
Fear of Zeus

A quite autistic villain trying to explain who they are… Aka writer forgot the journal they usually write with and decided to write their first ever original story. I may continue it but I have no real idea where to take it from here.

Snowfall0 · Seni bela diri
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1 Chs

Most likely only chapter

I'm Nyx, your friend neighborhood villain! Though I do prefer being called a self unlisted assassin.

The reason I call myself a assassin is I target certain people. I'm pretty good at not harming civilians but sometimes I have to do so to complete a mission.

Wait, it feels like I forgot something… Oh! That's it! I'm the number one villain! That's pretty neat innit?

I kill some people more publicly and now I'm a villain.

How I got the number one villain status? Gods I wish I knew. I just was watching TV one day and they were calling me the number one villain while talking about how I killed the president. He was a really prick though so it was justified.

Thinking of it I need to go take down a target right now! Hopefully this one is a fun one.

I walked over to a bin of folders and trailed my fingers over them before grabbing a random one.

I looked at the file and my heart fluttered with excitement.

Martus - Villain - Rank 2

Titles - Land God - Lord of terra

Abilities - Land bending- Objects creation

Difficulty - High - Public

This one should be a actual challenge!

The former number one villain; a ex member of the solar guild!

This villain targets non-awakened people thinking they are a disease. For this reason he had been expelled from his guild and put into my bucket for slaughter by a member of the Non-awakened Protection Agency, or NAP. They pacifically requested for a public execution.

My oh my, this will be fun.

I walked over to my closet and looked at my different exaction outfits.

What I decided I might as well tell you some about this world.

There are dungeons that popped up a few decades back. Some people where blessed by gods, mutated abilities, gifted abilities by monsters, etc. The point is there are a lot of ways people can get powers. This difference in acquirement also meant the abilities had different ways of functioning. Some people 'level up', some gain abilities over time; I only have, and will always have, one ability.

I gained my ability from the Queen of Disaster, The Ruler of Monsters, but I prefer to call her mother even if she's not my mom. She gifted me my ability in place of my original one.

My original power was quite useless and got me into more trouble than it was worth.

I might as well show you my outdated file so you can get a understand of it.

I walked to my nightstand and took out a piece of paper from the drawer.

Sun Damion Daisy - Ex Scavenger

Titles - Heroes pet - Helper

Abilities - Forever young - Inventory

Status - Backpacker 47

Guild - Heroes of Prophesy

As you can see I was practically useless other than the fact I was a walking backpack that could age over 17. I was skilled in multiple forms of combat since my party was usually to caught up in their own heads to remember about me, but even with the skill to fight just as much as my party I was never took seriously because of how young I looked and my ability not being of a fighter, and I could get a job anywhere else because I looked like a kid or would be told I should be helping the hero party.

I was forced to stay with a party where my efforts were never realized and had to grab everything and work my to the point of exhaustion so that I could "be actually useful".

That all changed when mother found out about me; she sent her minions to fetch me because she knew how much potential I had. She saw that I was simply given the wrong cards and she gave me the right ones.

She made me a new person, someone who had to be took seriously.

Here, how about you see my updated file so you can see how new I am!

Sun Damion Death - Boss monster 2

Titles - Queen of Darkness - King of The Night - Son of Monsters

Ability - Total of darkness and stars

Species - Constellation Watcher

You may be wondering "what in the 7 gates of hell is a Constellation Watcher?" I assure you that most people here don't even know what a Constellation Watcher is. The best I can explain it is a seraphim but demonic and made up of segments of the galaxy.

Some other people would ask "weren't you a human?" The answer is yes, I was till mother decided to switch that card so that I could be a monster like my brothers and sisters.

You know what! I'm going to wear the sun dress! Maybe I can say hi to my boyfriend while I'm working!

I checked into the black sun dress and put on a dainty purple jacket along with some fishnet stockings and dress shoes. I also put on my mask, pulling it comfortably in front of my horns. Oh foolish me, I forgot to mention how I look!

I have black and purple hair with white streaks down it and a golden stripe in my bangs. My hair is short and fluffy with black horns wrapped around my black tinted ears and and back up to my eye line. I have black tint from my clawed fingers up to my upper arm and my clawed feet to my lower thigh. My eyes are a royal purple with blue highlights. I have a bit of blonde chin fuzz as well.

Surprise, I'm a 23 year old adult male that goes by all pronouns and abuses said fact. Though most media sites call me a woman because beating the shit out of people while in a miniskirt, sweater, and thigh highs makes you a automatic woman. I won't complain though; I mean I've turned plenty straight men bisexual so I can't complain.

No, on ward with my mission!

I throw my hood up and push my hair behind the mask and buckle it to my hood.

I run to the window and become one with the shadows in the most literal sense of the phrase.

Something I forget to mention about the world and you probably already figured out is that there's a hero villain system. Some adventures preferred to catch people using their powers for bad and a system for catching them was made.

I traveled the city till I found my target. It's much funner to search for a target than look for them on the news.

Martus was robbing a bank when I found him. Maybe I can say hi to my darling after all.

I popped up infront of him and kicked in his ribs.

"Hi there! Your the victim of the day!" I chimed, hearing screams and cheering from all around him.

The people that were screaming were either bad people, scared to be caught in the crossfire, or were blinded by the media.

Martus looked scared out of his mind if his shaking body and trembling steps back were anything to go by.

I stood there watching Martus try to run away. Who knew the big bad Martus would be sent running when faced with a foe much to strong for him.

I might as well kill him before he gets out of here.

I lounged at him, making a sword from the shadow of my jacket, and stabbed Martus straight through the heart.

Should I wait for the adventurers to show up and see if my darling is with them or should I go clean up all this blood that got on my clothes.

Gods why did awaken have to bleed so damn much.

"Stop in the name of the Olympus Guild!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Zeus, my man! You wouldn't happen to bring Dionysus with you this time?" I asked, seeing the guild freeze up.

I saw Dionysus was in fact not with them.

"Awwww, I wanted to see my buddy! Welp, I'm going home now." I hummed walking to the doors which also happened to be where the guild was.

They moved out of the way of the door and let me leave with no struggle.

Zeus's men are so kind.