
//8 year Ago//

Vampire world___*Dark forest*

Emperor king(Jack's father) and his minister is waiting in the dark forest for someone. After a few minute that man arrived with a girl.

"Why did you call me here? You know that I don't like to be here." emperor king said

*smirked* "Why? do you feel guilty to come here in your crime place"

"Laurent(vampire high) don't forget your place and don't forget that you also helped me to kill him"

*his face darkened* "Lets keep it aside... first tell me when you are going to take that purple stone from Emily"

"We have been tricked that piece of paper is all lie...Emily is not the key infact she is herself purple stone."

"So what if she is purple stone or not. You have to catch her."

"Did you forget that she is Jack's mate and I don't want to hurt my son's wife"

*laurent laugh* "Says... who kill his own best friend.... Do you really forgot what you have done 8 year ago. do I have to remember you your past."