
Fighting, Honour and Valhalla || Vikings x Originals x TVD Fic

Thorfinn was an orphan that dreamed. He had ambitions and thoughts of greatness. He didn't know his father but he remembered his mother and she would often tell him how his father was the most handsome and kind man that she had ever seen, she used to think that the light danced around him when he smiled. When his mother died he taken in from a young age by his mothers distant cousin, Ragnar Lothbrok. Thorfinn is enamoured with the daughter of a wealthy landowner but with no money and nothing to offer he must fight and craft his legend, and Ragnars planned trip to the west is just the way to do that. This is a Vikings x Originals x TVD crossover. But i won't be limiting it to just that. The malacor doesn't exist and so there will be numerous other supernatural entities.

TheManUnderTheBed · Televisi
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44 Chs

Spring of Pain & Pleasure

Thorfinn was having a pleasant dream. While he usually dreamed of Rebekah and the things that may happen when they are able to have a few moments alone together, but this time it was not just Rebekah in the dream. He dreamt of Gyda joining him in his room and laying next to him on the bed, though she was not wearing any clothing when she did. Thorfinn had seen Gyda naked before as she had seen him, though in recent years she had been a lot more shy about revealing herself to him.

It felt different in this dream however, it felt like he was seeing her for the first time and he couldn't stop his arousal from being stoked —especially when Rebekah was on his other side. Grabbing Gyda he rolled her on top of him before placing her next to Rebekah, he held himself above both of them as they breathed heavily.

"You are greedy, Thorfinn," Gyda said beneath him as she ran her hands up his bare chest.

"Indeed such greed..." Rebekah said as she started to do the same. Then just as things were looking promising and about to get interesting he felt a large amount of pain shoot throughout his body, at first he looked down at the girls thinking it might've been them but then it happened again and he was sucked away from the dream and awoke to see Elijah standing above him with a wooden sword held above his head. He brought the sword down again hitting him in the stomach "AHHH! What are you doing!" He shouted, but Elijah didn't listen to him and only did it again. The next time however Thorfinn rolled over to the other side of the bed avoiding the sting of the wooden sword. "You died four times before you wisened up and decided to move out of the way," Elijah said with a bored expression as he placed the sword on his shoulder.

"Do better tomorrow," Elijah said before throwing him a water skin.

"Come we are going to get our morning meal," he said as he started to walk out of Thorfinns room. Thorfinn swore as he rubbed his eyes, he cursed Elijah for waking him from such a pleasant dream, he quickly put on his clothing before leaving his room. The sun had barely risen so the house was quiet, a voice in his head —or his cock— told him to go and visit Rebekah quickly, but it seemed that Elijah was waiting outside his room for him.

"Will we not eat with your family?" He whispered to Elijah, careful not to make too much noise.

"No," he said before walking down the hallway, gesturing for Thorfinn to follow him. The young boy did so and they left the Mikaelson longhouse and were greeted by a crisp chill that almost pierced their bones.

"Why are we out here, I thought we were going to eat," Thorfinn said as he rubbed his arms.

"We are," Elijah said as he handed him a spear.

"I am hungry, go and hunt some food for us," Elijah said with a serious expression on his face. Thorfinn laughed at his words, but as he laughed he realised that Elijah did not find it funny and he was not joking.

"You have until mid-morning to get something, then we will start our next training," Elijah stated.

Thorfinn frowned at him "Hunting is not something that can be done in such a short time!" He said incredulously to Elijah who allowed a small smile to appear on his face.

"Oh? I did not realise you were such a master hunter," Elijah said mockingly making Thorfinn tut.

"If you want to eat you will hunt your food, Kattegat forests are full of life, if you're fast and your spear strikes true then there will be no problem," Elijah said as he folded his arms.

"This is a foolish quest, who does such things," Thorfinn growled out.

"I did, and so did all of my brothers and when Henrik comes of age he will too, father expects us all to be able to walk into the forest and come back with enough food to feed the family," Elijah explained.

"You're wasting your time, go!" He said and Thorfinn muttered a curse under his breath before running out of the Mikaelson home and out of Kattegat into the surrounding forest. His stomach had already started to grumble in hunger, he started to move slowly and look around for anything within his field of vision; Thorfinn had been hunting before so he had some rudimentary tracking skills, but he had not used them often as he had always preferred to fish.

He crouched to the ground and started looking for any tracks he might find. While Thorfinn thought this was a smart move, he did not consider that it could be just as dangerous as it is beneficial to the hunt. Thorfinn cracked a grin when he saw a set of boar prints in the earth and started following them. Thorfinn was an inexperienced tracker and one of the aspects of tracking he did not know how to do was tell how old the footprint was. He followed the tracks for what seemed like an hour or so and yet it didn't lead to a boar; it was at this moment that Thorfinn realised his folly.

"HEL!!!!" He shouted out causing birds to fly from their perches and out into the sky.

Thorfinn knew that he had to start making his way back now. He would have to hope that he came across an animal then, though it was looking like he wouldn't be eating breakfast today.


"You don't need to remind me," Thorfinn said to himself as he started making his way back. He walked quickly but also kept his steps light and kept low to the ground just on the small chance he might find something.

He made it back to Kattegat without seeing a single animal, with the exception of birds —but he wasn't going to attempt to throw his spear up at them. When he got back to the Longhouse he saw Elijah sitting on a chair outside eating a bowl of what looked like porridge. "I do not see an animal around your shoulders, shall I take it that you failed," he said with a small smirk on his lips as he spooned another bite of porridge into his mouth.

Thorfinn almost growled at the man and threw his spear at him but managed to control that instinct. "Yes..." he simply replied.

"A shame," he said before standing up and placing the bowl onto his seat. He then picked up a round shield that was leant against the wall of the house and approached Thorfinn.

"Hold this," he instructed, Thorfinn took the offered shield with his free hand. It was rather heavy and was nearly half his height but he could carry it.

"Good weight? Comfortable?" Elijah asked.

Thorfinn nodded as he readjusted his grip "Good because you're going to be carrying it from morning till night, when we are doing other training you can strap it to your back but other than that I expect it to be in your hand always," Elijah said sternly.

Thorfinn grits his teeth but nods, he wouldn't give Elijah the satisfaction of complaining once again. He would get through this training, and he wouldn't fail this time. Elijah then walked back over to his seat and picked up a wooden sledgehammer "I hope you're ready," he said as he held said hammer in both hands.

"It wouldn't do for you to drop your shield mid-fight, so we must make sure your grip is strong and remains true under assault," Elijah explained as he approached Thorfinn before swinging the hammer around to his side. Thorfinn quickly held his shield up and braced with both hands against the sledgehammer; when the hit connected it shook him slightly and hurt his hands a bit, but it wasn't too bad.

"Will you drop your sword during a fight?" Elijah asked.

Thorfinn looked at him with confusion "No?" He said.

"Then stop using both hands to brace the shield," he instructed.

Elijah then swung again and this time the blow rattled the bones in Thorfinns hands, but his grip remained true. However after a second and third hit, his grip started to falter and after a fourth one he dropped the shield; Thorfinn thought Elijah would stop after he had dropped his shield but it seemed he had no plans to as he wound his sledgehammer back to hit him again, only this time without a shield.

He scrambled to pick his shield up with his hurt hand and only barely managed to do it in time.

"Brother! What're you doing!" A recognisable voice shouted out to them.

Thorfinn found that his face stretched into a smile the moment he saw Rebekah coming outside, in a beautiful white linen gown. She had an angry expression on her face that she aimed towards Eijah, though when she gazed upon him it turned into one of concern.

Elijah waited for her to get closer before answering her "I am doing what you asked sister, making sure he survives the summer raids," he replied.

"There's no need to be so rough, you could've killed him if he didn't bring up his shield!" She whispered loudly glaring at her older brother.

"I am going easy on him," Elijah replied blankly.

"How is that going easy on him!?" She asked.

"I'm not trying to kill him," he said with a shrug.

Before she could reply she was stopped by Thorfinn who put his arm on her shoulder "Rebekah I am fine, Elijah is right, I have to go through this harsh training if I'm going to make a name for himself," he said trying to reassure her.

Rebekah's expression of anger seemed to melt away, but the look of concern on her face didn't "Be careful Thorfinn I do not want to see you get hurt," she said as she brushed her hand against his.

"May I continue with the lesson now sister?" Elijah asked.

Rebekah just stuck her tongue out at Elijah before walking back to her room where she could watch from her window.

"We will continue the shield till noon and the rest of the day will be learning the axe and sword after I'll give you the opportunity to go and get some food, but I'll allow you to catch anything you want," Elijah explained.

"And tomorrow you get to do it all over again," Elijah said with a grin bordering on malicious.

Thorfinn breathed out in frustration "I do not understand why we must do such harsh training, I've not seen any other do something like this," he said

"Others do not have only a few moons to get to an acceptable level, they have had years to get better and learn these skills, you do not have that luxury," Elijah replied.

"Now pick up your shield,"


The days started to come and go, Thorfinn was subjected to harsher and harsher training as when it began to get easier Elijah would make it more difficult again, but he had to admit Elijah was a good teacher. He told Thorfinn his mistakes and how to rectify them, like with hunting, a good hunter masks his scent with mud or berries, as if you're downwind from an animal they'll smell you coming a mile away and leave before you ever catch sight of them. It was on the third day that Thorfinn managed to hunt an animal; even though it was only a rabbit he still felt accomplished that he did it in such little time.

One part of this he hated was carrying the shield, his muscles were in a constant state of agony from hauling around the thick piece of wood. This only made things worse when he needed to train for it and he could barely hold the shield up to begin with.

He had yet to meet Mikael or Esther or even Elijah's older brother Finn, they seemed to come home late and spend most of their time with the Jarl or somewhere else. He did catch a glimpse of Esther going into her study, but he had been particularly exhausted that day and didn't think much of it. One person he did get to know better was Niklaus, who would often hang around with Elijah —and by extension Thorfinn. He was skilled with a sword, he was even on the same level as Elijah despite being two winters younger than him.

He would help in his training sometimes and would teach him tricks that you can do with the sword as well as creative ways to disarm someone. Two weeks into this hellish training and he could actually say he was enjoying being here, but that was mostly because he got unlimited access to Rebekah who would often watch him train and would make him lunch; Elijah tried to decline when she first made Thorfinn food but the glare she gave him pretty quickly shut him up and Thorfinn was allowed to enjoy a quick meal at noon.

Elijah and Niklaus were having a sparring match in front of the Longhouse, both used shields and axes. They circled each other, though Thorfinn was a lot more cautious as he knew how skilled his opponent was. Niklaus stood there with a cocky smirk on his face as he waited for Thorfinn to make the first move. Roaring he lunged forward swinging his axe down on Niklaus who raised his shield to intercept. After doing so Niklaus thrust his axe forward intent on hitting him with the top part which would undoubtedly wind him.

Thorfinn deflected the axe by slapping it away with his shield —though it hurt to do so. He then tried to hit Niklaus with the edge of his shield but he stepped out of the way which caused Thorfinn to stumble forward. Niklaus barked out a laugh as he began flourishing his axe "Careful Thorfinn you almost fell over," he joked.

Thorfinn gained his balance before swiping right with his axe —which was avoided— and barging Niklaus with his shield, Niklaus allowed himself to be pushed before thrusting his axe out at Thorfinns face; Thorfinn leaned back as he thought the older boy was going to strike him, but his attack stopped short and instead hooked his shield. Niklaus pulled the shield down with his axe before striking his chest with the edge of his shield.

Thorfinn hit the floor as he almost threw up from the attack. He made sure to at least sit up so he didn't worry Rebekah; Thorfinn was surprised that Niklaus hadn't said anything smart or insulting about putting him on his backside, when he looked up he saw him standing there silently. Looking behind Thorfinn, Thorfinn stood up quickly and looked at what Niklaus was seeing.

A powerfully built man with greying hair and a thin beard. Next to him stood a man even taller than him, but a lot younger and next to them was an older woman with similar hair to Rebekah. It was easy to conclude who these people were. Mikael Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson and Esther Mikaelson.

"What're you doing boy..." Mikael said fiercely as he approached Niklaus. Thorfinn stood there silently looking to Elijah for any advice on what he should do, but when he caught his gaze the only thing he received was a shake of the head.

Niklaus kept his head to the ground and his shield low "Just sparring father..." he said in a low tone.

"Oh just sparring?" He said as he unhooked his axe from his belt.



Mikael began hitting his axe at Niklaus who blocked it with his shield "What's wrong boy! Why aren't you sparring!" Mikael shouted as he pulled Niklaus' shield out of his hands before kicking him in the chest.

"Mikael he's had enough," Esther said as she stepped a bit closer.

"Our boy thinks sparring against a child will help improve his skills, disappointment!" He spat down at Niklaus before sending a kick to his ribs and walking away.

Thorfinn breathed a sigh of relief as he thought that would be the end of it "And you, don't think I'm not watching you, I see you train every day and make little progress, if that doesn't change then perhaps I'll step in and become your teacher," he said as he pointed to Thorfinn. He then walked back into the house with Finn walking closely behind him. Esther knelt by Niklaus and muttered something that Thorfinn couldn't hear which made Niklaus yelp in pain.

"Elijah, perhaps you should move your sparring sessions to a place where your father will not become antagonised by them," Esther said sternly before walking inside.

"I think that's enough for today Thorfinn, go and get something to eat," Elijah said in a grim voice before walking past him helping his brother up and taking him to the stable.

Thorfinn holstered his axe and put his shield on his back as he prepared to go hunting. However as he walked by Rebekah's window it abruptly opened and his arm was grabbed by her "Meet me by the window at midnight," she whispered to him before letting him go. He gave her a nod before continuing on his way to get himself some dinner.


It was late at night when Thorfinn snuck from his bed, he carefully opened the door to his room and snuck out the longhouse. He kept low and avoided catching sight of the guards that were stationed at the gate while he snuck over to Rebekah's window. He knocked lightly on it and it slowly opened, the moonlight revealed her beautiful form, but instead of ushering him inside she climbed out and joined him. Before he could ask her what she was doing she grabbed him by the hand and led him towards the stables; luckily the thralls were all asleep by now and the place should be empty. 

Leading him into the stables Rebekah took him to the back where they came to a massive pile of hay. Much to his confusion, she started moving away from the pile of hay "Rebekah? What are you doing?" He asked as he approached her, but as he got closer he saw that under the hay was a hatch in the ground.

She then grabbed a candle from the side and turned to Thorfinn "Come, close the hatch behind you," she whispered as she opened the hatch and led him down the steps. Thorfinn did as she asked and followed her into the darkness of the room below.

"What is this place?" Thorfinn asked as he was greeted by a large room with multiple beds and bags of grain.

"Father built this place should Kattegat ever get raided while the men were gone," she replied to him as she put the candle on a table near the bed.

"Why are we here?" He asked.

Rebekah smirked at him "I never got to reward you for becoming a man, I thought that should change," she said as she reached down and took off her footwear letting them hit the ground "Here we don't have to worry about any noise," she assured him.

Thorfinn felt his blood rushing to his groin as he stepped towards her "Are you sure of this?" He asked

"I do not want to wait any longer, I worry that before you've delivered on your promise I'll be given to another man by my father," Rebekah said with slightly teary eyes.

Thorfinn stepped forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips "I would not let that happen, I would take you away from here before that," he assured her.

Rebekah smiled as she wiped her eyes "I know, but I long for your touch, I want you to be my first man," she said as she pulled her dress off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Thorfinns breath hitched as he looked at Rebekah's flawless body; Thorfinn had seen quite a few women naked and while they all had soft parts they were mostly muscled as a lot of them were farmers and shield maidens —Gyda included— but Rebekah was soft, her stomach was flat and while her breasts were small they were perfect raindrops that suited her body.

She stepped away from him and let herself fall onto the bed giving Thorfinn a view of her lower body, her dainty feet which lead up to her smooth legs and the prize between her legs. She spread them and Thorfinn gulped, it was sparsely surrounded by dark blonde pubic hair and was already wet with arousal. Rebekah giggled as she watched Thorfinn remove all his clothing in less than ten seconds.

He walked towards the bed and crawled on top, his cock was already painfully hard; he noticed that Rebekah looked at it with what seemed to be excitement. Thorfinn grabbed her leg making her squeak at the abrupt movement, he placed a kiss on her foot before moving down her leg. He couldn't get over how soft her legs were and as he moved closer between her loins his nose became filled with the smell of her arousal. Rebekah leaned her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes as she focused on the soft kisses Thorfinn placed on her leg, it sent warm feelings through her body and the pleasure only increased as she got closer to her parts.

Thorfinn was entranced by the musky aroma of Rebekah and as he got to her centre he let his tongue slip out of his mouth and lick it from bottom to top his tastebuds being filled with the sweetness of her nectar and the slightly salty taste of her sweat "Ohh...do...that...again," she whispered out as she thrust her hips to his face.

Thorfinn surprised at her reaction listened to her and gave her woman's place another long lick, though this time he was much slower "Ahhhh...yessss," she sighed as her hands gripped the sheets of the bed. The originally cold room had started to heat up, and Rebekah's moans started to get louder as Thorfinn continuously licked her womanhood. "Thorfinnnnn...Ahhh...Oooh!" She moaned as she started to move her loins up and down as if trying to grind on his face.

"Yes!" Rebekah almost shouted as she felt Thorfinn's calloused hands run up her body and grab her breasts. "It feels amazing," she sighed as she let herself become fully engulfed in the pleasure she felt, though she felt that it would soon end as she felt herself reaching something she'd never experienced before.

As Rebekah reached the peak of her pleasure, waves of sensation crashed over her like water breaking on the banks of the shore. "Aaaaahh....Mmmmmmph.....OOOOOOH!!!" She moaned as her legs tightened around Thorfinn. Her body was quivering with ecstasy and she felt her nectar splashing out onto her thighs and Thorfinns face. The intensity of her release made every part of her body tingle; eventually, she came down from her peak and let her body relax as she breathed heavily on the bed.

"I've... never felt anything... like that before," she said between breaths as she looked down at Thorfinn who was also breathing heavily. She looked down at his cock, it looked painfully hard, its head was almost red and a clear liquid was dripping from the end.

"I cannot wait any longer," he growled out as he climbed on top of Rebekah.

"Then claim what is yours," she replied.

Thorfinn placed the head of his cock against Rebekah's nether region. He almost groaned in pleasure when he felt the hot liquid between her lips engulfs the head of his cock. He tried to push inside of her but his cock slid up instead which made Rebekah gasp in pleasure. He grabbed it again and tried to push inside but the same thing happened. "It's a little lower," Rebekah whispered as she grabbed his cock. Thorfinn hissed at the pleasure of having Rebekah's soft hand around his manhood; Rebekah liked how it felt in her hand, it was soft and yet so hard, that she even struggled to push it down and align it with her hole. She desperately wanted to take it in her mouth and discover how it tasted, but she had a greater desire to have him inside her 'There's always next time,' she thought to herself.

Thorfinn pushed forward and felt her hole engulf the head of his cock. "Gods!" He groaned out, her hole was tight and wet, it felt even softer than her thighs did and it pulsed in the same rhythm that her heart did. Thorfinn looked at Rebekah who looked slightly uncomfortable, her face was scrunched up and her body was tense "Are you okay?" He asked.

Rebekah opened her eyes and gave him a quick nod "I am fine, it just feels as if I'm stretching out," she replied. Thorfinn pushed a little deeper and felt his cock press against a barrier, not wanting to wait any longer he kept pushing. Rebekah's hands tightened against Thorfinns arms as he did, but she did not protest.

With another thrust, he tore through her barrier and made her a woman "Ow!" Rebekah yelped out in pain, Thorfinn stopped and gave her a moment to get comfortable, when it looked like she wasn't in as much pain he pushed deeper inside her until his entire cock was engulfed by her tight hole "Mmmmph... you've finally claimed me," Rebekah moaned as she looked into Thorfinn's eyes.

Thorfinn let himself fall onto Rebekah, she welcomed his weight and wrapped her legs around his waist. Their lips pressed together and Thorfinn snaked his tongue inside her mouth, he could taste honey and apple on her tongue which made him even more eager to explore her mouth. As he kissed her he drew his hips back moving his cock back out of her hole, he felt Rebekah moan into his mouth as he did so but it was muffled by his lips.


The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed out in the room as he thrust back into her. Thorfinn had never felt such pleasure as he did now,  every part of her hole touched his cock and seemingly clenched around him; that combined with the sounds of Rebekah's moans drove him mad with ecstasy. Thorfinn detached his lips from Rebekah and began kissing her face and moving down to her neck —all while he kept thrusting.

"MMMMMMPH!!!" Rebekah bit her hand as she tried to muffle her moans, as even though they were somewhere isolated she was afraid of being too loud.

With how loudly Rebekah's muffled moans were, Thorfinn could understand why she didn't want to do this in her room; even her muffled moans could echo throughout the house. "More...Ohhh...OOOH," she moaned as Thorfinn bit his ear and started to suck on it. Her pleasure was close to peaking again, despite the pain she still felt at becoming a woman it was soon overshadowed by the feeling of Thorfinn moving inside her.

Rebekah arched her back as she felt herself peak once more and a rush of ecstasy crashed over her body. Thorfinn who had been close to finishing since the beginning felt the flood of fluids wet his cock, and her hole start to tighten even more and he was pushed over the edge as well "Rebekah... it's happening!" Thorfinn warned as he began to thrust harder.

"Inside... spill yourself inside me..." Rebekah pleaded as her legs tightened around him. At that moment he knew he should of stopped and not spilt his seed, he had seen how volatile Mikael had been with his own son, so he could imagine how he would treat himself who was of no relation if he found out what he did to Rebekah. Even Elijah had warned him what he would do if he caught him in Rebekah's room.

But seeing the naked girl before him drove all that from his mind and he started thrusting faster earning cute moans from Rebekah. Thorfinn practically growled as his seed rushed out the end of his cock and straight into Rebekah "Mmmmmmm..." Rebekah mewed as she felt the warmth of his seed inside of her. Her hand subconsciously went down to her stomach as she rubbed it.

Thorfinn breathed heavily as he let himself fall onto Rebekah, his head in the crook of her neck. Rebekah smiled and reached her hands around him hugging him close.

"I was hoping you'd be able to go again..." she whispered into his ear which was followed by a giggle.


The next few weeks saw Thorfinn progressing at a much faster rate. The fear of having Mikael be his teacher and the renewed determination of earning enough to take Rebekah as his bride was good encouragement; Thorfinn was having a much easier time hunting and he wouldn't miss breakfast three out of the seven days of the week. He'd also found it a lot less difficult to constantly carry the shield, and he felt his strength increasing because of it.

Thorfinn was supping with the Mikaelson family, he had managed to spear a large piglet that had separated from its mother. In a rare show of respect Mikael had said he would join them for supper, he felt like asking why but didn't wish to anger the man or make him change his mind, though the question must've shown on his face as Mikael answered it.

"If a man provides he should be honoured," he simply said before walking inside leaving Elijah and him to dress the kill.

Rebekah had cooked the pig and given him a healthy serving which he looked forward to eating. Ever since she had become a woman she had been a lot more daring, nothing too egregious, just brushes of her hands, standing a bit too close. However, while he did enjoy her minor attentions, it was overshadowed by the nervousness he felt at getting caught. He decided to focus on the meal, the training had left him starving as usual, so he ate and drank as fast as his hands could move.



A heavy pounding caught their attention as someone appeared to be knocking on the door. Mikael gestures to Elijah who stood up, his hand on his axe as he did and disappeared around the corner as he went to the entrance. It had begun to storm outside so their conversation was muffled, but the door was soon closed and Elijah soon appeared around the corner with someone Thorfinn recognised.

It was Hestein, the man who came to ask the Jarl for help with a Draugr that plagued his lands. "Hestein..." Mikael said as he stood up from his seat.

"Mikael..." Hestein replied as he shivered from being caught in the storm outside.

"You look bad my old friend, warm yourself by the fire," Mikael said as he gestured to the pit. 

"Rebekah get Hestein some food," he instructed his daughter who nodded and began cutting him some of the meat.

"I thank you for welcoming me into your home Mikael, not everyone has been so accommodating as of late," he said as he took a seat by the fire pit.

"Most around here think you to be mad," Mikael said bluntly as he took a seat opposite him.

Hestein chuckled humourlessly "If only that were the truth, my friend," he replied as he took the offered plate from Rebekah and started to eat.

Mikael let him eat for a moment before finally cutting to the reason for his visit "Why are you here Hestein?" Mikael asked sternly.

Hestein stopped eating and placed his plate down "I am here to collect on a favour," he replied.

Mikael raised his eyebrow before laughing "You would waste a life debt on something as this?" He asked.

"I would, I have collected all my favours from those who owe me and I have even offered my daughter's hand in marriage for any who slay the creature," Hestein replied.

"I have no more sons, I am too old to raise another, any who marry my daughter will inherit my lands and the mine that lays on it," Hestein stated.

While Mikael was not interested before, he certainly was now, he still thought this to be a story and nothing more, so the idea of adding to his lands was a temptation that made him consider it seriously. "You've tempted me Hestein, my second son Elijah is getting too old to not be married, your daughter could make him a good match."

"Slay the Draugr and my daughter is his to marry," Hestein said bluntly.

"Elijah," Mikael said looking at his son.

"Is this agreeable to you?" He asked.

"If you think it worthwhile then I agree," Elijah replied.

"Good, take Niklaus and the boy with you," Mikael said bluntly.

"Father, perhaps Thorfinn should stay here, if the Draugr does appear then he'd be woefully unprepared," Elijah tried to reason.

"The boy has trained daily for nearly a moon, think of this as his first test," Mikael said unsympathetically. He didn't think the Draugr was real and he didn't care if Thorfinn died, so nothing Elijah could say would change his mind.

"Very well Father," Elijah said as he took his seat again.

Hestein stood up as his business was completed as he walked by Thorfinn he looked down with an expression that could only be deceived as apologetic "I'm sorry lad, but I'll do anything at this point," he said before walking with Mikael back to the entrance and leaving. Thorfinn wasn't sure if the Draugr was real but one thing he did know was that Hestein believed in it with every ounce of his heart.

That thought terrified him.

(AN: So the first sex scene, there will be a lot in this fic, anyway how was it? I tried to make it longer and more detailed. Did ya boy do good? The next chapter will be Hesteins farm and after that will be the end of spring which will lead to Ragnars journey west. Hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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