

A journey where fate brings Vampires and witches together to survive the rogue wolves. A voyage of finding something buried in history. In this trail of war, one will find her identity. In this game of fate, secrets will unfold, causing a track of mixed emotions.

Anna_Jade · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: The Dungeons

North castle was not going to be an easy place for them. That is what they knew. But dungeons were something she did not expect. A place lit up only with candles. A suffocated hall with walls made of heavy stones. The more you look around, the more complicated it gets. They were all standing at what can be said as the center of the dungeons. With all dark lobbies connecting to it. The only place that had candles was where they were at the moment. Only the sound of their breathing. Jade was the last one to snap out of her sleep.

"What is this place?"

"Our new home!" Anna said calmly. Looking around.

And then Jade noticed the tension among all of them. Of course. You put vampires and witches together in a place and not expect them to kill each other, totally impossible. Even though it wasn't that bright, still Jade could feel the glares and death stares they were giving each other.

"You know I always dreamt of getting my hands dirty by snapping a witch's neck," Sophie said, crossing her hands in front.

"Oh and I'd love to make you kill yourself," Sarah said with excitement.

"Shouldn't we think about getting out of here?" Jade tried to get themselves together.

"If you got nothing better to say, weakling, stay quiet. We got some business to deal" Jack growled at her. He was the most hot-tempered among them. Jade only sighed and stepped back, knowing there was no point.

"Coming to think of this weakling, you got no scent. You wearing something to hide it?" Emily pointed that out and all of them looked at jade. Jade felt as if Emily is trying to sniff her from her eyes. She was sharp.

"Uh, I am a weak witch. Maybe that's why you cannot feel my presence that much!" bogus reasoning.

Jade got cautious. She knew she shouldn't be taking anyone here lightly.

"Then what are you even doing here? Let's get rid of her first. An appetizer!" Sophie looked at her as if she was her feast. Jade gulped.

"Hunh" Anna scoffed, " How fearless of you to take the weak one first! You call yourself strong? Beats me" she riled Sophie up.

"The more I look at you, the more I want to drain you out of blood," Sophie smirked.

"Let's do it then!"

"A one on one?"

"Oh yes"

" Let's take the weakling out. She won't be fun". Even though it was not something to be offended by, still Jade felt it.

But jade knew it was better to step back.

" You all can fight. I didn't sleep for the whole day. So I'm off," Maximus said yawning and lying down with a pillar.

"I'll also rest. You all can enjoy," Albert said and sat beside Maximus. They both made sure to cast protective spells before dozing off.

Now this is how the one-on-one fight scene was decided. Sophie and Jack, Jasmine and Sarah, and Emily and Anna were going to fight with each other.

And Jade was just hoping no one dies here.


As the dungeons were getting lit up with their glow, above them, in the castle's meeting room, all the mentors were sitting. Elizabeth's nostrils were flaring with anger at Charles while he was calmly sipping from his tea.

"You're crazy," She said while trying her level best to make her voice sound intact.

" tell me something I don't know Elizabeth. They deserved the punishment"

"But not the dungeons. They are not ready for it. "

"No one's ready for anything. You just face it, fight it, overcome it!" William added.

"If the north forest wasn't enough, you subject them to dungeons. What if they cannot make it back?" Antony was angry. He didn't like Charles. And any of his decisions. And he made sure to tell it every time.

"Oh please, we didn't choose any vampire or a witch among them. They are our best students. We are training them to fight a war against rogues and you think they are not trained enough to overcome the dungeons? That doubtful of your teachings?" Charles knew how to hit the right spot. Antony could just press his lips to not utter anything else in front of that nasty vampire.

"Am I missing something?" They all were startled a little. Because they could not feel it when Owen Liam came. He calmly walked towards them and stood while placing his hands in his coat's pockets.

"Your highness!" They all paid their respect by placing their hands on their hearts. Except for Charles who was busy sipping his tea. Elizabeth eyes him.

"Not much, the students are getting punished for not fulfilling their mission and they all are questioning me for punishing them."

"He sent them to dungeons. I cannot sense their presence and cannot mind-link any of them. That place is dangerous for them" Antony straight up told Owen.

"I know Antony. I believe Duke Charles has a very good reason for sending them straight to dungeons" He said calmly.

"You highness!" Elizabeth said.

"Owen. You can call me Owen" He said with his ordering but calm tone.

"What if they kill each other?"

"That confidence in your students? I like that!" Charles was on it again.

" Charles?" Owen said with a cold tone.

" You made sure there was nothing unusual down there?" The way Owen said it, made Elizabeth, Antony, and William a little cautious.

"Of course. But I can't guarantee. That fellow is unpredictable."

"What…what are you both talking about?" Antony asked, still confused.

Owen sighed and gave Charles a cold look. Only Charles could not die from that.

" Don't tell me it's about that?" Elizabeth said, a little uneasy.

"You don't have to worry. It won't harm them."

"Only if they don't disturb its sleep. If it tries to, Owen will handle it" Charles said assuring.

"Leave that situation to me. If things get out of control, I'll handle it. William, I would like you to take your guards and check out the mountains. There happens to be a ruckus there" William nodded to Owen's order and went outside.

"The rest of you, go to your rooms and have a good night"

There was no point talking further. When Owen said he'll handle it, he will.

"What were they talking about Elizabeth?


"Who can harm the students?"

"Ever heard of what made no one live in the north castle?"

"No, it has a lot of secrets and myths that I don't believe any of them"

"Then you won't know unless you see"


"Nothing. Just go to sleep Antony. We don't have to worry"


"Its the host. Host of the dungeons."

Now Antony's eyes widened as he remembered who she really was talking about.
