
fated to death

Most victim's are the ones we call villains: Jevis_508. ************ They will leave amongst you, will be cast out by all kinds, rejected by destined, looked upon as a curse.A savior to all kind they will become and destined to old souls they are, the seer chanted like a possessed soul in a hall of royalty and elders and the declaration of the prophecy has left everyone shaken except one man who sat with an unreadable expression, the crown Prince of Goderian, sat amist a group of royal and nobles lycans and dires with a rigid face and sharp eyes, whiles the rest were in shock and confused, he had know change of expression. ***************** How could his highness be destined to a mere human,who is viewed by his people as a weakling, they will only be disappointment and angry with such fate. So I will do you the honour, I Orana Hertta reject, before she could finish she was pulled roughly by a hand, before she could talk he yelled STOP THAT! you have been gifted to me and nothing will change that so you better get use to it, he replied. So what she yelled pushing against his chest, this definitely left him speechless as no one had the guts to even dare walk the same path with him without permission talk less of touching him, who else had the audacity if not she these little human girl destined to be his, his train of thoughts were broken when the woman in front of him snapped her finger in front of him. Pointing at him she warned, you do not own me, and I will never let you control me, if I want to stay out then I will, if I want to date someone then I will and if I feel like having a one fun night with a hot lycan then I will she declared and walked out. Orana whom hasn't had an easy life, not even when she was young was she spared, was destined to one of the most difficult men on earth and she had to deal with it. Orana is a 20 years old human with a dark past, wounded heart and a duty to the world and she has to bond with her destined to accomplish that but what happens when she is destined to a difficult and strong headed crown Prince. *************** This is a story about the golden Roses, gifted to old souls of broken hopes.

jevis_508 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

chapter 3 Blood bond.


You were only a child who was shown reality too early, and blames his pain and suffering on his innocence. Some of us do not get to experience childhood completely before we are slapped by reality, we are survivals we survived.

by Jevis_508


Being trapped in a curse doom for thousands of years had taken a toll on the legendary mystical nine tailed fox. The silver fox was the last of its kind after its species where sacrificed in the first wars of demons to close the gate of the underworld,it was the only fox just birth at that time, so a protection spell was placed on it and that's how it survived. Three hundred years later afterbeing searched for by all supernatural Beings, it formed a bond with the first of blessed,whose pain, anger and hurt had lead to their betrayal to the gods.

The gods had punished the first of the blessed, which had lead to their death and a curse to their spiritual beast as the had a direct bond with the blessed.

When the doom caged the fox all bonds were broken, the bond between a master and beast was broken. The fox at that time can be considered a powerless young fox thats why all supernatural creatures dared to try capture such a legendary beast for its power. The fox had not awaken its nine tails yet and hence it was also impossible to break out of the doom.

For thousands of years the fox had been in that cage with no escape even after all the efforts he made until the rise of the blood moon which had awaken something in him. The blood moon for which the sages has foretold a new moon,the being of a new era, the rise of the rmystical creature.

to the present.

Mai walked toward the beautiful silver fox she considered a dog laying down there without moving, the little girl was so hypothesise by the beauty of the animal and the strange feeling of familiarity she was feeling.

Reaching the beast she got on her knees to touch the little fox, she got sad when she shook the fox but it wouldn't even move or open its eyes, she felt very sad as tears filled her eyes, she didn't notice the blood rolling down her palm from the injury she got when she fell. The blood had drop on the silver fox head and another on its chest without her knowledge as she continued shaking it and whispering wake up to it.

Not being able to help the animal she had got up and run as fast as her legs could take her to go call for help for the fox.

What she didn't notice was the light glow that had occurred were her blood had dropped and after the glow dimmed and vanished the blood had also vanished alongside the light.

The fox felt its heart beat come to life, as it stared in it position, opening it's eyes it had two different unique eye colour , the left side of the eye the fox's pupil was the colour of lilac and the iris the most beautiful shade of pink, whiles the right eye on couldn't tell the colour, it was as though an artist was playing around with colour and had created something ineffable, it had the same colour as Mai's eyes, Leo had once described the eyes as a kaleidoscope as the eye looks to be changing colours "everytime I see it" he had complained.

Getting up the fox looked around but found no one by it's side, levitating of the ground to leave the unknown premises it had bumped into an invisible wall before it can even react a red glow had covered it, a pain had started from it's chest, it had felt as though it was caging it's soul and bonding with something.

The pain got deeper and heavier as it reached the head, a big symbol of a blood moon with a blood dripping down from the moon onto a palm positioned right under it as though it was collecting blessing, had appeared on his chest while at the other end the same symbol has form on Mia chest forcing a scream out of her, but before anyone could reach there the sign had disappeared and a blood bond was formed.

Blake a man whom has worked for zamiel Merrick since he was 18 after he had saved his life when he was chased by hunters, Blake was a werecat who leaved in the times where hunters still hunted the supernatural world seeking to proof the existence of other creatures and how to obtain theire ability, when hunters had captured his entire pride and shot him with gold bullet on his leg, he still managed to escape and was fortunately found by the 18 years old Zamiel who was a curious teenager, Zamiel saved his life and helped him save his pride, since then he began working for him, he has worked for only Zamiel who was Mai's father for many years now.

Reaching the spot were Mai was, they saw her getting up from the ground before he could even ask what happened, a commotion had broken out as people started screaming because a black mist had appeared in the middle of the hall and out came ugly skeleton looking creature and a beautiful woman with white hair whom had altered chants and everyone had passed out apart from the little girl with beautiful golden brown eyes Davina and her protector whose eyes glowed and turned red.

A full bloom fight had broken out at that moment some of the creatures had attacked the man with glowing eyes and the rest went in search of the little girl whose eyes were the most beautiful.

Before they had attacked them Blake had already sent a massage to Mai's parent, before the fight had reached him, he had fought them in his cat form but they were too many and he was out numbered to top it up a witch was casting more spell to weaken him, but he still fought with all he had, he wanted to keep going until back up came albeit he was already drain and the last spell took his last breath living the little girl alone.

Thinking it was easy to get her they had gone to grab her not realising the mighty beast protecting her, before the witch could cast a spell on her something had passed through her chest and pulled out living a hole in the chest and a body on the floor, sensing a greater danger and power the creatures had disappeared the same way they appeared, the fox stayed watching the little girl whose face was covered with an enchanted veil and was shuddering in the corner.

The fox only moved and flew away when it felt know danger from the people running towards their direction.

Reaching there Mai's mother had pulled her into her embrace and had hidden her from the hideous sight of dead bodies, whiles the husband checked on his friend and guard but this time he had taken his late breath, I guess those nine live of yours is done now, fare well my friend he had mumbled before turning to his wife and daughter and getting them out of there, whiles Blake's body should be sent back to the pride let them know I will be there when my family is out of danger.