

I woke up to people talking in hushed voices beside the hospital bed "...it can't be him can it?" someone said. "It's not possible we haven't spoken to him nor seen him in years so how is it possible?" I recognized the voice as Abba's. I opened my eyes to see Umma and Abba their backs turned towards me talking.

I realized I was eavesdropping so I quickly cleared my throat and they looked up to see me awake. "Zarah, you're awake, do you feel any pain?" Umma asked with worry laced in her voice. "Water," I asked. Abba quickly poured out a glass of water from a jug placed beside the bed.

As Umma was about to place the glass to my lips as she thought I still couldn't move I shook my head. She looked taken aback. I adjusted myself on the bed smiling inwardly and collected the glass from a shocked Umma. I drank the water and kept the glass back.

"Ugh.." Abba cleared his throat as he recovered from the shock. "Zarah," he called. "Na'am Abba!" I replied grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat. "Y..ou c..a...n mo...mo...move?" Umma stammered. "Yes Umma I can move."

The expression on their faces were priceless. "Umma, Abba say something please the silence is killing me!" I said as they had kept quiet for far too long. "When did you start moving?" Abba asked. Finally a question.

"I started moving yesterday, Abba you know when you came in I was awake and when you went to the couch to sleep I turned. I was actually suprised....." I kept going on and on and they kept smiling happy to see me joyful once again.

"Abba please I can't stay in this hospital one more day is there a way I can be discharged today?" I know I sound like a spoilt brat but believe me the bed in this place is so uncomfortable even though it's a private ward. "Of course my dear!" Abba replied


I was finally discharged and boy was I glad to be home. I met Jiddah as soon as I came down from the car. YA MAHMUD IS HERE! Immediately I saw him I squealed and jumped on him falling him to the ground. Wait isn't he supposed to be strong. He landed with a thud and I landed on top of him. what a nice pillow.

I looked up to see Umma and Abba laughing while Hauwa was taking pictures argh I hate her. Well not hate hate but you get. I screamed and jumped up chasing her round the whole house. We stopped panting heavily "Why...did...you...have...to...chase...me..round..the..house..ugh!" Hauwa said panting while I just laughed. It's good to be home.

Yahya's P.O.V

We left the girls in the Living area and went up to our room. "Yahya is it not high time we visit Nigeria, the kids have never been there before and all our relatives are there plus it will be a nice distraction for Zarah." Hafsat turned to me and said as soon as we entered our room.

"We can't risk having an encounter with Kassim even though we are not sure if he is behind all these we still have to be careful," I said. I can't risk putting the lives of my children in danger even if it means not visiting their home town. "Hafsat just leave it you are already tired and stressed out and it's already late we will pray maghrib and go to bed ok, we can talk about it tomorrow," I told her. Tomorrow is a saturday so we have all day to talk.


Mahmud's P.O.V

I overheard Umma and Abba talking and I couldn't help but stay to listen. Wait does that mean Uncle Kassim is back. Flashes of what happened to my parents came back to me. I was just six years old inallilahi waina ilayhi rajiun.

I can't let the same thing happen to Zarah, she has already lost Ummi she can't loose her parents too. She will be devastated, who will take care of her, I'm always in school. No I must protect them at all cost all of them. I can't remember the last time I was in Nigeria.

"Ammi when will Amiba be back ?" my six year old self asked my mother as I sat on her lap. "Haha won't you stop calling me and Baba Amiba, Insha Allah in two days time but don't worry aunty Hafsat will come her with Ummi and stay with you. You like Ummi right?" I nodded my head vigarously Ummi is so fun. "Ok come on lets go so you can see us off" As we stood up to leave Uncle Kassim came in "Na na na I don't think your going anywhere" he said smiling as he pushed Baba to the floor. Ammi turned to me and whispered "Follow the secret door and go outside then wait for Hafsat" "But Ammi I can't leave you here" "Mahmud just go" I nodded tears falling down my cheeks.

As I was passing through the door I saw Ammi running towards Baba and then I saw Uncle Kassim pull out a gun. I stiffled my scream and ran towards the gates. As I passed the lawn I saw guards dead and more tears kept falling down my cheeks and then I heard gunshots. I crouched down once I reached the first car and cried and cried. After some minutes I heard tyres crunching on dried leaves, I looked up to see Aunty Hafsat with Ummi in the backseat while their driver was driving. I stood up and ran towards them. Aunty Hafsat immediately told the driver to stop the car. "Aunty....Aunty Hafsat Ammi and Abba....Uncle Kassim...gun" Aunty Hafsat told me to stay in the car with Ummi while she went inside. As soon as she came out I knew something was wrong. "Mahmud promise me you are going to be a strong boy" I nodded "Ammi and Baba are no more" I shook my head no they ca't possibly be gone my Amiba "AMIBAAAAA!"

I woke up screaming. I saw Abba and Umma beside my bed looking at me with worried faces then the door opened revealing Hauwa and Zarah. Zarah was holding some drugs while Hauwa brought in a glass of water. What will I have done if this family did not take me in. I laid my head on the head rest my head suddenly aching badly. I collected the drugs from Zarah and then gulped down the glass of water. I studied their faces and saw no sign of sympathy. They knew better because I hate being shown sympathy "Ya Mahmud are you going to stay there all day its already 12 or you married to your bed" Zarah stated trying to lighten up the mood. That did the trick because everyone started laughing I saw through the corner of my eye as Zarah gave herself a pat on the back.

I chuckled "Zarah why are you giving yourself a pat on the back huh" "'Cause I made evryone laugh duh" she said and stuck out her tongue. I love this girl. I wouldn't trade this family for anything "Ok everyone out out out let's let Mahmud get ready or do you want to stay neh and see him get ready" Umma said "EWWWWWWW!!" Both Zarah and Hauwa said at the same time. I chuckled. I watched as everyone left then stood up and went to the bathroom. I performed ablution and layed my prayer mat. I prayed and did dua for my late parents, my new family and for the muslim Ummah at large.