

Fenrir snuck towards the noise. He didn't want to expose himself to a high-ranking beast. Even though Reginald had educated him a little on the magic beasts this area had, and how most of them were in the lowest rank, there could be a few exceptions.

It was rare, but sometimes a rank B beast could make its way near human settlements. If this were to happen, the royal family would have to send out mages to take it down. Even then, by the time they got there, there would be casulties.

Fenrir couldn't take that chance. He wasn't confident in his ability to even take down a rank C magical beast. This was even the first time he was going to fight something, and he only knew one spell.

As he got closer, something small came into his view. It's a white rabbit with enters. This was the first time Fenrir had seen a magical beast. From what he remembered, these things can cast lighting. However, they are very weak.

'So where did that growl come from?' Fenrir thought. Reginald didn't educate him on the sounds animals make, but he was sure such a sound didn't come from this creature.

While the rabbit's back was turned, Fenrir created a ball of fire in his hand to launch at it. Just before he did, the rabbit turned around. Its red eyes locked with his as electrical currents ran up its antlers.

He then heard the same growl from earlier comming from the rabbit. This caused Fenrir to hesitate. The rabbit then shot lighting hitting Fenrir causing him go pass out.


Back at Reginald's house. He was busy rewriting his master plan. Letting Fenrir leave the house for a while allowed him to concentrate better. However, he knew he wasn't prepared to fight some of the magic beasts nearby. There was only a small chance that he could die.

"Damn." Reginald cursed out loud. "I've been so focused on this that I barely taught him anything. At this rate, when he reaches the academy, his fellow students will think he was living under a rock his entire life."

Reginald tried to calm himself down for a second. He remembered how it had only been a couple days. "I let him explore the forest so soon? I really am a bad teacher."

Reginald slapped himself in the face to help get his thoughts calmed down. Ever since he could remember, he had always been worried about everything. That's why he tried to plan out everything in his life.

He made backup plans and tried to be ready for anything that could go wrong. However, his plan to summon the demon was so well thought out in his mind that didn't expect it to fail. Then again, he wondered if he could call this a failure. At least he manged to summon one.

He took a deep breath to and calmed his mind. 'What's done is done.' He thought. 'Although, I am still worried about him. If he were to die, it would take years to gather all the materials I need for another summoning.'

As Reginald was lost in thought, the front door opened. Fenrir took a step inside and Reginald's heart sank as he saw the condition he was in.

"I lost to a rabbit." Fenrir said as he inspected the burnt fur around his body.

Reginald once again calmed down seeing that he didn't have any major injuries and thought it was kind of funny. "I wouldn't expect you to beat it so soon . Also, I told you it was called a Jackalope. Rabbits use wind magic, and there's no way wind magic did this to you."

In Reginald's life, he had fought enough battles to recognize the damage from lighting magic.

Reginald walked over to Fenrir to inspect him for any injuries, but he was confused when you couldn't see any. "Why aren't you injured?"

"Oh, I was." Fenrir replied. "They must have healed."

"Healed? That quickly?" Reginald thought for a moment and realized he didn't know anything about this demons natural magic abilities. Demons consisted of different species, each one had unique innate abilities. Since the only information he could go off was mythology of this world, he decided it was the best thing to do more research.

He wasn't sure how accurate the books were. From what he read, werewolves were humans who could transform into mindless wolflike creatures. However, Fenrir was completely different. The only thing that was accurate was his abnormal healing rate.

"Hold on." Reginald said. "Where's your ring?"

Fenrir looked at his hand for a moment and realized it wasn't on his hand anymore. "I must have lost it."

Reginald pinched the bridge of his nose as he contemplated Fenrir's stupidity. Them again, after suffering a humiliating defeat like that, he wondered if his mind would be too distracted to notice something like that either.

In the end Reginald decided it wasn't a big deal. He had more enchanted rings to change someone appearance, and although they could be expensive, it wasn't a problem for him.

'The chances of someone seeing him in his wolf form is slim to none. So I probably shouldn't worry about it.'

"Alright then." Reginald said. "I wanted to get you used to this new world first, but since your still incredibly weak, it's time that I train you properly."


At the same time, deep in the nearby forest, a woman was still running away from the thing she had seen a while ago. She had no intentions of staying in the same forest as that thing.

Her black hair was blowing in the wind as she tried to make it out before she ran out of stamina. However, the robes she wore slowed her down. Unlike some mages who used magic to enhance their physical attributes, all she could do was cast spells. That's why it was useless for her to wear something that didn't hinder her movements. She preferred to use defensive spells to prevent any damage.

Before she could reach the nearest human settlement, she stopped and nearly collapsed on the ground due to her fatigue. 'I need to warn everyone about a new magic beqst in the area.' She thought. 'Humanoid beasts are really dangerous, and I've never heard of one that looked like a wolf.'

What Fenrir didn't realize was that while he was walking back to home, the woman had seen him and his charred fur. She was too afraid to confront him because humanoid beasts were generally much stronger and more intelligent than magical beasts.