

Several minutes before the spell was completed, a demon was standing in the immortal demonic plane known as Xalander. A dimension covered in fire and lava, it was the homeworld of the demons.

The tall red figure was inspecting the semi transparent blue contract that was in front of him. He pursed his lips as he read the contract. The demonic horns on his head turned a darker shade everytime he read something about it he didn't like.

Humans have made contracts with demons before, but this demon didn't like what he was reading from. His limited knowledge, he could surmise that whoever created it didn't have many sacrifices to make a better one.

He was about to throw the contract away when he noticed a figure walking up from behind him.

"Do you mind if I take a look at it?" An anthromorphic wolf like creature said.

"Of course." The demon replied. But when he turned around to look at the figure, he soon realized it wasn't a demon. "What's a non-demon doing here?"

"I came here to kill a demon lord. After that I got bored and decided to find someone who could give me a good fight." The wolf replied casually.

The demon didn't know how to respond. It was extremely rare for outsiders to come here. The demon couldn't help but to stare at the wolf for a while wondering if he was telling the truth.

The wolf wasn't very patient at this moment. So he reach his anthromorphic hand forward faster than the demon could react. He grabbed the demon's head and crushed it in an instant. He then grabbed the contract with his other hand and started to read it.

'I can see why he was hesitant about this. It would erase all my memories. Also, I would have to give up on all my powers. I'd essentially by starting life from scratch.'

He was fine with this. For a long time now, it was rare for him to encounter someone who could fight him on an even playing field. The major upside was that he wouldn't become a newborn. He would be reborn in a teenage body.

'It's possible I could regain my memories if I created the right spell. But that would only happen after the contract expired, or was completed.'

There were a few ways for a contract to expire. The first one was if the contract holder died unless specified it to continue even after that happened. The second was if the contract holder terminated the contract.

From what this contract explained, it would be valid even if the holder died.

This wasn't a problem either. All he had to do was kill everyone specified in the contract, then it would be completed. After that, he could do anything he wanted.

However, when got down to the last paragraph, he noticed something strange. It mentioned how the summoned creature would have to obey all the commands of the summoner.

'Like a slave then?' He thought. 'That could be fun. I'm always up for new experiences.'

At this point, it seemed like no matter how bad the contract was, he was willing to accept it. He had accomplished all his goals in life, so starting a new one as a slave sounded like an exciting challenge for him.

"I accept."

As soon as he said those words, he found himself in a room with a man staring at him in disbelief. He then saw a man lying on the floor, dead.

"Who are you?" Reginald asked.

The wolf thought for a moment before realizing that he didn't remember anything. In the end, all he could do was to shrug his shoulders.

'Damn, that's right.' Reginal cursed in his mind. 'His memories are gone.'

The reason why Reginald had picked a specific demon in the first place is because the book he had come across documenting the spell had a list of demons and their personalities.

Reginald heaved a sigh. "Fine, I'll allow you to remember your name."

"Allow?" As soon as the wolf asked this question, a name appeared in his mind. "Oh. I guess it's Fenrir Silverfang."

Reginald wanted to find out what happened to the demon he was trying to summon, but if he allowed Fenrir to recall that memory, he couldn't make him forget it. He could only allow him to remember things about his past life, not to forget things. Only the contract could suppress memories.

However, Reginald came up with a plan. If he was specific enough, he could allow Fenrir to only recall what happened the demon. Thst was of course if Fenrir knew anything about it.

"I'll allow you to recall the memoriesyou have a few minutes before you got here. However, it can only be what you see, not what you hear or think."

Then another memory popped into Fenrir's head. Fenrir then proceeded to tell him everything he saw.

Reginald couldn't belive what Fenrir had described. That demon was a high rank. It was strong enough to take down an entire country. And yet, he killed it easily.

Reginald thought of returning Fenrir back to the demon world, but then he would need to find more human sacrifices. On top of that, none of the other demons described in the book fit his criteria.

Reginald massaged his temples as he realized that he had no other choice. He then raised is hand, it his palm started to glow and inscriptions circled around Fenrir's neck like a collar. After a few moments, they disappeared as if they sunk into his skin.

"I also accept the contract." Reginald said. "That collar will make sure you can't break our agreement."

Fenrir rubbed the brown fur on his neck wondering where the inscriptions had gone. Everything was new to him, however, he felt as if he understood something about that inscription spell.

Reginald motioned for Fenrir to follow him upstairs after everything had been taken care of. He was going to order Fenrir to dispose of the body, but he wanted to treate him as a student for the time being.

Even though Fenrir was a demon, Reginald didn't want to make him do something like that yet. Fenrir was now a teenager with a blank slate.

Reginald would dispose of the body when he had time, for now, he wanted to see how fast Fenrir could learn magic.

The first thing Reginald wanted to figure out is which element Fenrir had. Every mage could only use one element with the exception of magical items. Reginald commanded Fenrir to hold his palms together to create a magic orb. The color would determine the element he could use.

Reginald didn't expect Fenrir to get it on the first try, but he did. Usually, it would take a few days or a couple weeks depending on the mage. However, Fenrir was able to make one right away. The color of his orb was red, which meant that Fenrir had the element of fire.

Fire is weak to water, while wind is weak to fire. Water could easily douse flames, while wind would make them stronger.

"Interesting." Reginald said. "It's just like people who get too old and get memory problems. They still have muscle memory, so even if they don't know how they do it, the body still does and it goes through the same movements.

This was good, but Reginald knew that the magic spells they had here had to be different from the demon world.

"You'll have three months to train. After that, I will have to enroll you into the magic academy. I'm one of the teachers there, so I'll be able to keep an eye on you."

"You don't trust me?" Fenrir asked.

"I trust you'll do everything I say." Reginald said. "I know how teenagers are, you'll do something stupid eventually and I'll be there to clean the mess up."

Reginald thought it was strange how Fenrir barely asked any questions. It was as if he knew more than he was letting on, but Reginald knew that was impossible. The truth was, Fenrir didn't care what was happening.

This would be strange for anyone else, however, his personality stayed stayed the same after he came here. In his previous life, when he was young, he was extremely curious. After he became so strong though, that curiosity went away. He felt as if there wasn't much else for him to learn, even though now he barely knew anything.