
FGO: Parallel chaos

The ordinary FGO player became the master of Chaldea. What can he do in this chaotic world that doesn't go according to the plot?

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27 Chs

Chapter 11. meeting and simulation

When the light from the summoning disappeared, Ozymandias was the first to speak. Raising his hand in front of him, he said: "Behold! Before you is the king over all kings Ozymandias. I have honored your boring and everyday life with my presence!"

Nitocris ran up to Ozymandias in joy.

"My king! You're finally here! I'm so glad you came to us!"

Ozymandias was a little surprised, but then he laughed out loud.

"Hahahahahaha! Not bad master Chaldea! You were able to summon not only me, but also Nitocris. I praise you on behalf of the sun king. You can tell me what you want, I, as a great Pharaoh, will fulfill your wish!"

Victor looked at the whole scene and thought to himself:

(Will he constantly talk about himself in the first, then in the third person? And why does he call himself differently every time?)

Having got rid of this thought, Victor replied: "My king, I don't need anything from you. I have called you to help me in the preservation of humanity. After all, what is the meaning of fulfilling a wish when there is nothing left of humanity?"

Ozymandias looked closely at Victor's eyes as if he wanted to see something in them. After 10 seconds, Ozymandias stopped looking at Victor's eyes.

"Like it! I like your eyes! This is the look of someone who is determined to do what he said to himself. I recognize you as the master of Chaldea and be sure that this king will give you his help!"

Cu Alter got a little mad from Pharaoh's noisy speech.

"Can you shut your mouth at last? Although I have seen many kings, but you are the only one there who can shout loudly."

Ozymandias turned to Cu Alter and chuckled a little.

"I praise you for the courage to interrupt our conversation. And now, as a Pharaoh, I will punish you in the most cruel way, a rabid servant."

"Try if you can. I've never run away from battles."

Cu Alter was about to throw himself at Ozymandias when Li Shuwen appeared between them.

"I think both of you should stop this behavior in front of our master. Otherwise, what kind of servants will we be if we can't even reconcile for the sake of the master?"

Ozymandias and Cu Alter froze in place. They had a feeling that this servant could kill them at any moment, which was very absurd.

"Hahahaha! Who would have thought that an ordinary human who became a servant would be able to threaten this king! But it's worth admitting that your strength is just huge"

Ozymandias ceased his actions, and with him Cu Alter.

Li Shuwen lifted his glasses a little and said, "Thank you for your words, but I'm just someone who follows the path of martial arts."

Li Shuwen then turned to Victor.

"My Name Is Li Shuwen. As an assassin, I may not be very good, but in close combat I will be able to show myself best. I hope we'll work together"

Finally, Katou Danzou was the last to introduce herself.

"The new master is registered. Katou Danzou welcomes you. As a ninja, I will be your blade and do whatever you order."

Victor finally sighed. He was able to summon 3 SSR and 1 SR servant. And everyone belonged to different singularities and Lostbelts.

"As you have already understood, I am your new master Victor. I hope you can lend your strength to save humanity!"

Hearing Victor's words, all the servants, old and new, smiled.

Then the acquaintance of the old servants with the new ones began.

Nitocris was talking to Ozymandias about life in Chaldea.

Archer Emiya, Lancelot, and Bedivere discussed future battle tactics with Lee Shuwen.

Katou Danzou stood next to Mash and Da Vinci. Da Vinci was examining Danzou with bright eyes. Danzou herself was a little embarrassed by such persistence. Mash sighed at this behavior of Da Vinci.

The funniest thing was the meeting of the three Cu.

Cu Alter looked at the other two Cu and said, "I understand why there's a normal version of me here, but to be summoned as a caster? It's a shame"

Cu Caster was outraged by this suggestion.

"What? Why am I a disgrace? I think you're the one who's weird. It's not clear where you came from at all. And that tail. Don't tell me you've become half dragon?"

"I became like this because of the holy grail. And you are a disgrace precisely because you were summoned because of this woman's rune magic." Cu Alter said with a little disgust.

"Are you talking about Scathach? You're lucky she's not in Chaldea, otherwise she would have killed you for sure!" Cu Caster was amazed by the boldness of his version of the Berserker.

Cu alter chuckled at Custer's words.

"Unlike the two of you, she can't beat me. And the battle with her will be very interesting"

Lancer and Custer Cu looked at him and remembered that he was a Berserker. And they always have something wrong with their head.


After finishing the conversations, Victor turned to everyone.

"From today, training begins without rest. I, like you, will overcome my limits during this training. Maximum break for sleep, food and toilet, is it clear to everyone?"

All the servants responded with a furious nod.

Victor thought that it was Ozymandias who would say something about this, but to his surprise he was serious.

Victor turned to Dr. Roman and Da Vinci, and then nodded.

After some time, the simulator started.

Da Vinci gave a little briefing.

"Various opponents and environments will be waiting for you in the simulation. Each time, as you progress, the difficulty will increase. So I advise you to save your strength for stronger enemies. That's it for me"

After Da Vinci's words, Victor and his servants stood on the platform to enter the simulation.

Finally, Chaldeas, who was on top of them, began to rotate rapidly and a strong magical force began to emanate from him.

"I confirm the output of magic power! 7%, 19% … 100%"

"Simulation starts! Launch!"

The voices of the Chaldean staff who worked on this process were heard.

Then Victor and his servants disappeared into the bright light.