
Fear me (english)

Fear. Fear is what dominates people, which makes them make wrong decisions. That makes them back down. But I am not afraid. Fear is not part of me. I am not human. It doesn't control me. It doesn't dominate me. I am a monster... ... And monsters create fear.

Karen_Lauren · Komik
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13 Chs


I opened my eyes to the sound of a key. So another day had passed ...

- Good morning, Hibiki ... - I said with a sweet smile attentive to him cold and calculating gaze. - How did you sleep?

As usual he ignored me, he turned and gave orders to his lap dogs that they dragged me out of there.

It had been almost a month in ... Well, I really didn't know exactly where I was but I had a vague idea. I think I had been taken to the Root, the base of the Anbu, I woke up chained and covered in bruises and blood. It was a very small space with stone walls, no windows or decoration. Just me and my chains.

I was counting the days thanks to Hibiki's "visits", today I didn't know what would happen to me but I bet my life that nothing was pleasant. I giggled that annoyed the men I considered my jailers. And boy did it bother them, the punch that took my breath away confirmed it more than I would have liked.

I coughed trying to catch my breath but was left in a chair with a sharp blow. They tied my hands and feet to the point of reopening yesterday's wounds.

I tried not to struggle but sometimes the pain was so bad that I couldn't bear it and I couldn't control myself.

- Well, you know why we're here so I'll get straight to the point. - Hibiki spoke with his "ice man" voice, that was so ironic. He could see his pain, deep in his heart, guilt ... for having to torture a child who barely looked eleven years old. - What did you do to the Forest?

"I cursed him," I put on a mocking smile. - I think I've already told you ... aren't you listening?

- It will be the hard way, then. - The first few times they only used brute force on me but when they saw that there was no effect, they left me in the hands of Hibiki. He manipulated my mind by letting me see Kurama's death over and over again, an eternal torture that destroyed my heart.

Still I didn't speak.

I kept my silence.

We were in that room for hours. I could say that it was even a day but in here I did not control the passage of time. And I didn't have much left.

Living so far from the Forest was slowly killing me.

It was my best kept secret.

Something that I would never reveal but ... Part of my chackra was borrowed, my home and I had a connection that went beyond the sentimental ... it was a relationship of symbiosis.

He gave me energy to live and I took care of him, I wonder that he had not died having cursed the Forest ... after all, a curse was the severing of that bond. He had left the Forest without a guardian, without someone to watch over him, take care of him ... And he no longer gave me energy to live.

He was cursed.

I finished.

I just waited for the moment when my eyes would close forever.

Without realizing it, the session ended. This time was different.

- Bye, monster. - I ignored the insult.

- Aren't we going to see each other more? - I asked surprised with my eternal kind smile. - I'm going to miss you Hibiki, you're the most interesting thing around here.

Or the only one capable of making me see Kurama again, even if it's just an illusion. A torture.

- The Hokage has decided that it is useless to continue with this, you will not speak even if we amputate an arm and we cannot continue wasting time with you.

- I see...

- So you're going to rot in this jail for the rest of your life. - His gaze was ... Compassionate? Maybe he was giving me an ultimatum, like he wanted me to speak so I could get out of here. This man looked like ice but he had a good heart ... What a waste.

- I will die here before I say how to remove the curse from the Forest. - I heard a soft sigh on his own, his heart had an accumulation of pain and sorrow. - It was a pleasure, Hibiki.

The dogs unchained me from the chair, grabbed me by the hair, and dragged me across the floor to my room, Hibiki was closing the door. Our gazes met one last moment.

- Come visit me sometime. - The darkness hid the torrent of tears that fell down my face until they reached the ground.

I heard the key close a few moments later.

A sob rose from my chest. I couldn't control myself. I was alone.



Please ... someone get me out of there ...

I was so scared ...

More tears fell nonstop.

I was terrified.

I could even move to wipe my face, I was chained with my hands above my head ...

I don't want to die!


The moment I closed the door I felt great regret ...

Why had someone put such a heavy burden on someone so young?

Why was someone so young so loyal?

Why would someone so young die for a Forest?

When I left the base I went straight to the Hokage tower, I needed to talk to him ... There had to be another solution, whatever it was, that would not condemn that child to such sadness and loneliness.

I was about to enter when I saw black storm clouds rapidly approaching the village ...

Strange, today it had dawned clear, lightning struck outside.

That made me want to stay longer to contemplate that storm that was coming ... it was as if someone wanted to tell us something. Like...

I shook my head to get those useless thoughts out of my head.

I went to the office and asked permission to enter. I bowed to the most powerful man in Leaf Village and waited.

- Had talked? - I got up and looked at the old man who had caused so much pain in a child. I shook my head. It felt strange to see him ... I had lost respect for that man. Someone capable of torturing a child did not deserve my respect, even though I myself had followed and carried out his orders. - Well, then seal his cell, he himself has decided his fate.

I nodded.

I opened my mouth to make my request but was interrupted by a slam of the door.

- What have you done to Naruto !? - I opened my eyes with surprise ... it was the first time I saw how Sai showed something other than his fake smile. His face was stained with anger.

The Hokage's eyes widened, he was also more than surprised.

- He has decided his fate. Thunder echoed behind the Hokage. I took a look out the window and saw how the sky was completely black. - How did you know?

Lightning lit up the sky.

But ... It was blue.

- Naruto. - Sai said simply.

- Naruto? - The Hokage repeated confused, asking for an explanation.

- Look at the sky. - The old man turned around and was again surprised ... as if he had not realized the temporary evil that had swirled in less than an hour.

- That's...?

- You are ... Unconscious! - We watched Sai turn red with anger. - Naruto told me that he had no parents, he is the Guardian of the Forest, his spirit, his soul ... - Tears began to run down Sai's face. - Do you want to know why the Forest is cursed !? Why did we attack him, we hurt him until his soul stopped being pure, Sacred ...

- ... So it turned black, dark, cursing the Forest. - The Hokage finished saying, being aware of his actions against the boy for the first time.

- And do you know what happens when you remove a soul from its body? - Sai's smile gave chills, he was bathed in tears, in despair.

That both parties died.

- Hibiki. - I turned my face to the Hokage, attentive to his orders. - Get the boy out of his cell and take him to the Hospital.

I nodded and went to get Naruto out of his cell but ... once I got there my feet stayed in place.

I couldn't believe my eyes.