

Eugene's bulky arms twisted and his blades broke shattering halfway with his arms. He still used his size to overpower the woman, but the bigger he is the smaller the chance he can hit someone that was way too different than his size. She was agile enough to avoid Eugene's every attempt of offence.

Viole watched fascinated with her black hair dancing at her every move.

It was when she finally reached Eugene's head and secured herself there was when she placed both of her hands upward and transformed into a blade, sharp but thinner, the size of a katana.

She pushed it down on Eugene's clavicle and sliced. Even with his thick skin it was able to penetrate, and he roared in pain. He tried to swat her above but she was able to pull out her blades and transformed back her arms. She climbed down jumping all the way to avoid Eugene's broken arms.

She landed on the ground and moved away. Eugene followed clearly pissed off. He was beginning to realize what was going on, and it was getting on his nerves that it caused him his every move being sloppy and easy to predict, with a broken blade and arms he couldn't do much anymore. His bigger built was no way intimidating to his new opponent.

It finally gave Viole the chance he was aiming for and that was to take Charles away. Viole thought Charles would still be out cold but when he arrived by his side he was awake. He looked seriously beaten up like a pulp. He was covered in blood. Some bones looked to be broken, even his left leg was positioned oddly.

Viole met Charles stare, he was watching him, his good eye staring unblinkingly up at him. With his transformed hands, he carefully tried to hold Charles, careful not to glaze him with his long nails. Charles seems like a doll so fragile, and for a moment he felt a pang of guilt. Charles could easily have died, and worse, he may still die tonight.

When he was sure Charles was already secured on his hands, he glanced towards Eugene and their savior. They were still fighting it off, the difference was Eugene was no longer smirking, while his own blood was splattered around him, and the woman was no longer holding a two blade, but her right hand had transformed into a bigger version of a two pointed blade. Her stance was suggesting of readying to kill.

He didn't feel sorry for Eugene; he deserves to get killed after what he had done to the place just to capture one single person, too many deaths.

Though he felt his strength weakened his resolve of getting away makes up for it. With his last surge of power he opened a portal and stepped inside.

They didn't get too far.

Viole felt his throat on fire, the urge to throw up was there, but he still manages to let Charles down carefully on the ground. They have stepped out in a meadow. Not too far away lays the building surrounded by lights of fire so bright like bacon. Unfortunately it is the only distance his power can open a portal and provide as their escape because Eugene totally weakened him. He was afraid that if by any stroke of bad luck someone comes along looking for them, he wouldn't be able to protect themselves effectively.

He cursed under his breath. Irife's voice was quite, he didn't know why, and he didn't have the means to communicate with her at the time, but he'll be glad if ever she tells him if someone or something is lurking around.

He sat his big ugly butt on the ground. He didn't want to transform back just in case. What he needs is a few moments to recover his strength to open another portal to another dimension and go back home.

Sitting on the ground catching his breathe Charles lying beside him, he watched as the buildings fire and smoke flew up under the night sky. Anyone within the radius of the place can witness it and begin asking questions.

People saw them as Reapers for what they are if supposedly survivors remembers tonight the question lies if their story will be believable enough to guarantee peoples acceptance. And Viole knew it wasn't his problem anymore.

While he was staring at the distance watching what was happening to the place and Charles still lying beside him on the ground a sudden light ripped the darkness not too far away from where they both laid.

Viole was on an instant alert; he immediately stood up and prepared himself for whatever came out of the portal.

A familiar face greeted him in the darkness. The woman who appeared and helped them earlier was walking towards them, clad with a cloak and a dark long hair swaying in the breeze her very presence stood out in the darkness of the night.