

In a world in which violence is triumphed and rewarded, fighters from all around the world have a dream of making it to the big time. The fighters who compete at the world fight championships are some of the most respected and feared humans on the planet. But these fights are no ordinary fights, specialized potions can be taken to help enhance a fighter’s skillset. These potions are highly dangerous and should not get into the hands of people who do not know how to harness the powers they possess. Fighters are ranked by their combat level which is earned through tournaments, winning fights, completing challenges and studying alongside specialized trainers. An orphan boy named Chase, a young 16-year-old, lost in the world, with no real passion for life is about to have his life turned upside down when he meets someone who will change his life forever. Can Chase make it to the world fight championships and sketch his name in to history? Who knows, the journey will certainly not be easy and there will be many bumps and challenges along the way.

Pepperswrites · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Bully victim

"What the hell are those shoes, Chase?" "Can't your parents afford to buy you a new pair?" A large gang of boys sniggered, knowing full well that Chase's parents had died when he was young. The large group continued the relentless bullying, whilst Chase tilted his head downwards looking at his worn-out shoes which had definitely seen better days. The anger was building up inside, blood rushing to his head, A world wind of emotion ready to be unleashed.

"SCREW YOU GUYS!!!" Chase yelled.

"What was that, do you want to say that again?" The head of the gang of the boys responded.

They were now face to face with Chase, surrounding him like a pack of wolves. Chase began to retreat, now regretting his outburst, but then backed up into one of the boys from the gang. They began to push Chase around the circle similar to a pin ball machine. He knew if he thought back, the outcome would not be great, but he felt as if he had no other option.

Then BANG! A punch was thrown in Chase's direction. He could not take this anymore, the years of relentless harassment and bullying, it was too much. Chase began to throw his arms in a windmill motion, wildly throwing punches hoping to make contact with everything within his close proximity. He catches one boy straight in the nose, down he went, then another, suddenly his chances were not looking so grim.

Then just as Chase began to feel optimistic, two of the remaining three boys grabbed an arm each of Chase's whilst the leader of the gang strutted towards him. He seemed to have some sort of weapon in his hand, a small blade of some kind, scraping it along the fence beside them as some form of intimidation tactic.

"Things are not looking so great for you now are they, Chase Boy? No Parents to save you, What a shame" He sarcastically remarked.

"You are going to pay for what you just did" as the gang leader raised his arm blade in hand.

Chase began to flinch, eyes closed, head down, attempting to curl up into a ball but remained restraint, expecting to be stabbed any second now.

When suddenly, out of nowhere an old sounding voice demanded "STOP RIGHT NOW !!".

"What are you going to do old man?" the gang leader snarled.

"You will leave right now if you know what's good for you" he responded.

"Oh really? Go get him boys!!"

The gang dropped Chase to the floor and charged towards the old man when out of nowhere the old man chops both guys in the throat with the side of his hand in a Kung Fu style. The gang leader immediately dropped his blade as he was trembling with fear. He never foresaw what he had just witnessed. Without any hesitation he scattered off quickly, whilst the other gang members followed his lead whilst hobbling along injured.

"Are you ok young boy?" The old man asked.

Chase with one eye peering open looked up to see an old bald man, with a narrow long black pointed beard which overlapped his Kung Fu style black and red robe. At first glance, this man was not intimidating in the slightest, he was very short, there was no way that anyone would believe he was capable of the ass kicking he just gave.

"Who are you?" Chase asked ever so timidly.

"My name is Sensei Li" the old man responded.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Chase asked rather nervously.

"Well I am a teacher at the local fight academy down the road, I specialize in Kung Fu, but I teach my students all fight disciplines."

Now everything began to make more sense to Chase, as his nervousness began to change into curiosity.

"You don't suppose you could help train me a little do you? I need to get those thugs for myself".

Hesitantly Sensei Li respond's "fighting is not for everyone young boy, it is a dangerous cruel world, fighting is an art, you cannot abuse this power out of hatred and revenge, it must be used for self-defense only."

"I promise I will not, I just want to learn from you". Chase eagerly responds not giving a care of whether he is telling the truth or not. He just wanted the opportunity to train with Sensei Li.

Sensei Li begins to strut away slowly whilst Chase begins to lose all hope, until Sensei Li then slows down his stride, looks back over his shoulder and says "Tomorrow, 5PM, my fight academy, be there!".

This is a new novel that I wish to update frequently. If you would like to see more chapters then please show your support by any means you can. Every bit of support is sincerly appreciated.

Pepperswritescreators' thoughts