
53. Knights.

I was actually thrilled by this set of template cards for one simple reason. Masamune was a legendary blacksmith that forged the hero of lights weapons. I finally had gotten my hands on some blacksmithing skills and equipment.

Sadly no legendary weapons but I could fucking forge if I wanted to! It took me basically just a glance now to tell what weapons were made from and how good they were.

It was fascinating looking through the equipment with the mind of a legendary blacksmith. Looking at the dragoon spirits and the dragon buster sword were also thrilling I can kind of see why Hephaestus wanted to look at them. They were marvelous, I also could adjust and tune them on my own now. I would of course need to look at the various materials this world has to offer before doing anything with my equipment.

But with the various equipment I had on hand everything seemed to be relatively the same materials from all the worlds besides the dragoon equipment. Didn't matter if it came from final fantasy 7 world or final fantasy 12 world. Iron was iron, mithril was mithril, I even had some legendary weapons on hand that I could melt down and reforge such as the massive fucking blade from Vanye or The Masamune from Sephiroth or Auron. Seems those blades were named after the blacksmith.

But onto the next person or creature I acquired. Venat, an Occuria. Basically an immortal shade who had plenty of magical knowledge and helped Vayne and another Cid create airships and nethicite. Odd bits of magic I suppose, he could also possess people and control them.

Then finally Lightning, another gunblade user who came with some different summons and other items. They were more mechanical in nature and could turn into things like vehicles which was odd. I don't know if they do count as summons or vehicles. For example Shiva is a pair of women who can become a motorcycle. It kind of reminds me of the knights.

"I don't need a motorcycle I need knights." There was a flash as the glowing crown appeared on my head. I could see the original spirits of my knights all connected to me

"As the king you have the power to make knights." A genderless voice says. "Gift a form and then bestow them life."

It was kind of like a character creation screen popping up in front of me. As information filled my mind.

With the new knowledge I pulled out the Shiva motorcycle and a pair of female judge armor. "Make knights!"

The motorcycle shifted and combined with the pair of armor transforming into a pair of matching white suits of judge armor with icy blue trim. I added more equipment and a pair of blue and white staffs appeared and the armor shifted into more of a mage like form.

"Bestow life!" I felt a small pinch from my body as the eye holes in the armor lit up and both knights kneeled.

"My king." They said in female voices.

"Amazing." I smile at the duo happy with my new creations. I have a couple of iffy materia i dont want to use namely Odin, because I don't know if the Odin summon has divinity or could be detected by the Odin of this world. Same with the Hades materia.

Plus I can make them all female knights with matching abilities from what I can tell. I even have multiples of some of them. I pull out the Odin materia and some female judge armor along with materials for it to absorb.

"Make Knight!" The armor and materia fuse together, the color changes to a black gold and a razor sharp sword and spear appear in the hands of the knight. "Bestow Life!" Another pinch and white light flashes in the eyes of the knight who kneels. "My king." A cold hard female voice says.

I pull put the materia for Hades and more equipment. "Make Knight." The armor shifts to a pitch black color with a bright green trim, a large cauldron seems to be the main weapon which is odd. But I also spot a nasty looking dagger as a cloak forms over the body. "Bestow life!" Another pinch of my soul brings the knight to life as the eyes flash a ghoulish green color under the helmet. The new knight joins her sister in a kneel. "My king." a quiet but deadly whisper says.

I know my current limit on making knight instinctively. It appears to be the same as my guardian force slots. 1 for level 1, 2 for level 2, 3 for level 3. So I can currently make 6, however it appears the Shiva twins count as one. Lucky. I have 2 more slots available.

Next up is a Aeon called Yojimbo.

I pull out the summon sphere and more armor. "Make knight." This time is a bit different as not only is there a new knight but something else forms, it looks like an armored dog. The knight armor shifts to look more like samurai armor with a red color but still matches, a set of katana like blades and a wine gourd appear on the belt of the knight, I can also make out a couple of throwing knives. "Bestow life."

The knight and the dogs eyes flash red as the knight kneels and the dog bows its head. "My king." a powerful but loyal voice says. "Bark!" even the dog acknowledges me.

Now I only have two more slots left.

I pull out a aeon and more armor. This one is Anima. "Make knight!" The armor turns a grayish color and chain like weapons appear covered in various thorns with sharp hooks on the end, the hands of the knight also turn to sharp claws. "Bestow life!" The eyes flash a dull gray before the knight kneels. "My king." A voice that almost sound pitiful like someone crying sounds out.

Then I decide on my last summon. Titan. A red materia appeared and I pull out equipment. "Make knight!" The armor shifts into a rather large set of earthly brown equipment with a massive hammer. "Bestow life!" The eyes flash a brown light as the hulking female knight kneels. "My king." An earthy kind of rough female voice says.

"My knights." I smile happily at the 7 knights and the dog like armor. Seems I gained quite the boon today. "Do you still have the skills of your summons?" I ask.

"Yes my king." They all answer.

"Perfect." I start making Chocobo materia and pass out requested magics, the Shiva sisters wanted high level ice materia, Hades requested for poison materia. Yojimbo and Odin just wanted the Chocobo materia as they were mostly physical fighters but did pick up some time magics for haste. Anima was mostly quiet, but requested for a space magic. She has her own personal magic which inflicts pain, just pure pain. As for Titan, she got Earth based materia for Quake.

I exit out of the knight creation screen. "We can go register your Chocobo, and I can talk to Paul about your Saddles and such in a bit.

Now I'm up to 20 knights and a dog.