't matter. Now let's go get thoughs grades up!" I say enthusiastic before walking towards the park.

Looking over they are all looking at me shocked before realizing they need to go with me. I laugh to myself at how surprised they are at me sticking up to them. I've dealt with bullies way worse and I hated myself for not doing something about it. So now I will do something about it and I won't let thoughs girls walk all over me.