
Prologue: I'm dead

*Screeeeeeeech* *Bang*

"Huh...I'm still alive?.. Woooah! " I was suddenly yanked into the air and came face to face with death. Honestly, I was surprised because instead of seeing a skeleton wearing a cloak, I saw a girl around the age of 17, who looked like she wanted to cry. "You weren't the one spouse to die" she said trying to stop herself from crying. I didn't know how to react, so I just kept quiet. Her face suddenly lit up "I know I'll give you a second chance" with those words there was a bright light, and I opened my eyes to find out I'm in the middle of the road the boy I pushed shouting at the truck driver for some money to do a funeral. "Don't give him any money, I don't know him and I'm alive" I said scaring them, I felt like I've been given an energy drink. I walked to my apartment like nothing happened and was surprised to see death in my room, "Finally you're here" she said "I've got to explain somethings to you"