

Reginald didn't have many fire spells to give to Fenrir. That was to be expected. Reginald had the earth element, while the demon he wanted to summon had the same one as his.

Since he had plenty of earth magic books, the other demon had been the best choice to summon along with other perks. However, he was stuck with this creature. After doing more research, he found out this creature is a werewolf.

He had searched for something about Fenrir's species for several days. His vast collection of books didn't mention anything of the sorts, so he had to visit the library in town to find any information.

Not much is known about them. They tend to stay away from humans just like any magical beast would. However, it was theorized that their species came from another world like the demons do. If that was the case, how did they get here? It's not like there are dimensional portals lying around everywhere.

While Reginald was busy in his own thoughts, Fenrir was bored. Shooting flames out of his hands was cool and all, but it got old fast. He stood up and stretched his arms of his head while he glanced and Reginald.

"I'm heading outside for a bit." Fenrir said because he had been couped up in the house since he was summoned.

"Don't forget to change your appearance before you do."

A day ago, Reginald had introduced Fenrir to magical items. Specifically one item. An inscribed ring that allowed its user to alter their appearance. Of course, this ring was uncommon. It requires a high magic skill to create, and Reginald was one of the few people in the region who could make such a thing.

Inscribed items didn't care about the element of its user. The inscriptions would act as a energy converter. For instance. Water magic could be converted to earth magic. The conversion would loose energy, so it was more efficient for users of the same element to use inscriptions of the same element. However, using an inscription of a different element gave the user a broader fighting repertoire.

Reginald had told Fenrir he could explore the surrounding area as long as he didn't go more than five miles out. Fenrir didn't feel the need to explore until now. His boredom had gotten the better of him.

Even though they were in a secluded area, there was still a chance he could run into another human. That's why Reginald ordered Fenrir to change his appearance before he went out.

Before Fenrir opened the door to head outside, he put the ring on his finger and poured his magic into it. Like all inscribed items, the magic was converted into the element the ring needed to use. His body slowly transformed into that of a teenage boy.

His hair had the same color as his fur. His eyes changed from yellow to green, and his skin was now a slight tan color.

Fenrir was disgusted by his human appearance. His pride hated that he had to take on the form of what he considered to be a lesser being.

He puts those thoughts to the side for now and headed out the door. His plan was to fight magical beasts to become stronger. Initially, he didn't really care about anything. However, seeing how powerful Reginald was made fueled something inside him. For some unknown reason to him, he wanted to become stronger.

He didn't want Reginald to see this side of him, he thought it would be better to train alone and hide his true power for now even though he was currently weak.

Reginald has classified Fenrir to be a rank D mage. It was the lowest rank a mage could have, and it could only be raised by increasing ones magical reserves and the amount of power they could deal out at one time.

Reginald used a special device to measure it. To use it, Fenrir had to pour his magic into as fast as he could. And when it measured the total magical energy that he could store in his body, it calculated both numbers into one. The final number corresponds to the final grade, which for him was the rank D.

There were five ranks in total. Knowing this, Fenrir didn't want to stay at the bottom for long. Especially after hearing that Reginald had the rank of B. Which is two ranks above his.

The rank C is just above D, and it's only considered average. Rank B is advanced, rank A is elite, and rank S is god tier.

Mages can go past rank S in terms of power, but that was the limit of the ranking system. If needed, they would just use SS or SSS for those special cases.

Fenrir wondered about his past life and how stronge he was. Currently, he couldn't figure out why his past self would allow himself to become weaker.

Reginald had mentioned that the demon his past self killed was at least a rank S magic user. So it was hard to imagine why he would accept a contract to become a rank D mage.

Again, Fenrir had to push these thoughts to the side because he knew he might never be able to get the answers he sought.

He took off running into the forest. There was something he wanted to test before he started his training. He wanted to know what would happen if he disobeyed the orders from Reginald. How would the inscriptions around his neck react to his actions?

When he felt like he was getting close to the end of the five miles, he slowed down to a walk. Eventually, the inscriptions around his neck lite up. He found himself unable to venture any further as if body refused to obey his commands.

This was the best case scenario Fenrir had thought of. At worst, he thought the inscriptions would kill him, but he knew that would be a long shot. He then wondered where the nearest human settlement was, but he would have to wait for now.

He turned around and thought of the best ways to train his body and magical abilities. From what Reginald explained to him, both magic reserves and the output of power can be increased just by using magic spells. Of course, the process would be extremely slow even for him.

He could be considered a genius when it came to learning new spells, however, most of the time mages where on the same playing field when it came to increasing their magic level.

That didn't mean everyone increased their magic level at the same rate. Some had advantages over others.

Fenrir planned on staying out in the forest as long as he could. Reginald didn't give him a time frame for when he had to return, and it wasn't like he could travel that far away. Because he was technically part animal, he would easily be able to live in the wild as long as he wanted to.

Just as he was thinking about if he could eat raw meat or not. He heard a growl not too far from his position.