
Chapter 1

Adrian Bolton sat in the lounge in his office near the window, in his armchair - his elbow on the armrest and his chin on his knuckles - and he seemed to be in a very deep thought. He has been like this, in this position, for over an hour and he hasn't moved an inch since.

He's been thinking about his grandfather and how the relationship between he and his grandfather had been before he died. His grandfather's face was very real on his eyes. Just then, spontaneously, hot, dry tears started falling from his eyes. He is a man, and he is resilient, but when it comes to his grandfather, he was as weak as a worm under the sun.

His grandfather's last words rang in his head:

"Adrian, I'm going now. No, no, don't cry now. I know you are a strong man. I just want you to do me a favor. You have to promise me." He took a deep, shaky breath before continuing. " There's this girl called Emily who I know of because she saved my life once. And I want you to return her favor by protecting her. She is in danger. Dangerous people are tracking her and trying to kill her, I want you to find and protect her. If possible, marry her so she could be right under your eyes. It will be easier to protect her like that. And,... don't ask me how I know about all this..." He coughed.

"Grandfather, how am I supposed to find her when I've never even seen her before? At least give me her address, or even her father's name. It would be easier to find her then," Adrian said.

"I don't know her address or her father's name, or anything about her. But I do know that, she is unique. She is the Emily, who melts hearts. She is very smart, and when you spend time with her, you'll know, she is the Emily, who makes darkness disappear by the brightness of her smile. She, is one of a kind from all the Emilys in the world. Consider this, and you'll find her."

"I don't know grandfather, I can't find her with what you've just said," Adrian said as he held his grandfather's hand who was on the bed.

"You must, or you're not the grandson who I nurtured. You... you...mu...must..." He coughed again.

"Grandfather, it's okay, don't open your mouth again. Take your rest. Yes, I will find this Emily. I will make sure that she is safe wherever she is."

"Promise me you'll find her! Promise me!"

"I promise grandfather. I will find her and protect her with my life. I promise."

"I'm glad that I am your grandfather, and you are my grandson. I can die a peaceful demise. I can die pea... peace... peaceful...ly..." And with that, his grandfather was gone. It is excruciating to lose a loved one. And that pain, Adrian felt it day after day since his grandfather died.

His grandfather had been his only relative since he was born. He had a mother and a father when he was born, but they abandoned him one after the other. His grandfather tried to advise them, but they didn't listen, and they left him, a baby. And they have the guts to call themselves his parents?! No! In his life, he has no father, no mother. His only father and mother were one: his grandfather. His grandfather became his only mother and father he the day he was born. His grandfather took care of him to his strength; his grandfather provided everything he needed, including the love his parents couldn't give to him. So,he will do whatever his grandfather wants him to do. He will find Emily, and protect her, even if it costs him his life! He cleaned his tears with his hands, and then the door to the lounge opened. A heavily-built man came into view.

"Sir, they are ready," he said.

"Okay, let them in,"Adrian said and the man turned and walked away, shutting the door behind him.