

Mueedarh · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


Monday the 12th of August(the day Habiba was rescued)


Today was yet another beautiful day to behold as apart from the fact that it is a Monday it is also the day that I would be broadcasting the hottest news and braking news I have such an amazing boss, Mr. Okafir was a nice and honorable man he is a hard-working and good man he participates daily in the broadcast, and he is such a nice man, I wonder how my parents got this job for me after all the "no I don't want you to find me a job" I told them, but the truth was when they gave me the latter If employment I could not say no. I mean the biggest TV station in Nigeria wants me to work with them who wouldn't accept the offer it was a nice one and I liked it as much as I liked my life.

The day was a bit young and as usual I had to go and freshen up for work, I took a long bathe and then dressed, you know the truth is that my apartment was a one-bedroom flat, and the reason why I stay here is because that is what my salary can afford and I did not want my parents to buy me a house or anything, even if she had offered a billion times all I say is "no" don't get me wrong I mean the expensive life is the type that I like, and I am used to, so I would obviously want that, but I prefer to get it on my own so that I should know the true worth of it.

The house was what I could afford as I was just a newscaster and the pay was kind of low and annoying if I want to think about it, but the truth is I know that I would get there someday it's just a matter of time, effort and zeal and I believe I would live larger than my parents by God's grace "Amen" I said as I stood up from my bed and walked out of the house, I was waiting for the taxi I ordered which I heard horned at the gate signalling that he was hear, and so I stepped out of this house, it was such a distinctive one tho and I did not like it and it also took me a while to get used to this apartment.

"Good day sir" I greeted the taxi driver

"Sorry for the delay" he said as he began to drive

He drove like a professional as we got there in half the time the drive was supposed to be, and the best part was he did not endanger my life as he was not over speeding at all.

"Thank you, Sir" I thanked him as I walked Into the gate of the building

"Good morning Sir" I greeted Mr okafir as his car just drove past me as I was walking

"Oh, Muhammad" he said as he came out from the car that was in the middle of the road


"Let's walk to my office" he said as he tapped my shoulder

"Yes sir" I said as we moved together

"Muhammad." He said as he took out his phone from his pocket.

He continued "you know I love your attitude to work, you are one of the few people I know that comes early before the show starts, fewer people come when its about to start, some people come after it has started, she most people come when it is about to end." He said as he paused for a reply from me.

But I did not understand what this means I did not get the logic he was using hear, and I was shocked as I did not understand what he means by all this.

"Sir" I replied

"What an elder sees why sitting a child can never see while standing even if its in front of him"

He spoke again in parable and I also did not understand what he was trying to tell me but I could not let him know that I was lost.

"Sir" I said as I wanted him to think that I understood perfectly what he was trying to say

"Muhammad" he called out my name

"Sir" I answered

"Muhammad" he called my name again

"Sir" I answered again

"Muhammad" he called my name for the third time

"Sir" I answered again for the third time

"Do you know why life is not fair?" He asked a really wired question.

"No Sir" I answered his question

"Because life is not fair" he said as this was the answer to his question

We were now in hi office, and so he sat down on his chair as he raised his palm pointing a chair, this was a signal for me to sit down on the chair, and I did exactly so.

"Muhammad, please I want you to take this box and mail it through the post office, the house address and information of the recipient is in this envelope take it and just drop it with any of the staffs they know what to do from there" he said as he pointed a perfectly rapped box, and he also brought out an envelope from his drawer.

"Yes sir" I said as I carried the box and the envelope out of his office as I was now on my way to the post office.

"Hammed" Musa called from downstairs

"Salam ya Musa (peace unto you oh Musa)" I greeted in Arabic as I went closer to him to give him a handshake

"Salam(peace unto you)" he replied my greeting with a handshake

"Where to" he asked as he saw me moving towards the exist way

"Post office I am on an errand"

"Oh, okay take care then"


"Okay till you come back" he said as I finally disappeared from his sight

"Bye" I said in a faint voice as I walked out of the firm

I took a taxi to the post office and did as I was instructed to do, the box was not heavy but it was not that light either, I wonder what could be in it. I dropped the box at the post office and gave the man there the envelope I told him who it was for, and he nodded this means that he knew Mr okafir, I took a taxi that brought me back to the office.

"Back so soon" Musa said as he was walking past the entrance door

"Yes" I said as I walked towards the direction of Mr okafir's office to tell him the news

"Knock knock" I said as I knocked on his door

"Come in" he said as I entered

I wonder why he did not have an assistant of a secretary he was the only one in the office and that alone was strange.

"Sir, I have done what you requested of me"

"Okay Muhammad you can go back to your duty post now" he said as he held his phone far from his mouth because he was having s conversion with someone.

"Thank you, Sir" was the last thing I said as I walked out of his office to meet musa

I was walking past different sections of the firm, and I was stopped by the call of my name by a senior officer.

"Muhammad" he called

I wondered why my name was so famous in this firm as I was not one of the important personals to hear, I was just that person that comes early to work.

"Sir" I replied as Mr adewomi called as he was in charge of media and publicity

"Come hear son" he said as he called me to him

"Yes sir" I said as I walked towards him

"Sit down son" he said as he pointed a seat for me to sit on

"Thank you sir"

"Son..." He started and paused to see if I was paying attention.

"Yes sir" I wanted to make him sure that I was listening

"So Mr okafir and I spoke, and he was hoping to help promote you, but I suggested we test you first to see if you really do ha e potentials so next week's breaking news you would be reporting, I hope that is clear" he said with a light smile

"Yes sir" I said as I stood up from the chair

"Good luck" he said as I left his office

I was lucky and shocked at the rate my success is going I used to think that I was just another person and this time I was so sure that no one knew me but hear I am I was given an opportunity to be promoted and this was just because of my commitment, and I was so happy for that as it was not something I had to break a sweat for.

I stepped out of his office and continued walking to Musa's office as I wanted someone to talk to.

"Hammed" he called as I walked closer to him

The truth was that me and Musa were not that close as I did not know him until I came to this firm, but he was such a nice person, and he is a wonderful friend and I do appreciate him.

"Anything" I said as I went closer to him

"The news is ready please check it out and right the corrections please we would soon be live soon" he said as he handed over to me the paper

And he was right, I looked at my watch and the time was 12:05pm, and we have one O'Clock news and today was a Monday, and so we had to be on time.

"Okay, will do" I said as I sat down to cross-check the news

I helped him to make some corrections to the works there were not much work to do but I helped with some grammatical errors.

"Done" I said as I finished with the corrections

"Please help me give it to Mr adewomi" he said

"All right" I said as I went back to Mr adewomi's office

"Sir, the news" I said as I dropped it with him

"Muhammad" he called me again as he wanted to talk to me

"Sir" I said as I sat down back

"Son, I changed my mind you have been promoted now" he said with a remorseful look in his face

"Thank you sir, I am great full" I said I stood up and walked towards the exist door as I left

Wow, I was so happy not only was I promoted but also because I will also get a raze in my salary which is a very good thing for me.

"Vrummm vrummm" my phone that was in my pocket vibrated

I took it out from my pocket and it was my mom calling

"Hello" I said as I picked the call

"Honey I wanted to talk to you about." She said.

"Salam (peace)" I said interrupting her

"Yes son, I wanted to talk to you about a news I just heard lately, and it was a girl that was kidnapped she was rescued today by the police, and she is been taken to a government hospital in Abuja" he stops

"Ma, was she found in Abuja"

"Yes son, she was found in Abuja but I do not know where exactly" she said

"But mom I did not see anything related to this in news for today"

"Its fresh and new son so you should know, I don't think any news station has even heard the news that's why I called so that you should, you know" she ended her statement

"But how do I know its authentic?" I asked her in a mumbling tone.

"What type of stupid question is that?" She said "Mitchew" she hissed "I have my connections and sources" she said as she hanged up the call.