
Love after death - Chapter 1

<p>Story starts with a girl.<br/>She was running in rush as someone was following her.<br/>She was on a bicycle and was watching a car following her. She was running the bicycle very fast. And turing through every turns whichever she could make.<br/>Her face was looking pale white with fear.And her heart bits was being louder and louder with time.<br/>As she was running she realised that one more car also started following her. This made her more nervous her head was full of questions but still she was pedaling very fast.<br/>As she looked straight she saw a car was coming towards her she tried to stop her bicycle but it was too late . Car hitted her bicycle .And for a moment she was in air and then falled down. After few seconds the car stopped and two men came out of it gone to see the girl.<br/>Suddenly those two cars also came there and stopped few men's came out fo it they were also went to see that girl.<br/>And as they went close to that girl they saw that she was surrounded by blood.<br/>One man came before told him i think she died boss. He replied what you did stupid , master told us to bring her alive and you killed her .<br/>Suddenly they saw a car caming there . So he told let's go form here otherwise boss and police both will kill us.<br/>They sat into there cars and went from there.<br/>And it started raining and due to rain blood of the girls body spread all around as it mixed with water. And her bag was also fallen beside her body with all stuffs out . Book were half inside and half outside the bag , many beautiful pen were fallen there and also a dairy and on its top there was a photo of her family.<br/>After some time, police van came there they started investigating during which they got a phone form her bag as he opened it he saw many missed calls on it . He called on that no . But it was busy that why he called on another no . After a ring a little boy picked up the phone police said hello who is this. Boy said it's my sisters phone who are you. He replied can you give the phone to some elder person.<br/>The boy ran to give it to her mom who was on phone calling her daughters friends as it was 12 o'clock and she didn't reached home.<br/>The boy entered the room and said mom someone is talking from moon's phone.<br/>She said what give me the phone.She took the phone and said hello and after few seconds she started severing her eyes was filled with tears and phone fell down.<br/>After some time her mom came in a car which was of her friend she came out of car and closer towards the body her son running behind her along with her firend.<br/>As she saw that girl she began crying as it was her daughter body she went close to body and hugged her all were crying so much.<br/>Next day it was her funeral in the graveyard she was being buried and all the were surrounded her in black cloths. The priest was also very sad as he knew her since her childhood. As she used to come in the church every Friday.<br/>The funeral get overed. In that night some thing was happening inside graveyard.<br/>Dogs are barking owl are making sound ,and there was a strange silence. Suddenly a sound came from one grave as it went closer it become more strong. It was moon grave and inside which moon body was making some sound.<br/>Then next morning father came to church and went to the graveyard to put flowers on moon grave.<br/>He went to moon grave put some flower. And said may God give you peace my child. As he was going he heard some noise from grave but ignored it and went from there.<br/>In the night again some sound came from her gave. But this time another sound also came which was for another graves and that gave opened from which a man came out and went close to moons grave he touched her grave with the hand and started chanting some words after which sounds from other graves also started coming and environment there changed many bats started flying there and from every grave some one started coming out.<br/>They all were looking very scary and all of them waked towards moon grave and touched the grave in the same manner as that man was doing and started chanting the same words.<br/>After some time a light appeared from that gave . Then they all stopped there and returned to there own grave in there own unique styles.<br/>After ten days, moon grave again made noise as moons body was making some sound the body started making some movement her hands and toe fingers . And suddenly her eyes opened she realised that she was able to move and was inside a box which is completely tight. She wanted to go outside that box as she was feeling suffocating she started knocking and shouting open please open i will die . Suddenly a bat came and sat on her grave and transformed into a handsome boy . He stood up and twisted his neck and tried to open moon grave. She was shouting open please open. He opened his grave . Moon stoped shouting as that box was opening and when it opened she saw a boy with her ears like bat. He holded his hand and said hello . Moon was shocked but then she saw his black wings coming out of his body so she shouted aa . And took her hands back and ran away from him. And told him who are you then he smiled and said relax dear . She said shut up who are you and what are you.<br/>Then she realised that other graves started making some movement with sound. And one one girl came out of a grave with very wired face and she was looking like a zombie. And was coming close to her and from each grave such kind of people were coming.<br/>Moon started shouting aa who you all are as they were coming closer to her and falled down and shouted please leave me please what i have done wrong to you all . Please don't do anything to me .<br/>Suddenly a girl came there stood in between of the zoombies and moon.<br/>Moon was so surprised to see her and trying to understand whats happening. That girl said stop scaring her and come into your real face.<br/>Moon said real face, and she saw that the girl looking like zoobie was being transformed into a very beautiful girl with hairs flying and her old fashioned dress was transforming into latest design cloths along with her shoes. And other zoombies were also transforming exept for the one who was still trying to scare moon .<br/>So that girl scolded her Buffy but he was still making zoombie noise. That why that girl shouted more laudly Buffy. He said Goss no one let me enjoy. And transformed into a handsome man.<br/>That girl turned around moon and said calm down no one will hurt you. And hello my name is rose.<br/>Moon was in shock she was not able to believe on what she just saw . She was thinking that this must be a dream and at any time it could be overed and i will be back in reality.<br/>Then she saw the main door though which highway passes.She stood up and ran toward the road . When she reached she saw a car was coming. She waved her hand and shouted help please help . The car man was listening to music and was drunk a he came closer to graveyard as he saw moon he stopped near her and opened his window but as he saw her he shouted aa and pressed escalator and ran his car at a high speed.<br/>Then one more car came<br/>but it didn't stopped.Suddenly a huge monster stood behind her she looked back and the monster shouted bhoo she fainted in fear. As she opened her eyes she saw she was surrounded by all of them .<br/>Mini made her sit and said hello i am mini and i am a zoombie like you well your name is moon na .It is written on on your grave.<br/>Then rose came and said hello i am rose and i am a acheri.<br/>Then a bat 🦇 came flying there and transformed into that boy whom she met first and said hello i am Joan and i am a vampire.<br/>Then she saw that many types of creatures were coming towards her and surrounded her and every one started introducing them selves basically they were ghost but in ghost also of different varieties.<br/>Moon was so confused as if she is in different world. But then buffy shouted sun is going to rise . By hearing this every one started running to go back into there graves. Mini said moon you should go back to your gave sun is going to rise ,and ran towards her gave and jumped inside it and her grave get closed as normal graves.<br/>She saw every grave became normal no one was there. So moon was also went back to her grave but as she was going she saw the father caming so she hidded her self behind a grave but there was a dog who started barking so Father made his direction towards dog moon saw him coming she hidding herself stood behind a tree but the dog ranned after her and barked more laudly then suddenly she saw some hairs came towards her and pulled her upwards on the tree.<br/>Then she saw mini on the tree she said moon keep quiet. They both looked down where priest came he said Tommy let's go but dog was still baking. Father was going to look up , so moon was trying to hide her then she saw rose standing down close to that dog was telling dog come here come .<br/>Moon was surprised as father was not able to see her. But dog was seeing her and was still not able to believe rose took Tommy away from tree so father followed Tommy.<br/>As they went away she saw rose smiling at her and sitting beside her. She shouted in shock aa how you came here so fast. She said oh i am a ghost it is very common for me . Moon then asked why father was not able to see you. Rose said i am achari only small children can see me and old people who are going to die.<br/>But dogs can see all of us . Then suddenly moon saw a woman sitting beside rose with long hair and her nails were also very long in black dress. She shouted Rose some one is sitting beside you. Rose said oh she ,she is Dina and she is a witch. Then Dina turned her neck was looking very scary and said hello lifted her hands to make a handshake. Moon hands were shivering but she lifted her hand and she touched her hands she realised that nails are so big that it touches her albow.<br/>Suddenly she stood up and went on upper branch and then beside her and she was walking as if she is swimming in air and asked moon am i look beautiful, moon was thinking what to say then rose slowly whisper into her ears say yes other wise she will get angry. So moon said yes yes you look very pretty.<br/>Dina laughed making scary noises.And said i know.<br/>Then they saw many people coming to chruch as is was Friday. Her family also came there. By seeing her family she became emotional<br/>. Rose asked that blue dress lady is your mother .Moon replied yaa then she asked that boy is the your brother and his name is cevan moon replied yaa. seeing moon sad rose said come with me i will take you to a better place other wise some one will see you. <br/>Rose and moon went to the jungle. Moon was feeling good as there she felt free. Suddenly they heard some noise, there were many tigers 🐅 so moon started shouting and running. She was running very fast and she was very happy knowing this so she ran faster then she looked back but there was no tiger behind so she stopped and sat down and was trying to understand her running power . Then she saw a tiger in front of her so she stoodup but saw that she was surrounded with tigers. Then a tiger just jumped on her so she hided her face then suddenly a man came his skin was shining white. He jumped on one of the tiger and came close to moon . He put his hand on moon's back and jumped in air and his wings came out .</p>