
Fierce Love (BL)

Kence Russel Crosmoner, a man that doesn't believe in love because he witnesses how love can be devastating for those who experience it. He originally thought that he will not love anyone yet the unexpected variable - Calter Sternix entered his life and made him fall in love After many struggles, the two Alphas entered a loving yet hidden relationship. Kence is a famous actor and to protect his fame, he cannot publicly announce his relationship. Calter's family on the other hand doesn't want him to be with Kence. Everything should have been alright but because of the Sternix Family and Calter's childhood sweetheart - Eriel things have change Kence endured for years before he decided that he cannot take it anymore. He confronted his boyfriend to end their relationship just to get into a car accident and he was sent to 2 years in the past. This time, Kence will end things with Calter again and regain his peaceful life That was Kence's plan but what the hell is happening in this world? The legends of the earth being a world of supernatural actually appeared to be true? Kence now has to keep himself away from his ex-boyfriend that just won't let him go while making sure that he is safe from the supernatural things happening in this world --------- This is a Bl novel packed with Action Fantasy

KenceRussel · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
166 Chs

Chapter 8: Aggressiveness

Kence enjoyed the astonished look in one of the people he hated. In the past, he never did something like this since he needs to have a clean and good reputation. It causes some people to think that he was a pushover which is far from the truth since he was just painfully enduring it. But now, he doesn't care about anything like that anymore and there is no need for him to endure this humiliation

Because of Kence's unusual actions, James was not able to react even after a few seconds had passed already. He was too immersed in staring at Kence's silver eyes that seem to hold the power to destroy him

James is one of the people that thought Kence is a pushover yet he was currently being proved wrong

"Cat got your tongue?" Kence asked in a sneering manner causing James to feel immense shame. How can he easily accept that the man he can bully before is now fighting back with this level of aggressiveness? His pride will not allow that

James pushed Kence's hands away from him before smiling wickedly. "Never thought that a kind and gentle actor like you has this side or is this the true you?"

Despite not thinking much, Kence can still understand the scheme of this man. That would work for the past him but certainly not the current him

"Yes, this is the real me and I'll give you the honor to witness it" Kence said with a smirk before grabbing a handful of James' hair and slammed his face in the table

Fortunately, the area that Kence pulled him on doesn't contain any glass in it. If not, James' face might have been disfigured already. Despite that, James still got dizzy because of the impact while blood trickled down from the wound in his forehead

"Weak!" Kence ridiculed. He was composed outside but his blood is boiling fiercely inside. This is too exhilarating! Who said that revenge is not a good thing? Just look at how Kence enjoyed making his enemy pay for all of their actions!

Seeing that the biggest obstacle was caught off guard and defeated by him, Kence turned his attention back to the gossiping people around him that flinches hard because of his stare

"If you are going to gossip about someone in front of them, make sure that you are strong enough to receive their retaliation. Even celebrities are humans! We have our own emotions and if you people keep pushing things too hard, we will also hit our limits. When that time comes, don't even feel wronged if we make all of you pay"

After finishing his words, Kence went back to his stool in the bar counter and ignored the people he bullied back. Even until now, the guards of this club were not doing anything against him despite his behavior. As expected of Calter Sternix, he indirectly appointed Kence as the King of this place

Kence originally only wants to have a peaceful night but he needs to admit that it also felt good when he retaliated back then. In happiness, Kence turned to look at the club's bartender that flinches from his gaze

"Give me your strongest drink here!" Kence ordered in a joyful tone before remembering something. "Never mind, I don't like something bitter. Just give me a stronger drink that does not have a bitter taste"

The bartender immediately attended to Kence's needs before the latter turned to look at Rhash in the side

"I know I'm handsome but please throw away the stars in your eyes. I can see them even just by using my peripheral vision" Kence said haughtily but Rhash's admiration for him didn't vanish at all

"So cool!" Rhash said and gave Kence a thumbs up


Dragon Globe Corporation Main Building

Inside the room of the CEO, a man with disheveled golden hair can be seen. He was wearing an expensive suit that matches his status with stacks of papers piled on his desk

At normal times, Calter's work pace was extremely efficient. With his high intellect, it was easy for him to finish the paperwork ahead of time

However, ever since he got back from Kence's home, he cannot focus on his work at all. His mind was in a mess while he can feel a stabbing pain in his heart

It was taking all of Calter's willpower to stop himself from chasing Kence. He felt like that man is the only one that can remove all these negative feelings he was currently experiencing

Too bad that Calter cannot do that. The papers on his table were things he needs to finish as soon as possible. After what happened last night, he cannot focus on his work at all causing a lot of delays

Calter even took a break to go to Kence's home and he spent quite a bit of time there enduring the pain with unknown origin. His instincts were telling him that it was all because of Kence but he cannot meet him for now

Calter knew Kence very well. In the past, although it was easy to anger Kence, he only needs to coax him a bit. However, if the coaxing failed, that means the issue was not a small one

In times like this, chasing after Kence for forgiveness will either make him happy or his anger would just rise another level which is something Calter cannot afford

The nightmare he had was still affecting him and he feared that showing himself at a time like this would make his nightmare come true. Whenever Calter thought of that, his pheromones will go berserk and the employees who want to approach him would be forced to their knees

Only people with powerful pheromones can withstand his violent mood. Most of them came from families that are said to have a supernatural being's ancestor just like the Sternix Family

That is the case for Eriel Lamine. Since she is close to Calter, the company employees were afraid of stopping her. After all, as long as she doesn't cross the line, even Calter will let her do as she pleases

When Eriel opened the office's door, her senses were assaulted by Calter's berserk pheromones and she was surprised. At normal times, although she would still be affected by Calter's pheromones, it was not to this extent. Seems like something bad really happened to Calter

With shaking knees, Eriel portrayed a graceful and elegant image for herself. She cannot make herself look weak

Eriel has long silky black hair with purple-colored eyes. She was taller than most girls and her poised bear the bearing of a Noble Lady

She has the aura of both an elegant woman and a seductress which can draw more attention to herself as the ones that will saw her will become conflicted

"Brother Calter, I heard that you are not in a good mood. Can I invite you to dinner to cheer you up?"

Eriel's voice can make people think that they belonged to a Goddess. It was the kind of voice you will never get tired of even after you heard it every day

With all her good points, men and women will surely kneel down to have her. Unfortunately for them, she is only interested in one man and Eriel is determined to take back what is 'rightfully hers'

To make sure that she can make Calter agree with her, Eriel also releases her Pheromones. It was said that the Lamine Family was a descendant of mermaids

In the legends, mermaids have unparalleled beauty and one of their biggest talents is turning a sea beast into their pet. They have the ability to calm the heart of any living creature

Since Calter has this dark mood, this was probably related to Kence. As much as Eriel doesn't want to admit it, Kence was more effective at calming Calter than even her Pheromones that has the touch of a mermaid

Since Kence is not here, the two must have had a huge fight and this is Eriel's chance to be alone with her Calter. With her Pheromones that can slightly soothes Calter's violent mood, he surely would not reject her

As expected, Calter starts to contemplate. He knew how much Kence hates it when he is with Eriel but he cannot just ignore her. Eriel is a close childhood friend of his and not to mention, Calter also needs her

Calter knew that his mood can't continue being in this state. If he showed even the slightest bit of incompetency, he feared that it will shake his position as the Sternix Family's successor. That is something he can never allow to happen

Thus, Calter was ready to accept Eriel's invitation since her Pheromones can really calm him a bit. But before he can do that, Calter suddenly receives a message

When Calter looks at the message's contents, his mood darkened by another degree. Even an omega at Eriel's caliber cannot use her pheromones to calm this man at all

Calter's eyes turned into a chaotic mixture of blue and purple like a galaxy again. The message came from Rhash and it was a picture of Kence and an unknown woman clinging to him

Remembering the nightmare he had last night, Calter was not able to stop himself from slamming his fist on the office table. Calter can bend metals, his office table was made of expensive wood and is not as strong as a metal

Thus, the table expectedly broke into two while Calter only received a minor graze in his fist

"B-Brother C-Calter" Eriel muttered with a bit of a fearful tone. It was not like she never saw Calter get angry especially when it comes to Kence but what is with these pheromones?

The feeling of being with a dangerous dragon was much more prominent this time. It was already taking everything of Eriel to continue standing. But if this goes on, she would be forced in her knees just like the other people with weak pheromones

"Sorry, I need to go somewhere" Calter darkly said before storming out of his office

Calter will never let his nightmare come true. No men or women can touch what is his! He will make sure that Kence will never flirt with anyone again!

At a speed that Calter never thought he had, he reaches the parking lot where his car is located. He angrily uses his keys to open the door and entered it as fast as he can

Calter starts the car and sped off the road. His grip on the steering wheel was so tight it was almost destroyed by him. If he wasn't forcefully controlling himself, he would have destroyed it already

Calter cannot do that though as he needs this car to reach Kence

While on the road, Calter received another message. He originally doesn't want to check it but he remembered the photo of Kence and another woman again. What if Kence is now doing 'it'?

Now that Calter thinks of it, the background seems to be the Hijin Club. He specifically ordered the owner to take good care of Kence and they might be reporting something to him

"Kence Russel Crosmoner, I won't let you go back in your womanizing days!" Calter said through gritted teeth before fishing out his phone and checking what message he had received

Although Calter knows that Kence is not the type of person to cheat, he was still being overcome by jealousy. And he doesn't know why but his possessiveness of Kence seems to have grown a lot

It was like if he doesn't do something, his lover will be taken away from him. There is a deep sense of anxiety creeping in his heart. Calter didn't know it at that time but that is a premonition

When Calter read the message he received, he was relieved at first since it is not a report of Kence's cheating actions. However, in the next second, he frowned and felt worried

The message states that Kence "fought" with the people in the club and offended a lot of them. This made Calter extremely worried since Kence surely wouldn't do this without a good reason. Just what happened in there?