
Final Reincarnation

[Kael Reynolds] [You valiantly sacrificed yourself for the sake of your friends.] [Your selfless action will be rewarded.] [Congratulations, Kael, you will be reborn for the last time.] 'last time?' I thought to myself Alright, one final fucking run. 

Gxmbling_Addict · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

7th Times the Charm (Part 2)

I find myself back in limbo.

Trapped in an infinite void, with only my thoughts.

I start panicking.

My thoughts race.

'that was my last life?' 

'I'm really going to die now?'

It gets harder and harder to breathe.

Like my chest is collapsing in on itself. 

I can't breathe.

Wait, when have I ever had to breath in limbo?

With a shape inhale, my eyes jolt open, and I find myself in what seems like the quiet interior of a hospital. 

To the right of my hospital bed sits a small girl, no older than 10-11, with her head perched on my chest.

'must be my sister, that or this body has some serious problems' I thought to myself.

Seemingly awoken by my slight movements, the girl opens her eyes and lifts her head off of my chest.

"Kael!" she shouts loudly.

I look at her and the moment our eyes meet a feeling rushes through my head.

It wasn't painful but neither was it a pleasant feeling.

It felt like my brain was slowly and softly being massaged and molded into something.

Thankfully, this was the seventh time I felt it so I didn't show much of a reaction.

Finally, the memories of this body were transferred to my brain.

Everything started to click in place.

The girl in front of me was my ten year-old sister, Scarlett. 

I look at her again, she has black eyes, brownish-blackish hair, and a cute baby face.

She's all I have.

My father went missing when I was young and my mother passed away giving birth to Scarlett.

From Scarlett's birth we bounced around relatives homes until I saved enough money doing odd jobs around town to get a small place for us both.

Now, instead of doing jobs around town I fought for a small amount of money, just enough to feed Scarlett and send her to school. 

"Hey!" She said while waving her hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I told you, no more fights!" she declared while wagging her finger at me.

"You know that's how I put food on the table" I replied while sighing.

"but, you keep getting hurt" she said while small tears formed in her eyes.

Right as she was about to burst into tears I said:

"Alright, alright, no more fights"

"You promise?" she uttered

"Yes" I relented 

"Yay!" she yelled while jumping up and down.

"Anyway, how are we here? Isn't the hospital expensive?" I asked.

"It's ok, I paid using the earnings from last night!" she said happily 


"uhh, y-you mean the earnings that was supposed to be our food for the next month?" 

"It's ok, because tomorrow is your birthday!" she again said ecstatically

"That's cool, but I have to figure out how we're going to eat." I replied.

"No, you don't, tomorrow you're going to get super cool skills and classes, and then you're going to get recruited, and then we're going move to the capitol and eat meat every night!" She practically yelled at me.


Another curveball.

I reached for my nose, and there it was, perfectly fine. 

From completely broken to flawlessly in tact.

It never occurred to me what kind of world it is that I now live in.

It's a world of magic, swords, dragons, elves and everything else you can think of.

Now I can remember clearly why this bodies owner did what he did.

He was just trying to survive until his 18th birthday, where he planned that he'll receive powerful skills, which would make him sought after by guilds and academies in the capitol.

The only problem was, what if it didn't happen. 

Here we were, in a small town, miles away from the capitol, what were the chances of me getting a class, or skill that would make me worthwhile to the big shots in the capitol. 

Slim to none.

Worse yet, this fucker had no back-up plan.

Guess I'm going to have to pray to someone.


Once we were discharged from the hospital and I sent Scarlett to school, I started to dig deeper into my memories to find out the inner-workings of this world.

This world is named Luceran, and there is only one ruling power.

The "Administration".

Secondly, this world is your stereotypical magic world.

It seems like a medieval world, yet there are things like teleportation hubs and extremely advanced alchemy.

Secondly, the main conflict of this world is the IG, or Intergalactic Games, most commonly referred to as the Games.

The Games are meant to deem the strength of a world. 

Worlds are separated into seven leagues, the higher the league the more resources and access to mana the world will receive. 

For example, the world I currently live in is in League Two.

So, pretty much bottom of the barrel.

But, in each league there are millions of worlds all trying to make it to the next league. 

From what I remember, the information on leagues above us and below us is extremely scarce, so it's hard to tell what will happen if we finally make it League Three, or drop to League One.

Anyway, it's not something I have to worry about since dropping, or rising a league usually takes centuries.

Unless, you have an unparalleled talent of which will propel your world up into the higher leagues.

The Games happen once every year, and are extremely cut throat.

The most common 'Game' is a series of one vs. one matches that are to the death.

No tapping, no ref, no doctors, just a good 'ol one on one to the death.

There are sometimes team games like, capture the flag, death match and things like that. 

Of course, killing is allowed and even encouraged in these games.

Again, its something I don't really need to worry about since I'm most likely not going to participate in these games. 

Now, like Scarlett mentioned, almost every person in this world gets their class and skills on their eighteenth birthday.

There are some exceptions though.

You can be forcibly awakened by numerous different artifacts.

Unfortunately, these can only be gained by doing extremely well in the Games.

So they are exceptionally rare. 

Moving on.

These classes and skills need to be reported to the 'Association' so they can process the information and send the ones they think have talent to the many scouts of various academies and guilds. 

Of course, if you lie in your report, and the Association finds out, you'll pay dearly.

So, how do I view these classes and skills?

Well, just say 'Status'.

"Status" I said aloud


{Kael Reynolds, N/A}

{Class: N/A}

{Age: 17}

{Strength: 5}

{Dexterity: 7}

{Intelligence: 8}

{Mana: 5}

{Vigor: 5}

{Charm: 4}

{Skills : N/A}

{Notes: How remarkably average!}


'who's the fucker who makes the notes?' I asked myself 

"Haaaa" I sighed.

Five is the normal value for a person. 

That naturally means that I have pretty much average everything, except for charm.

' I can't look that bad, right?' I thought.

I raced to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, looking back was a face that was.....

'remarkably average' I thought to myself.

Brown eyes, black hair, normal face. 

Everything was average.

Looks like my no-girlfriend streak will continue.


Sry for info dump. If you're reading this, please leave a comment on how I can improve anything. Any and all feedback is appreciated (please make it constructive tho)

Gxmbling_Addictcreators' thoughts