

Umma's P.O.V

I sat beside Zarah's bed doing dua, Hauwa still hasn't come back so I was left alone with Zarah. The doctor occasionally came to check her heart rate. A few minutes later I stood up to pray Asr prayer. I terminated my prayer when I was done and was in the middle of doing dua when I heard a sound. At first, I thought it was coming from outside but when I looked towards the window it was closed.

I looked towards Zarah's bed, at first,t I didn't see anything but after a minute I saw her fingers moving slightly. Alhamdullilah! I called the doctor immediately, we had not a second to loose. The doctor rushed in. "What's the matter?" Dr Musa asked. "Za...Za...Zarah" I stammered unable to construct a full sentence.

I think he got what I was trying to say because he immediately moved to check her pulse then moved to check her heart rate with his stethoscope. He started exercising her hands. He lifted her hand and dropped it down continuously. As he did it for the last time her hand stopped mid-air. Her hand started moving down slowly and slowly till it reached the hospital bed. Slowly her eyes moved under her lids before fluttering open.

Zarah's P.O.V

I felt someone's finger take hold of my arm and slowly moving them up and down then the person lifted it and let it go. I couldn't let my arm fall on the not so soft hospital bed so I took control and stopped in mid-air. Slowly and carefully I dropped my arm to the bed and fluttered my eyes open.

I studied the room and locked eyes with Umma, but I quickly looked away feeling awkward as none of us talked. I saw the doctor checking something on the screen next to me, he nodded his head, picked up a clipboard jotting something down he scurried off.

I could still feel Umma's eyes on me so I took a deep breath and tried to talk... yeah keyword tried but failed miserably not a single word came out. "AHHHHH!!!!!!! my vocals aren't working!" I yelled in my head. I started frantically motioning for Umma to come over instead she stood up and left. I was shocked beyond words.

I heard the door opening minutes after Umma left. I moved my eyes towards the door and saw her coming in with a doctor. I was straining to hear what was being said and at some point, my hearing returned and I heard the doctor say ".... is temporarily paralysed due to the panic attack."

"Approximately for how long will she be paralysed?" I heard Umma ask with a hint of worry in her voice. "Possibly 5 days or less depending on how her body reacts to it." The doctor replied. I internally groaned why is this happening to me and me alone.

First the accident...then "her" death and now I'm temporarily paralysed for God knows how long and who knows what will happen next but Allah knows best. I fell asleep with a lot of things going through my mind.

"No, No, No! Please don't, TURN, NOOOO!!!!" I woke up terrified, beads of sweat across my forehead. I was panting heavily. I burst out crying no no no. I was still paralysed as I felt tears falling down the side of my cheeks. In a flash, Umma was beside me. She pulled me to her bosom and was caressing my cheeks my arms carelessly dropped to my sides.

I felt young again in my mother's arms. She wiped away my tears and soothed me until I had stopped crying. She was patiently waiting for me to tell her what happened knowing fully well I would tell her.

"U..mm...ma it.... wa...was about...ya....ya ...Um..mi" I stammered. I tried to blink back the tears that were threatening to spill but couldn't. I just let them fall. Umma once again caressed my cheek and once I stopped crying she adjusted me back to my normal position, made dua for me and told me to get some sleep.

I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to wash over me but it didn't, after a few minutes I heard light snores and I was sure Umma was asleep. I opened my eyes thinking about the amount of salat I've missed. I heard the door open, I quickly closed my eyes. I heard footsteps coming to the side of the bed, the person muttered an Alhamdullilah under his breath and I immediately knew it was Abba. once i figured it was okay I opened my eyes. I turned my hea....wait I turned my head... I MOVED ALHAMDULILLAH! Ok back to when I moved my head I saw Abba seated on the couch beside a laying down Umma asleep. I noiced the uncomfortable position they were in and cringed inwardly. I rested my head back to its previous position and closed my eyes to get some sleep. I fell asleep after a few minutes I think.