
Dangerous Forest and the old monk

It is a dense forest surrounded with highest mountains from three sides and it's one side touches the shore.in this forest very dangerous animals live ,because of this anyone does not go there ,even from privious 15 years any human being has not went there.

But there is a hut in which an old man live from last 4 decades.And this old man did not go out from this forest for a single time .He preys the fish and animals to survive himself.but his life is not very easy as it is considered.every day he faces to the death.in day time ,he fights with dangerous and bloodthirsty animals whereas,in the darkness of night he fights with a beast that comes out of its cave in the darkness of night to search blood .this beast drinks only blood and returns back to cave before the sun rising .

The old monk is a martial arts master and has come in this forest before 4decades when his wife passed away .from then old monk decided to live alone in this forest till his death...