

What if twins were born in the present, one the embodiment of a strong cultivator from the past and the other resurrected after living 100 years into the future? This is the story of younger brother York McLean, the freedom seeker, who was resurrected back into his original body after living 100 years of humiliation and slavery, and the story of older brother Ares McLean, who seeks revenge after being betrayed and killed in the past. Amid the chaos of the past, present, and future, both brothers make their way in pursuit of their own goals in a private world where humans are one of several dominant races.

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19 Chs

Lords of the world

There were so many hidden dragons in this World, but the likes of the Dragon with three horns were definitely the ones standing at the top of the entire world, and it also wouldn't be excessive to say that they are the strongest in the world!

Annoy him, and he just has to move his finger, and Storm Island would completely disappear from the world.

At the Dragon with Three Horns level, destruction, and creation could be achieved with just a thought. The so-called heaven and earth are ruthless, and treat the myriad creatures as Insects. They don't care who is good and who is bad, in their eyes good and evil were not important, their duty was only to treat everyone equally and maintain the balance of the world.

But if they must destroy, then they will ruthlessly destroy.

Even in the Great War, which brought together the world's major races more than a million years ago, dragons were content to observe without the slightest intention of intervening.

At that time, because of greed and the thinking of some that they were the strongest and had the right to expand, an all-out war broke out between the seven main races.

Many alliances have emerged such as the alliance of elves with angels, the alliance of demons with vampires, and the alliance of giants and dwarfs.

As for humans...


It can be said that the human race was the most arrogant and greedy, based on their enormous numbers and misconsensus, humans were divided into two camps, one that supported elves and angels and another camp that supported vampires and demons.

Amid the chaos of this war, the dragons kept watching without the slightest intention of intervening, so they were called the neutral race.

The most dangerous and powerful among dragons are dragons with three horns. One of their advantages was the ability to change their shape to fit where they were located. Their only drawback was the inability to hide their horns, and it was that ability that enabled high-level experts to identify them.

No one knew how the war ended or what its outcome was, but since that time humans have extended their influence at this level of the world.

Yes!! at this level of the world.

This world was known for having three levels.

The Middle World where humans dominate and some secondary races.

The underworld is where demons, vampires, dwarves, and giants settle.

And the heavenly world where the elves and angels settled in it.

Each world is separated by an invisible barrier that prevents different races from attempting to cross into a world other than theirs.

Dragons remained unrestricted to a certain level, so they could travel between the three worlds easily.


The Dragon walked over to Ares's front and circled him while seizing him up with one of his hands supporting his chin as if a country bumpkin was circling a fine handicraft.

"Boy, your talent is good ah! But your ability to recognize me is more interesting."

Ares kept his composure while answering in a way that made it more interesting:

"Thank you for your praise, Sir Ashcroft!"

Sure enough, Dragon's eyes lit up and then he asked with interest: " You know this Dragon's name?"

Ares smiled and answered differently: " I don't think my master will be stingy with me with his generosity."

"Oh, not bad, not bad!. You know our traditions too, Do I understand from this that you are the source of the anomaly?"

' Anomaly??...'

It didn't take long for Ares to know what the counterparty meant.

' Ashcroft, Dragon of time, He will certainly feel the anomaly resulting from the use of the second chance inscription.'

' Did he feel the second chance inscription so he decided to come get it?'

' Does that mean he'll erase the island including it if he doesn't get it?'

'No if it was so I wouldn't have survived until now, the second chance inscription is a high-level inscription that even the dragon with three horns won't be able to detect.'

' There is no doubt that he felt an anomaly in the time path, and since he is the dragon of time, he came to see the source of the anomaly.'

" At least, from your appearance, you seem to be one of the sources of this anomaly in this Island," Ashcroft said as he watched the opposing party's reactions.

' One of the sources of this anomaly in this Island??...'

' Does that mean there's another anomaly other than me?'

' Is it another second chance inscription user?'

' No, this is impossible to happen.'

Amid a wave of questions and ideas, the youthful girl's voice was an earth-shattering voice, suddenly making the atmosphere freeze.

"Hey, Ares, who is this strange person? you seem to be afraid of his hairstyle?"

The Dragon of Time Ashcroft looked at the girl annoyed and then tapped his finger.