
Chapter 126 

Mrs. Case was still unwilling to give up. After she got up, she asked firmly, "Kaylin what if your father comes to ask you for help?"

Father? How could she have the nerve to say it out loud? The faces of the Wolves women were all extremely thick! Kaylin sneered. "I don't want to see him in my entire life. If he comes for you, I don't mind committing the crime of killing my father!"

Mrs. Case's face twitched unnaturally, and the heavy makeup couldn't cover her pale face. Seeing that there was no need to talk anymore, she picked up her handbag and walked out of the tea room as freely as possible.

"Kaylin, look at the baby bed I bought..." Fannie said excitedly. When she came in with a baby bed in her arms, she saw that Kaylin was furious. The poor magazine had been crumpled into a ball by her. "Pa—" The juice cup in her other hand burst into pieces.