
Chapter 10

"What about you?" Rai asked, saving his number as 'My Universe' "I know you studied music. Have you composed any songs? Anything original? If you haven't, can you play something for me?"

Kyo's face darkened immediately and Rai wished he never asked.

"You know, there's this great diner close to the university. They sell the best burgers. Should we go there? I don't think there's food in the house and I'm starving" Kota said, changing the topic fast.

If Rai hadn't been the one that asked the question that made Kota upset, he would have thought the question was never asked in the first place.

Kota really didn't want to talk about it. For once since the breakup, he didn't want to be alone and sulk around, reflecting on his past. He wanted to enjoy this time out with someone that didn't judge him after seeing the worst side of him last night.

"Yes," Rai smiled. "Whatever you want. But tell me this, why are you suddenly being so nice to me? I don't understand. You never wanted to be in the same room as me before. You were always avoiding me or yelling at me and now you came to pick me up from school. What's going on?"

Kota went silent for so long that Rai thought he wouldn't answer. His good mood was already declining and he didn't know what to do.

"Rai" Kota called. The younger looked at him, hopeful.

"Sometimes, even a little act of kindness can warm the coldest of hearts"


"You were right. They really do have the best burgers here" Rai said, taking a bite out of his double cheeseburger. "It's so yummy"

Kota nodded as he watched Rai eat. For some reason, he found the action entertaining. Rai chewed fast and his eyes held so much pleasure derived from eating.

Kota envied him. Rai had no troubles at all. The boy was pure at heart and he wished he forever will be the same.

Unlike him who stained the family name. He would never forget his father's words. 'A failure. A disgrace'. Even though it was never his fault, they never believed him anyway. His own family.

"Hey, wanna try the chocolate milkshake?" Rai asked, pausing his thoughts.

Kota raised a perfect brow. "Isn't that on the kid's menu?"

Rai laughed. "Who cares? I'll go get some for us." With that, he stood up and walked to the counter.

Kota watched his back and smiled. With those clothes, they'll think he was mentally unstable and give him the milkshakes for free.

Rai's laughter kept ringing in his ears. It was loud, melodious and kinda sneaky. Like a child's.

Kota couldn't understand why being around Rai made him feel better when in fact, some days ago, he wanted nothing to do with him all. Was it because he used to be like that? No. It wasn't. But who cares. For once, he didn't feel like breaking a bottle on his head.

Kota noticed Rai took a little more time than usual. He gazed towards the counter and found Rai talking to one of the waitresses. They looked awfully close and the girl had some sort of dreamy look in her eyes. She also kept tucking unruly strands of hair behind her ear while smiling. At some point, she even booped his nose and laughed. He couldn't see Rai's expression from where he sat but he was sure Rai was happy.

Kota was suddenly annoyed. Rai went to get them milkshakes but was flirting with the waitress? What an ass. He shouldn't have tried to get to know him. Now he'd just get his heart broken all over again.

But then, he realised that none of them have talked about their feelings and he didn't even know if Rai saw him that way. Sure he had caught Rai checking him out many times but it didn't mean anything, especially to the kids of today. They see something they like and they stare at it. It didn't mean they wanted anything to do with it. It didn't mean that Rai wanted to have a relationship with him.

Besides, Rai is just 20. He has his whole life ahead of him. He must want to be with a younger girl or boy. Someone cute and happy.

Unlike his sad worthless self.

Rai returned with two tall glasses of chocolate milkshakes and placed one in front of Kota as he took his seat. He had a huge grin on his face while Kota was scowling.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Kota asked, annoyed. Although he just reasoned with himself in his head, he couldn't help the jealousy that rose in his heart. He didn't understand why his heart just had to find this kid attractive.

Rai shook his head, sending his dark locks bouncing. "That lady -he pointed at one with a blonde ponytail behind the counter- called me handsome and gave us the milkshakes for free. She gave me her number too."

He took out a strip of paper from his pocket and read out "Rosè. Oh her address is here too"

Kota's face grew dark. "You're gonna call her?"

Rai knotted his brows, feigning confusion. As if the question sounded ridiculous. "Shouldn't I?" He asked. "I mean that's the reason she gave me her number, isn't it? Besides, she's beautiful and very nice"

Kota's expression went even darker. He felt stupid taking Rai out to lunch. They were supposed to talk. Bond. But the idiot was thinking of another person.

Rai couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. "Hey, I'm just joking."

He tore the paper to pieces, bunched them up into a little ball and flicked it off the table. "I'm not into girls" he winked.

Kota felt his heart calm a bit then he rolled his eyes and feigned indifference. "How does that concern me? Do whatever you want. I don't care"

Rai knew he was pretending but didn't point it out. Instead, he enjoyed the feeling secretly.

Jealousy looked really cute on Kota.