
Fear the rage of the old man

This is the story about an old man that fought wars, killed people, seeked revenge and obtained it but after that he was alone. Will that change now that he is in Orario? Stay and find out Danmachi AU, i dont own anything except my OCs and this was made out of boredom. English is not my first language so please bear with me book moved from the novels to fanfic

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16 Chs

Surprised Goddess

"what? cat got your tongue?" said Clarion with a smirk.

Eina blushed slightly from embarrasstment but then got a hold of herself and said "No...just got a little nervous. Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Eina Tulle and it seems that i am your new advisor."

As she said that Clarion just smiled and introduced himself "Pleasure to meet you little Eina, my name is Clarion and so it seems, when do we start the lectures about the dungeon?"

"would it be too much problem to start the lectures tomorrow? as you can see i have a little too much work" said Eina with a little annoyed tone because of the fallen papers.

"I do not have a problem with that, how about 8 in the morning?"

"Thank you and yeah that would be great" replied Eina with a relieved tone.

As their little interaction ended Clarion left to the house of the Goddess Bast while wondering 'What type of Goddess is she?' and just like that after 5 minutes of walking he arrived a her house and mused 'nothing too big, a two story house that seems to have a training ground and, is that a tomato crop?'

While he was thinking that, a beautiful woman arpund 1.65 meters tall, with cat ears and a tail all coloured black approached him from behind while carrying some bags with groceries. "Hello dear, what can i do for you?" said the cat woman with a polite tone and a curious glint in her eyes.

"Oh i´m here to meet with the goddess Bast for an interview"

"Well you are lucky because that is me, follow me inside and then we can start your interview, perhaps you are Clarion?" replied Bast while walking towards the door.

"Yes that would be me" answered with a smile Clarion

Once inside he could see the decoration were all golden 'mmm maybe she is from the southest pantheon, what was called? egyptian?' while he was thinking the goddess Bast guided him towards a room with a desk and libraries filled with books

'everyone seemed to posses an office here' are they very important?' he wondered with curiosity.

"Sit here please and wait me for a minute while a drop the groceries in the kitchen" said the goddess Bast as she was leaving the office.

When she left the room, clarion instead of sitting went to a library and picked up a book that was about growing tomatoes. 'hmm, maybe she wrote this book because it has some notes about the growing phase'

After a couple of minutes reading the book, Bast came back from the kitchen and saw him reading the book "interested on growing tomatoes?" said Bast in an interested tone.

"Yes but i do not posses the capabilities to take care of life with my hands" replied Clarion while he closed the book and put it back in the shelf.

"Oh well then that's a shame, ok let's start with the interview. I will ask you some questions about you and of your past, are you ok with that?" said Bast with a serious tone.

"I do not have a problem with that"

"well then first, were you in a familia before? and are you from here?"

"Yes, i was in the Tyr Familia and i'm not from here, i was born, raised and lived in a village very far away from here"

"ohhh, Tyr descended? that would explain why he didn't visit anymore. Well then, why did you came here and what are your intentions regarding the dungeon?"

"I came here to fulfill a promise made long ago and i wish to be stronger than before" said with a sad tone at first and it became a little angered at the end while looking to the ground.

"Ok then, that is all, i wouldn't have accepted you if you said you wanted to become famous and/or rich as that often comes with a rotten mind and soul. Well then sit here, take off your shirt and face your back to me so we can start the ceremony".

As he did what she told him to do the goddess Bast saw his back full of scars, some where long, some where short, and one specific seemed to go from his heart as if someone pierced it. 'poor child, it seems he went through some problems, don't tell me that you created a familia to go to war Tyr?' thought Bast a little mad at her friend.

"Everything right back there, goddess Bast?" asked Clarion as she seemed lost in thought. "yeah, just... thinking" replied with a soft tone.

As she said that she started the ceremony by pricking her index finger with a needle till it started bleeding, then she slide her finger from the top to the middle of his back and started inscribing her familia crest.

After 10 minutes of the proccess she saw his stats and was shocked with them.


Name: Clarion Pax

Age: 63

Level 4

STR: B 798

END: B 775

DEX: C 682

AGI: C 697

MAG: SS 1047


Abnormal Resistance: G

Mage: B

Magic Resitance: A


Undying Rage: Gives Healing capabilities and strenght the greater the feelings of anger. At maximum the host can heal from a pierced heart or smashed head, release a heat from the body but loses its mind.

Eye of the Fallen King: Gives the host manipulation of the environment. The stronger the action is, greater the consumption and the brighter the glow it emanates.

Blessing of the Storm: Gives the host control over lighting. Host can enchant weapons with lightning but it will burn it over time. Host can enchant himself with the risk of being damaged by the magic.


Atlas Grip: Bind the beings marked as enemies with an inmmense pressure. The host cannot move after finishied the chant.

chant: You who are the bearer of my strength, keep my enemies at bay. You who were punished to bear the weight of heaven, make my enemies bear your weight. ATLAS GRIP.


After reading his stats, she inscribed them on a paper to let him see it but it seems that he already knows them. she breathed in ans then..."YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE A LEVEL 4!!" shouted Bast.

"Wasn't it writed on the application?" replied calmly Clarion and started putting on his old shirt.

"I... uhh... I suppose it went past my head, tehe"said in an embarrassed tone.

'tehe? aren't you old enough to stop saying that?' wondered our not so little old man. "well i suppose that now that im the strongest and oldest in your familia makes me some sort of advisor?"

"Yeah, but doesn't it means that you may need to take the mantle of the captain?" said Bast a in a confused tone as she doesn't know what to do now that her familia has a level 4 and her captain has recently leveled up to 3.

"Not necessarily, your current captain knows better your other familia members than me, so it is much more reliable than me." 'it also relieve me from a burden i do not want to carry' thought Clarion.

"Yeah that would be flr the best, well then i welcome you to my familia Clarion!!!" said Bast in a joyous tone knowing her familia is growing more stronger. "there are some free rooms where you could move in".

"that would be nice, but first i need to retrieve some things that i left back in the inn"

After he said that they had a little chat about little things like when will he move o if he could help her manage the crops, simple things until they arrived at the door and they parted away to continue their things. 'i never thought i would have been accepted so fast into a familia' mused our not so little old man while he was walking towards the guild to update misha.

Once he was there he asked for misha and was told to go to her office and that he did. When he entered her office he could se her finishing some paperwork and said "Hello Misha and sorry for bringing more work to you".

"ah hello Clarion, don't worry about it what is it that you bring me?". said with a tired tone but with a smile.

"I have been accepted into the goddess Bast familia and brought my status sheet" said with a notably happy tone Clarion.

"ohhh congratulations then Clarioon!! let me see your status so that i can stick it into your file and then you can leave the rest to me". replied with a joyious tone while jumping. Once Clarion gave her his status sheet she was surprised , you could say shocked even as she froze. "YOUR LEVEL A LEVEL 4 WITH 3 SKILLS!!!!... well it isn't impossible for levels 4 to have so many skills but it was a surprise nonetheless. And 63 years old you could be my grandfather!!!"

"Yeah i get that a lot" said Clarion with amusement plastered on his face. "well i supposed that is all, i will leave you with your shock here Misha and goodbye!!"

When he left he passed near the clock that was on the wall of the guild to check the time. 'huh a lot of time has passed already, it is highnoon, i'll go to the dungeon and check how it is on the first floors' while he thought that he was already nearing the entrance of the dungeon.

That is all for today <3