
Finding Ally

In this heart stopping thriller, mystery and romance, Megan who has felt like she has been followed her whole life becomes best friends with a girl who has the same experience, they become inseparable, but Ally soon goes missing. Will Megan and her sworn protecter find Ally or the horrific truth?

Gemma_cochrane · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 6

I was never close with my parents, it was from them in which I learnt my mindset of putting up walls, giving brief and simple answers; never getting personal. It was like all their fancy parties I had to go to, people would ask me questions and I would have my mother by my side forcing a smile pinching me when I said something wrong. I was strange how I called them mom and dad, the only relationship we had was biologically, they never cared for me or turned up at my parents evenings, even when my teacher would tell them how I was excelling in all fields, they never said they were proud of me. Nothing. That's why I need constant approval now, and I have the need to always be better.

But me and Ally always got takeout when we felt down and if our parents hurt us I would pay for her to eat and she would pay for me to eat, it was a ritual. Here I am, at the place we always go, but this time there is no Ally, it stung to think of all the amazing memories we made right here, on the table that has our names underneath and precisely 4 coffee cup stains. I snapped out of my engulfing thoughts of worry and looked at Ethan who was staring at me, with his big brown eyes, with his head tilted as if he was observing every part of me and knew my exact thoughts, which gave me butterflies.

" Thinking about Ally? You know I'll help you find her, all I want is to see your smile again, the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh and how the dimple on the one side of your face makes you look gorgeous." he said with a soft smile.

My cheeks burned red from the flame he ignited in me, all this time I held him at arms length thinking he was just protecting me, but no. He had noticed all these intricate details about me from memory. For a second everything stopped, it was only me and him, I looked into his eyes and saw kindness, pure kindness, something I hadn't seen in someone's eyes before, this made me cry I don't know why it made me cry, but I think deep down that look was all I needed. Next thing I knew, Ethan was next to me embracing me, I pulled away and took his face in my hands, momentarily I saw hurt in his eyes from me pulling away from his hug, but I ran my fingers through his soft hair, and held his face. We gazed into each others eyes for what felt like and eternity, until he raised his hand to may face and wiped away my tears, it was like my unconscious mind controlled me and my whole body dived into a kiss with Ethan.

I had kissed boys before but never like this, there was no tongue, but our mouths moved in harmony, intertwining in utter bliss. I never wanted it to end. I became thirsty for more and moved my hand from his face down his body I slowly felt around until I put my hand up his shirt, holding him, in return he let out a raspy sigh, that took my breath away. He slid his hand gently down my spine until he reached my lower back, and pulled me in tighter, a wave of desire washed all over my body, he then slowly moved his hand to my thigh in return I let out a soft moan, almost embarrassed how he was barely doing anything to me and I felt such pleasure, my panic was soothed by the feeling of his lips slowly forming a smile. After our moment in heaven I couldn't stop smiling,

" See, look how gorgeous and sexy you look smiling, one of the many things I love about you." He said with a sly smirk. The word love caught me off guard, no one had ever said that to me, but it created happiness in me, I thought of nothing but him, nothing at all.

" It was your eyes that made me cry, your beautiful eyes that made me cry, I could see every emotion you felt for me, and that felt good." I said to him. We talked hours having breaks of kissing until the diner was closing, how had we been talking for this long? In the corner of my eye I saw a big man stumbling everywhere. The owner told him it was closing time, but he snapped back

" Get me a drink woman!" With an abrupt tone. Ethan looked at me and rolled his eyes which made me laugh,

" What the hell are you laughing about you whore!" He shouted

Ethans eyes lit up in anger, like they did when he hurt Max,

" Don't you dare say that, you disgusting man!"

The man heaved himself off of the chair he plonked himself on and grabbed a broken bottle, before I knew it he lunged at Ethan, creating a big gash on Ethans neck,

" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I screamed at him louder than I knew I could ever scream. With deep realisation the man stumbled back and went out the door. I fell to my knees next to Ethan to see him covered in blood that was oozing out his throat, on instinct I put my hand to his throat and put pressure I prayed and prayed for him to survive, even out loud. Until he stopped.... He let out a deep breath, I looked down at his neck to see my hands glowing a deep yellow. There was no more blood oozing out. Suddenly my mind flashed back to the time I broke my arm, but Ally healed me. She said I had the same power but I never saw my power until now. I healed Ethan...