
Ferd's Secret

My eyes met hers immediately, before I asked the question that has been on my mind for the past few weeks. "How do you know my real name?". It was in that exact moment that Mario took a threatening step towards me and Victor who had been serious this entire time stood up from our table and placed his body between Mario and I. "Why don't you take a step back Mario", Vic glared at him, well I think he was glaring I couldn't exactly see his expression from where I was still seated. "What's going on?", Celeste whispered from beside me. All I could do was shrug. What was going on? Before I could respond to Mario's earlier allegations the sound of static from the speakers over head interrupted the entire room. "Ferdinand Solace, Ferdinand Solace please report to the principals office now", a scraggly voice I assumed was the woman at the front desk said. Those words seemed to douse Mario's temper more and he lunged at me but luckily Victor's unmoving stature was dependable. This time. "I'll ruin you nerd", Mario spat at me. "I swear to God Solace if my brother gets expelled I'll make sure you never show your face here again". It was the way that he'd said my name that definitely got my attention. It was a threat, plain and simple. My face paled much at his words. Was he finally going to use my secret against me? His eye were determined and for the first time I was honestly afraid of what Mario would do.

Tanashae_Rowe · perkotaan
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31 Chs

Ferd Don’t take it to Heart

"So that little snake Mario has been running his mouth", Jason continued. His expression had turned severely bitter in the last three seconds.

"I've never really liked him", Jason mutters then he looked Ari dead in the eye, "or you".

I admit it was a bit harsh and I could've said something. I could've done something to defend her but I honestly didn't care too much about any hurt feelings right now.

It happened so fast and in the blink of an eye Ari was up on her feet standing in front of Jason with wide yet defiant eyes.

"What are you doing here?", she demanded, "I know enough to know that you're not his cousin".

"It doesn't matter what I am. What matters is what you've done. You and your little boyfriend Mario has put Julian's life in danger! Do you even understand the consequences of your actions?"

"This is not my fault", she cried out, "the moment that I found out about the documents Mario had I tried to protect Julian. Even though he had lied to me about who he really was, but still I would never do anything to put him in danger. Why do you think I was even with Mario in the first place? He promised to keep Julian's secret if I agreed to be his girlfriend! and I did".

Jason seemed a bit taken back after Ariadne's revelation but his thoughtful expression soon changed and morphed back to its previous malice.

"You're going to tell us everything that you know", Jason spoke after a while, there was less hostility in his voice than before. "You say you have Julian's best interest at heart so prove it and tell us everything you know".


A few hours later Victor, Jason and I sat in the living room. Silence ushered over us. Jason had suggested that we call Victor into the room while Ari explained everything to us and now in the aftermath of her confession we all sat stunned and alone, awaiting what our next move would be.

Ari had been long gone when the sound of the doorbell snapped us out our reverie and I was glad because when Jason opened the door and my dad walked inside I knew that stuff was about to really get serious.

"What are you doing here?", that's the first thing he says. Not hi or hello and his question is directed towards Jason.

"He's here because I want him here", I answered standing up from my place on the couch and I can't believe you had the nerve to take advantage of my memory loss like that dad. I mean you fired Jason! Seriously? It wasn't even his fault".

His eyes narrowed at me but I didn't miss the partial surprise that played in them at the actual fact that I had stood up to him.

Finally, he sighed and looked away from my glaring eyes, "I'm not here because of that", he stepped further into the house and Jason took his suitcase from him and brought it upstairs. When my dad didn't protest I knew that me hiring Jason back wasn't going to be a big problem, probably because we already had bigger problems.

Dad and Victor shook hands in greeting and exchanged a friendly nod. As soon as Jason was back downstairs Dads serious exterior came back.

"I've already looked at Mario's file", he stated in that serious business tone I am so unaccustomed to him actually using with me. "Now, tell me everything else I need to know".

And we told him. Sparing no details.


My bodyguard and I sat at the edge of our seats while my dad paced around the room with his jaw clenched tightly.

"What are thinking?", I dared to ask.

When his eyes met mine with such stony determination I knew what his plan was.

"I'm afraid that your time here has expired Julian. It's time to move on from this place, you're not safe here and there is no way that I am ever risking him finding you".

We both knew who the 'him' was that he was talking about. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine and I cringed just thinking about his name.

Alister Revere

"So, I'm finally going to get to go home?", I wasn't sure if I should be happy or slightly distraught about that. Afterall it's what I have wanted for a long time.

"I never said you were going home", Leonardo's voice broke me away from my thoughts.

I wasn't sure I had heard him right. He had got to be kidding me.

"Pardon me?", I asked my dad for reaffirmation.

"You heard correctly Julian", Leonardo continued, "You leave on Sunday, until then you will go about your life as if nothing has happened. No one can be suspicious or see this coming".

Somehow even though I had known that this was coming. Even though I knew this was the plan he'd eventually fall back on I couldn't help the spark of anger that ignited in my chest. I wanted to argue it out and rebel against his decision but I simply couldn't. I knew exactly why he was doing this; I've always had a great relationship with my dad and I knew that this was his way of protecting me. He didn't mind uprooting me from my life and moving me to God knows where as long as I'd be safe and yet even though I knew that, I couldn't help but to resent him a little for it.

"Why not leave now though?", I found myself asking. "It's the middle of the week and Sunday is days away from now. If I'm in danger why not leave immediately?".

"You're not in imminent danger Julian. Because from what you've told me about Ariadne I can only assume that Alister doesn't know about you yet. As for the delay, I need time to get those stolen files back from Mario".

"And what if he made copies?", Victor asked and my dad turned to look at him.

"You, Jason and I will deal with that".

His tone was final and as he turned to leave I realized there was still something important that wasn't mentioned.

"Where am I going to go when I leave here", all three pair of eyes were on me right then. I half expected my father to get angry. Not that he's usually an angry person but the smile that broke unto his face took me by surprise.

"This was the real reason I had you apply to WSU early", he explained, "I was afraid that one day the stolen file would turn up and cause more problems for you. So, to answer your question. Your next move is to Washington. No one will find you there, no one will even think to look for you there".