
Fear the Night

In a dark world, on a mountain lives a crossbreed that tries to survive. Even though he is part goblin, he just doesn't look like one and that makes his life harder then needed. His tribe is hard enough on him but in the outside world it will be only harder. And that he will learn the hard way.

Ro_King · Fantasi
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127 Chs


Rosch was tired, but didn't sleep. It was still bright outside and he had stuff to do. Silvana on the other hand layed on Rosch making her body as small as possible to fit on him. The ground was could and she wanted the warmth of Rosch. She beamed with happiness. Completely different from before.

"You seem happy. I must have been very good right?", Rosch asked teasingly.

Silvana puffed her cheeks up, almost like Suz often does. Rosch had to laugh at that. They truly are blood related.

"Yes, it took some load of my mind. Even though I will have to learn sharing you, I am much happier knowing that you have to please me in any way I want, or else I am gone. And my you, my little baby Rosch would never let that happen, right?", Silvana teased a bit back, making Rosch jump and kiss her. He went down with his hand, while touching her chest.

" Seems like I have to become harder on you. Or your mind really thinks it can leave from now on. ", Rosch countered again, which Silvana took seriously.

"No Rosch or I won't be able to walk at all.", her eyes pleaded and Rosch started to laugh, as he went up and kissed her. They both still did some smalltalk and talked about Galia. She will be staying with Silvana for now.

"Good, if that's all. I need to prepare something. And in two days I have a meeting that I need to attend.", Rosch said, while sighing. He knew the more subordinates he would get the more work would wait for him, too.

" Wait, before you go. I need to ask you something. I have to much work lately, but that isn't an excuse. I think I am more scared. I need to talk to Schajana. We talked after the war, but since we came to the village it stopped. I don't know how to approach her and she probably doesn't know either. Can you help us? And when we meet maybe stay with us?", Silvana said with teary eyes. It seemed she was scared about a real talk with her daughter. The days they traveled to the village was hard, they talked a bit, but exhaustion was stronger. To that came, they weren't many healers, so helping others was their main job. Now Silvana jumped into work making it seem that she can't just meet with Schajana, showing how scared she is of a meeting with her daughter.

Rosch nodded happily. He wanted them to get along and even more help Schajana to kill the demons she has. She truly wants to know why she was left behind.

Rosch left, walking back to his cave. But he was surprised by Gub.

"Chiefling, the being that you told me to search for is still alive and without family. He is living in the plaza. Where most of the homeless are.", Gub said, completing his task. Rosch told him, that he did great and gave him a new task right away. Gub should get all of Roschar's subordinates to the biggest tree, where the hospital is being built.

Gub instantly nooded, dashing away again.

" So he didn't die over the winter, that is good. I want that being, as my subordinate.", Rosch thought, as he walked to his cave.

Inside were his females, making some food. Female Elves were silently sitting around, trying to entertain their children. Rosch knew that shelter was needed.

They all ate and relaxed for some time, till the sun started to set down.

Rosch talked with his females, as he went to the hospital. It was near his cave, you could say on his garden. Rosch had the most free space and wanted such an important building near him. Around his cave and the hospital were the other big caves. The most important beings where settled in the middle of his territory. A second tree is standing almost right besides Roschar's cave and the hospital. It will be the home of his grandfather and grandmother.

As Rosch went up there, he saw that the hospital was almost finished. They took all their manpower and resources to build a hospital in almost a day.

Rosch, who looked from up there at his territory, had a weird feeling. It was weird, because he never felt like that before, but it wasn't a bad feeling. No, it was an amazing feeling. He took two deep breathes.

"Why do I feel like I accomplished something? As if I did something good. I didn't feel like that after the war, but now looking at my territory it feels like I succeeded. Really weird.", Rosch thought not understanding why he feels like this. He took it, as having a save home.

His subordinates gathered before the big tree till a huge crowed formed. Over a thousand beings were counted and reported to him, which again filled Rosch with pride. 820 Elves and 535 Goblins. The Elves were mostly females and children, just like the Goblins, but soon enough everyone would somehow contribute to the village with breeding, farming and so on.

The crowd was loud and didn't really know why they were called, but they all suddenly looked up, seeing Rosch and his family behind him. He stood in front of them. Looking down without saying anything. The crowd got silent and just looked.

Vilcet came up, behind Rosch.

"You know what to say, right? I should have given you some tips, but now is to late. Should I say something first to warm the crowed up?", Vilcet spoke kindly. He knew how it is to talk in front of so many beings, even more if it's your first time. His first speech was awkward, which shouldn't happen to his grandson.

But Rosch just smiled and stepped forward. Maybe it was his Goblin blood, that didn't know shame. They just talked, if they needed and didn't care if their was an entire crowd before them.

"Goblins, listen. From this moment on we have new brothers and sisters. They may look different, but to be honest I don't look like one of you either. If you look around, most of you look different. Some have scales, horns or other unique feature of another race. Most of us are mixed, even those, who look pure blooded are very likely not. My father, the chief told me once that if we travel far into other places, we may find feral Goblins and then I will see what useless creatures we are. ", Rosch start of his speech insulting Goblins, shocking the entire crowd, even his family. Many Goblins looked down. They thought that they finally saw a chiefling that cared for them. But just like the other powerful beings in the village, he, too would pick on them and use his subordinates like tools.

"But look around you. Who of you looks useless? Everyone of you build this territory up, saving those Elves that we call our friends now and even won a war, which a Goblin tribe hasn't done before. Everyone of you is stronger, better and much more intelligent than a normal Goblin. I saw feral Goblins once when I clashed with a demon. They were small and looked uglier and much more beastly. Nothing like us. That is why I think even you "pure-blooded" are already somehow mixed. If we don't see traits of another race, we assume that he is a pure blooded Goblin. But it just means that you have more Goblins traits not that you are pure blooded. My great-grandfather started the mixing of our race and we all are somehow related. Some are Elf mixes, some are human, dwarf, Ogar, Orc, beast-tribes, lizardmen or some other tribe I have never heard before, but what will connect all those race into one will be us, the Goblins. We share those bloodlines with all of them making them our brothers and sisters. If someone needs our help, we will give it to them, if someone wants to live hear we will let them. Do you want to know why? ", Rosch further spoke to the crowd. The Goblins, who first became depressed suddenly looked up again and were anticipating what their leader wants from them.

" It's because we aren't those uncivilized dirty beast anymore. We are a new race. We want food, shelter and luxuries. We want fun in our lives. We want something to be proud of and surely we want to be equal and not to be looked down upon. I want to make a place that others walk into and just have to be amazed about, how I was when I went into Treetops City. Ask the Goblins that went with me. Their jaws were wide open in shock and disbelief and those reaction I want others to have about our territory. I want a place where we are all equal and everyone wants to live in. And this is only possible with us Goblins and the help of others like the Elves. We make a place where others jaws will drop and show the world that we Goblins aren't beast anymore. We are intelligent beings that may be a bit WILD. ", Rosch shouted at the end of the speech. Every Elf was shocked. They thought they would just stay her for some shelter and then leave somewhere again, but hearing Rosch and seeing the Goblins work so hard to make them new homes, warmed their hearts. Many even teared up a bit. That the Elves would be accepted that easily, was shocking to them, too. The Elves themselves weren't as open to strangers or other races. But the Goblins looked happy and shouted out loud, as if they were always oppressed before. But now they finally stood tall and creating even something like solidarity.

"I promised a feast and I ask all of you to go and make some food, because today I don't want to be able to walk again. LET'S FEAST TILL WE DROP FROM OVEREATING AND DRINKING. THIS WILL BE THE START OF SOMETHING BIG.", Rosch shouted making the crowd go nuts. Most of them dashed and started to cook. Many places became chaotic, but no fights only laughter was heard.

Vilcet was stunned and told Rosch that he did great. A true born leader. They prepared everything and started to feast for almost two days. This was truly a shocking experience for the village, since they never saw something like this. Some Goblins from other families went into the Moonwalker territory to get something to eat and it worked. They didn't get thrown out. The winter feast was closed up thanks to the snow, but now everything was seen and heard by the other families. Some took it as annoying and others as fun just like the dwarf mixes and human mixes. They went into the Moonwalker territory in masses. They loved the feast and totally wasted themselves, the Moonwalker Goblins and the Elves, too drunk till their lights went out.