
Fated To The Billionaire Prince

"To onlookers I was a perfect girl, so full of life and worth emulating. But deep down I was broken. I needed fixing but each time I would try to fix myself, I fall in too deep. Everything I ever valued in my life kept disappointing me. The men I loved had turned out to be animals. Beer failed me cause I only managed to be drunk for some hours and the next day I would be sober and still face my mess. Most of my friends are wolves in sheep clothing and I would cry myself to sleep hoping to find peace from this depression. I tried to find something that would make me feel complete, that will fill up my life and make me feel a sense of belonging. I was trapped in a closet that no one knew, drowning and no one seems to be helping me out. And just when I was about to give up, I met HIM. My Royal Prince Charming. My name is Katherine Williams, only daughter of divorced parents and this is my story.

DaoistygFAN0 · perkotaan
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11 Chs

Episode 3

After breakfast, the girl's decide to leave while I decide to have a me time all by myself. No work for me today so I'm definitely sleeping in but not until I check what's new on social media.

I log in my account on Facebook and I see loved up photos of Frida and Gabriel with a stupid caption. Apparently the bitch tagged me in it. Even as I try to ignore, I still feel the tug in my chest and I hold that part of my chest where my heart is located.

I successfully manage to unfriend the both of them and block them from all my media accounts. My social media is flooding with messages and comments about what happened. I also forgot that I own a personnel blog so I have a little bit of fame and trust this to spread like wildfire.

Most people sympathised with me while others supported Gabriel while calling me names. I change my status to it's complicated and reply to some messages and ignore some then I logged off so I can rest.

All I can say now is that I'm not having anything to do with any guy no matter who comes short.

I wake up later and decide that I visit the bar and have some fun. Gabriel may have broken my heart but he didn't break my spirit of having fun so I do just that.


"Come and visit me child" dad's voice sounded through the electronic device in my living room whilst I walk round the house trying to put some things in order.

I am having a split headache from my little fun from the bar last night but I won't let it ruin my morning. I came back home wasted and drunk and how I knew was because I woke up wearing the same dress.

I would normally change my clothes and have a night bath so I could sleep better at night but I didn't so yes, I came back wasted.

"Father of mine. You know I have a lot on my plate"

"You've been avoiding me and I need to know why" He pauses and gives his secretary orders Before speaking again. " Why are you avoiding me?"

Dad doesn't know that I've broken things up with Gabriel and I don't want to tell him either lest he rubs it on my face telling me that he told me so. But I think he does know cause social media isn't helping matters these days.

"Dad I'm not avoiding you. I have work and you know how these businesses can get" I reply after finding my voice.

"Is Your child still bothering you?"

"He's not my child Daddy"

"Are you denying it now. I remember how you flared up trying to defend him when I called him that last time. Did he do something stupid?" My inquisitive father asks but I just chuckle.

"Alright daddy I'll come visit you tomorrow"

"That's my girl. Take care of yourself. Daddy loves you"

"I do too daddy" I reply and he disconnects the call.

I am about to order Alexa to play me a song when a call comes in.

"Mrs Williams is calling"

I roll my eyes at the audacity. Why would she be calling me now? Or did my father tell her something?

"Alexa Decline" I order but it comes in again immediately after it gets disconnected.

"Come on" I let out a frustrated growl.

"Alexa Answer" I order and her voice comes through immediately it beeps.

"Katherine my darling, how are you?" she asks but I don't respond. I stare at the device like it's grown a second head or something. Why would she even call me?

"... Katherine"

"I'm good" I reply after finding my voice.

"I'm very pleased to hear that honey. God I've missed you so much"

"I can't Say the same"

"Look baby I know you're upset with me and I understand why but this isn't the way to go about it"

I fake a yawn "is that why you called me? To tell me that I won't understand why you left me all by myself all these years? To tell me that you understand why I'm upset?" My tone had already reduced to a monotone. I don't know why it hurts but it really does

"Do you realize how many times I had to sleep without you here? How many nightmares I had and you weren't there to tell me I'll be alright? How many..." I paused realizing that I've already said too much. She doesn't deserve to know how I'm faring and how my life is going.

She lost that right the minute she walked out on us. On me.

I heard sniffs from the other end and it only means that she's crying but what do I care? She can't play victim when I'm the one getting hurt.

The literally abandoned me without any explanation.

"I'm sorry" was all she could muster "I wish you would understand. I wish I could tell you. I really wish I could..."

"But you can't and I'm cool with it" I finished off for her.

"We'll talk later then"

"Yeah run away like you always do. That's what you're good at anyway" I mutter to myself and order Alexa to end the call.

I sigh heavily then resume to what I was doing. After cleaning the apartment, I proceed to my room to pick out my dirty clothes so I could do some laundry.

I finish my chores and cook myself a delicious meal and serve it with a bottle of wine.

I quickly take pictures of my food and post it with a caption, "In all you're going through, eat right cause you can never go wrong with a good meal".

I respond to some comments and then decide to log off.

My phone chooses that exact minute to ring and I'm surprised to see a strange number. I don't recognize the number and I don't recall giving out my number recently so who could this be?

I pick up anyway.

"Hello beautiful" comes a deep rich baritone from the other end of the line.

I crack my brain to remember if somehow I know this person but it comes out blank. Maybe it's someone who wants to order a bridal dress or something for his fiance.

"Hello, are you there?" The voice comes in again.

"Katherine Williams, how can I be of service" I reply as professional as I can.

"Don't tell me you don't remember who I am?"

"I don't and you're not making it easy for me" I reply sincerely. If I knew who the person was, I won't be beating about the bush.

"Trevor" he stated but I still don't remember.


"We met at the bar last night you gave me your number." He explains and I gasp "if you're busy, I could call back later"

I gave him my number? That doesn't sound like something I would do. But he did say I was drunk so I'm guessing we all make mistakes when we go beyond our normal glass of tequila. And by someone, I meant me cause I'm the one mending a broken heart here.

"Um...no it's okay. I actually didn't remember we met last night" I say truthfully

"Well you made quite an impression so it was very hard to ignore"

"Really. Hope I didn't make a fool of myself in front of you"

"I don't think so." He replied and then "I was hoping if I could see you again sometime"

"Well it won't be that possible for now. I'm just going through some stuff that'll like to sort out first. If you don't mind" I was quick to add

"Something out of the ordinary happened?"

I stare at my phone like it's grown a second head before placing the phone back on my ear.

"It's personal' I reply instead. He talks as if he can see right through me and I'm afraid that saying something else might make me spill an important part of my life.

I don't know him, neither have I met him before and I don't like putting myself out there. What if he's a killer or an assassin or even worse. Hell No! Boys are trouble and it has been signed since the beginning of time.

"No it's cool. I completely understand. I won't stop stalking you though until you say yes"

"I pray you can keep up"

"I love a good challenge. Have a nice day. Bye"

"Good bye"

I quickly disconnect the call while hurling insults on myself for being so reckless to the point of giving out my contact to a complete stranger.

And what does he mean by he loves a good challenge? Well for the life in me, he's going get bored and walk away cause I'm not ready to go into any relationship Saga.

What Gabriel did to me is still fresh and I don't think I'm prepared for another drama.