
Favorite Crime.

Olivia had a life that was almost perfect. Her father was the city mayor, her best friend was a good handsome man who was also the son of the founders of the city’s top hospitals, and her physical appearance was almost perfect too that she could make anyone like her anytime. But the thing was that she hated her father for never giving her love ever since her mother passed away—which resulted to her becoming a rebellious teenager. Dakota, on the other hand, had the opposite kind of life as Olivia. She had to do minor crimes at the age of 15 for survival with his older brother. She used to have a dream to be a nurse—which ended up vanishing ever since her life became miserable. One day, Olivia and Dakota crossed paths as Olivia insisted to enter the criminal life of Dakota for fun. Everything was fine at first as they enjoyed being partners in crime—not until the time came when they had to be separated because of the big difference between their lives and the betrayal that cut the relationship between the two girls. Years later, they met again as the both of them had changed to be more mature and powerful from the past years. Olivia had been holding the same guilt for years as Dakota had been holding the same grudge for years. Their sweet relationship had already ended years ago, but did their feelings ever change through the years that passed? What happens when they cross paths again? Will Dakota get her revenge? Or will their sweet relationship as partners in crime be restored again?

ainbwoop · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

17: Bloody Girlfriend

They stood across each other with their faces only a few inches apart while they stared at each other's eyes. The other might not know it but both their hearts were beating in a fast pace.

Dakota did not expect the blonde to do that as she had been frozen on her spot for nearly a minute. Shock was all over her face along with the red tint appearing on her cheeks as she blinked multiple times. She could not believe what just happened and she felt dumb when the first thing she thought of was I'll only believe that it really did happen if she kisses me one more time.

Unfortunately, their romantic eye contact moment was interrupted when a person abruptly sprinted past them followed by more running people. Instinctively, Dakota pulled Olivia by the waist to the side when she almost got hit by the people who were carelessly running on the sidewalk.

"You damn thief! Get back here, asshole!"

The two of them leaned back on the exterior wall of the stationery store next to the claw machine in each other's arms as they watched a bunch of people including one cop chase after a single person who was holding a brown leather brief case. Hearing the people shout the term 'thief' made Olivia slightly flinch as if they were directing it to her when they really were not.

When the running people were already far, that was when they realized how they were in each other's arms for the whole time. At the exact same moment, the both of them turned their heads to face each other as they then later burst out into laughter.

"That was wild," Dakota said with a smile remaining on her face while she never took her eyes off the blonde's face.


Suddenly, Olivia held the sleeve of the latter's jacket as she pulled her in a nearby alleyway and pinned her on the wall that was filled with graffiti. The blonde stared at the latter who showed no disapproval to her actions before leaning in to capture the latter's lips once again.

That was when Dakota finally believed that she was in real life and not in a dream. She then closed her eyes as she was finally able to relax.

Dakota felt the latter smile during their kiss when her left hand moved to caress her cheek while her other hand went to hold her waist. She did not know when it started as she realized how much she had been craving for that moment—to hold Olivia close to her and kiss her lips like there was no tomorrow.

"What are we?" Dakota panted as they separated and rested their foreheads against each other.

Feeling nervous of what Olivia would answer, she tightened her hold on the shorter girl's waist as she did not want to let her go. Who knew Dakota would be afraid of being abandoned by Olivia when she was the one who hoped to never see her again weeks ago?

The corners of the blonde's mouth pulled up into a grin as she let out a chuckle before responding, "What do you think?"

"I wanna be your girlfriend," Dakota answered with no hesitation as she looked straight into her eyes, hoping that the latter would see the sincerity in her eyes.

"Then you're my girlfriend now." The blonde chuckled as her eyes dropped from the latter's amber eyes down to her moist lips.

Like magnets attracted to each other, their lips reattached.


Everything went back to normal as if Erica never happened a week later.

People got sick of gossiping about Olivia as they went back to looking up at her as if she had a superpower that directly manipulates people's minds. This was not the first time since people had eventually forgotten about a bad thing that Olivia did since they had always liked her and that fact alone was enough to make them forget about how much of a cruel person she actually was in real life.

Olivia and the three girls were walking on the hallway as they were on their way to their classes. Mia was busy talking about the concert of Yellow Night, the globally popular boy band, that was on Sunday when someone suddenly stood right in front of them which stopped them from their tracks.

"What do you think are you doing?" Mia asked in annoyance as she had to stop from talking about Yellow Night because of the girl across them.

"You," The freshman spoke in a trembling voice as she dared to point at Olivia, which surprised the four of them. "You are a fucking murderer!"

The blonde raised her eyebrows in shock at the audacity of the younger girl though she kept her mouth shut since she recalled what Dakota told her last week and minutes before they officially started dating. She was about to slap the girl's hand away from her face but Ashleigh was quick to do it for her.

"Are you insane?" Ashleigh scoffed.

"Call me insane—I don't give a fuck. Because of you four demons, I lost my fucking friend! I badly wish for you all to be miserable for the rest of your lives then burn in hell!" The freshman cried with her hands shaking on her sides. Just by seeing her state, Olivia knew that she was still scared of them behind the pain and courage that she was feeling at that moment. "You don't deserve to even be here at all! You should be suffering!"

"Hey, whoever-you-are." Lana glared at her as she crossed her arms across her chest. "If you're talking about that freshman from last week, we didn't kill her. She made that decision alone. Just because you're in grief right now doesn't mean you can just blame anyone for something she decided on her own."

"Are you kidding me? She killed herself because you made her miserable!" The freshman was about to charge toward them when some students, who had been watching, came to grab her arms and stop her from doing anything harmful. "What the hell? Let me go!"

At that moment, the bell rung. "Stop making a scene and get to your class."

They continued to argue as Olivia just stood there watching them in silence. For some reason, she did not want to be involved in any of that anymore ever since Dakota told her about change. Maybe Olivia had been too cruel and that she really needed to change that.

The time was swift as it was later already dismissal of classes. For some reason, Olivia felt like taking a walk around first before heading back home so she texted their family driver in advance to not pick her up from school with her excuse being that she was going to be late because of practice for academic practices (he insisted on waiting but she firmly said no).

Olivia then walked by the sidewalk with no specific destination in mind as she just looked around to see what could be the things that she had been missing out on for her whole life. She realized that there were indeed a lot of things that she had been missing out on, such as that one potato store, after hanging out almost every day with Dakota who made her discover many things.

It was probably because of Dakota that made the blonde lose interest in the things she used to do for entertainment, specifically making innocent people miserable for literally no reason. Though still, changing just because of a new person being the source of her happiness would not justify everything she used to do.

While looking at every store she passed by, she suddenly felt someone forcefully grabbing her as she later found herself pinned on a wall in an alleyway. It was like déjà vu except that the person was not Dakota and the person was actually going to kill her at that moment.

"Not so tough now that you're not with your three minions and your sex client basketball boy, huh?" It was Rachel. With an arm pushing on the blonde's throat while her other hand was pointing a knife to her neck. "You can't just embarrass and abandon me like that at school when I did nothing but genuinely like you."

"R-Rachel, what are you doing?" Olivia struggled to speak as she tried to push the latter's arm away from her neck. The latter was unexpectedly strong.

"What am I doing? I'm teaching you a lesson on why you shouldn't mess with people who would crazily tear down the world just for a person who's been nothing but a total bitch."

Rachel had always looked like a sweet innocent girl who just wanted to be friends.

Now, she looked like a total psycho.

"W-We were never even friends, you psycho." Olivia dared to throw the latter a glare. She was able to breathe a bit from the small space that she made with all the force she was putting on pushing her arm.

The crazy smile on Rachel's face disappeared as she glared at her and moved the knife closer that the blade was already touching her neck. "Stop fucking around. You manipulated me! You made it seem like we're friends then the next days you neglected me like I was garbage!"

You are garbage, Rachel.

Olivia then decided to knee her stomach, making the latter release her as the blonde quickly ran away from her. Unfortunately, Rachel was fast to recover as she held her arm and was about to choke her again when the latter punched her face.

"You're gonna regret this, you freak," Olivia said with a scoff.

But that was a wrong move.

The blonde winced in pain when Rachel charged toward her with her knife, slicing her arm. Blood started to drip from the cut as Rachel held the blonde's hair, wanting to pin her back on the wall. But Olivia did not let her win as she pulled her hair back and purposely led their way out the alleyway until they were out in the streets where people could see them.

"Hey! You two, break it up!"

The craziness in Rachel's eyes was replaced with fear when she heard the voice of the cop. The both of them turned to where the voice came from and saw the cop running toward them while the other people were watching them while whispering to each other.

Out of fear, Rachel released the blonde as she ran away with the police chasing her.

Olivia watched her while panting out of exhaustion until someone poked her arm.

"Hey, your arm is bleeding."