
Finding love(two worlds apart)

If you had a last wish, what would it have been? If you were given a chance to see just one person, who would it have been? Everyone has a tale to tell, memories which we never wish to fade away and for a moment, we aren't ready to say goodbye to the past. She lost her husband and was given a chance to see him again before moving on with the tragedy, however, she meets a detective whose life suddenly becomes at stake because of her.

lucypink · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 7

They arrived at an abandoned factory, and he gestured to her that she had only a few minutes to hand over the letter. She cleared her throat as she mustered up courage to seek after Eloise, who needed to see the letter which her father brought to her. Thanks to someone, she got to her destination and found the Eloise's location. She was a teenage girl who lived in a forgotten factory and had no one asking after her. Tyler chose to stay outside, but Miranda had no confident to enter this dark, lonely factory alone and requested Tyler comes along, promising she wouldn't trouble him further. Furiously, he got a torchlight and led the way while she was clingy from behind. She had even banged her head on his back due to how close she was, and he retorted at her to stay inches away from him. She apologized and stepped ahead of him as he handed her the torchlight since she decided to take the lead, not to trouble this gloomy man. They were different doors in this factory, and Tyler's voice gave her directions from behind. Miranda had gotten closer to the designated door where Eloise could be when she accidentally tripped over her feet. Whirling up her arms to catch her balance but couldn't as she almost fell as the torch had fallen from her hold. But Tyler was quick to get hold of her by wrapping his arms around her waist tugging her immediately to tilt on his body which supported her from falling. Their lips had almost touched as his breath swept over her face. Her dilated pupils peeking through her lashes locked into his, which burnt her slowly. She began to feel tensed and nervous that she didn't focus on anything else except his peering eyes. She flinched as he let go of her, making this emotional lady stutter and tried to regain her consciousness back. His hands reached for the torch, which she had flung away as he felt awkward at the situation. Why was she doing everything possible to be closer to him when he wasn't even interested in anything concerning her? He rubbed his chest, which was burning painful and then knocked on the door. Meanwhile, Miranda was still lost and slammed her hand on her head, telling herself to get a grip and stop acting like someone who had met love at first sight. She was over there for Morgan and Eloise, no one else.

"Eloise?" He called, gawking at Miranda who was within sight but lost in thoughts. He kept banging on the door and even tried to force himself in if Miranda hadn't signalled to him not to act rude and intrude on people's privacy. Tyler gawped at her and felt like punching that face of hers for telling him what to do.

"Go away" a harsh voice retorts from inside after a while of waiting for a response. The factory began to shake, causing pieces of blocks to fall off and Tyler had intention of saving her from it, but Miranda was able to avoid it. That reminded Miranda that the old man told her that there was a song that cool off the juvenile's temper. Hastily, she gestured for Tyler to step aside while she began humming the song, which sounded unpleasant to Tyler, who couldn't believe that he was over here with Miranda.

"Eloise, dear…dad has a gift for you…" She began to profess that it wasn't the naive girl's fault from being separated by her father and that his love would never change for her.

"That's a lie…he left me to die… promising I would be fine!" The infuriated girl yelled as her voice seemed like though it was getting choked from much tears.

"He misses you and has a lot to apologize for…but just know he never dumps you…he regrets ever doing that Eloise…give him a chance"

"Everyone deserves to be loved, wouldn't you give him a chance to feel your love again?"

Meanwhile, Tyler felt like through those words were connected to him as her voice whispered that everything was going to be fine when things were getting tougher for him. He suddenly felt scared and depressed as he blinked his eyes, which had gone sore with grief. The door got opened and Miranda veered at Tyler with an optimistic smile, excited that wroth Eloise had gotten the door open for them to come in. He kept staring at her and having no idea why she puts up a bright smile at the wrong time when he was thinking about his life and experience. Before Miranda could get inside, Tyler suddenly took off his coat and wrapped on her, indicating that it was freezing inside that room, and she needed to stay warm just to avoid complications. Her simple outfit required that when venturing into a virgin ghost apartment. She bites her lower lips and took a glimpse at him as her cheeks flushed red which she tried to hide. Her hands joined the lapels together as she was feeling heated up by the coat already, while its scent kept a captivating aroma, redolent of cinnamon and meadow-fresh mint. She liked it and chinned up shyly. What was perplexing was the fact that his temperature was cold despite having such a warm coat on. He was being considerate yet acted indifferently at her. There was just something special about him that she was yet to figure out. Miranda flinked her eyes at him as she discovered he had a transparent long sleeve on, which exposed his abs and broad chest. She shut her eyes close not to imagine anything unholy in this tight space they were. Furthermore, she appreciated that effort with a brief smile and stride inside. She knew he wouldn't tag along and didn't waste her time asking why. Instantly, once she got inside, the door slammed in his face and he tugged his hands inside his pockets while letting out an agonizing sigh.