
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

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35 Chs

Chapter 35

The next morning, Shirou woke up feeling more at peace after a long night of reflection. The soft morning sunlight streamed through his window, waking him gently with its warm rays. Still a bit groggy, Shirou sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his face to shake off the last remnants of sleep, and then his mind immediately went to something important.

Without thinking twice, he bent down and checked the souvenir box he had carefully placed under his bed. The wooden miniature ship he had bought at the night market the day before was still there, safely stored in its wooden box. Shirou felt relieved that the item was secure, considering how important the promise he had made to his friends at the Hostess of Fertility was. He smiled a little, carefully closing the box and sliding it back under the bed.

After that, Shirou got up and prepared himself for a new day. He dressed quickly and left his room, walking down the quiet inn corridor. In one corner of the room, he saw Raul, who had just woken up, still looking a little sleepy and yawning widely.

"Morning, Raul," Shirou greeted him cheerfully as he approached. "How long is this inn booked for by Loki Familia?" he asked, a bit curious since he didn't know how long they would stay in Melen.

Raul, still a bit drowsy, scratched his head before answering. "Usually, when we have missions outside the city, Finn books the inn until we're fully ready to return," he said, yawning again. "So, we can stay here as long as the mission isn't finished."

Hearing that, Shirou felt relieved. He knew that the mission might still take some time, but at least he didn't have to rush back. Most importantly, the souvenir box he had stored under his bed was safe and wouldn't be disturbed by anyone. This gave him a sense of peace of mind.

"Thanks, Raul," Shirou said with a smile, then continued on his way out of the inn. He felt more refreshed after a good night's sleep, and his energy for the day ahead returned.

As soon as he stepped outside the inn, Shirou was greeted by a stunning view. The sun was rising over the horizon, casting golden rays across the calm sea. The dark sky was now transitioning to a light blue with shades of orange, creating a beautiful scene before his eyes. A gentle sea breeze blew, carrying a refreshing salty aroma.

Shirou stood by the beach, admiring the view with awe. The sunrise over Melen's beach felt incredibly peaceful, as if it were the perfect start to a new day. He felt the sea breeze brush against his face, and for a moment, all the burdens and worries he had vanished. This moment gave him the chance to think and prepare for whatever lay ahead.

With a small smile on his face, Shirou enjoyed the beauty of the sunrise, letting the calmness of the morning wash over him completely.

As Shirou savored the peaceful morning view at Melen beach, he heard soft footsteps approaching behind him. When he turned around, he saw Aiz walking toward him quietly. Her golden hair gleamed in the morning sunlight, and the gentle sea breeze made her appear even more graceful. She stopped beside Shirou, and for a few moments, they simply enjoyed the beauty of the morning together.

"Good morning, Shirou," Aiz said in her soft voice. She gazed at the horizon, looking calm, though there was a hint of warmth behind her usually composed expression. "It's been a while since we last met."

Shirou, finding that statement strange, smiled a little and glanced at Aiz. "A while? We've only been apart for a week, Aiz," he responded playfully, not expecting Aiz to feel that their time apart had been so long.

Unbeknownst to Shirou, Aiz whispered quietly, so softly it was almost inaudible, "But that's already too long for me." Those words were spoken only to herself, and her gaze remained focused on the ocean in front of them, though inside, she felt a subtle longing that hadn't yet been voiced.

Shirou, who didn't hear Aiz's whisper, continued with a light question. "So, Aiz? Did you enjoy your time in Melen?" he asked, curious about her impressions of the time spent there.

Aiz was silent for a moment, her expression a little puzzled. Her first thoughts went back to the previous night when she had been in a battle against the Amazon of Kali Familia. But then she remembered the earlier days when the female members of Loki Familia had enjoyed swimming and relaxing on the beach. "Yes, I suppose I enjoyed some of it," Aiz finally replied, though there was a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

Shirou, having learned from Lefiya that Aiz had a bit of trouble with swimming, grinned mischievously. "Oh, so you enjoyed the vacation, even though Lefiya told me you can't swim?" he teased, looking at Aiz with a playful gaze.

Aiz's face instantly flushed at Shirou's words. "I... I've been trying to learn," Aiz said, her voice a little embarrassed. "Tiona taught me yesterday, but I still... sank." Her face reddened even more as she admitted her failure in learning to swim.

Shirou stifled a small laugh at that, then in a serious but friendly tone, he said, "Well then, if we have time before heading back, how about I teach you how to swim?" The offer sounded sincere, and Shirou thought this could be a good opportunity to help Aiz overcome her fear of water.

Hearing Shirou's offer, Aiz's eyes lit up, though she tried to hide it by staying calm. Aiz, who was usually composed and unshaken, now felt a spark of excitement inside her. "You... you'd teach me?" she asked, her voice filled with hope, though there was a hint of shyness.

Shirou nodded, smiling warmly. "Of course. I'm sure you'll learn quickly." He reassured Aiz, feeling confident that he could help her overcome her fear.

However, Aiz, still embarrassed about her inability to swim, lowered her head for a moment before saying, "But... could we do it in a quiet place? I don't want anyone to see... me sinking." Her voice was soft, and her face was still red. Aiz didn't want others to witness her struggling, especially with something she had feared since childhood.

Shirou's smile widened at the request. "Of course, we can find a quiet spot around here," he said gently. He understood Aiz's feelings and wanted to make her feel comfortable.

In her heart, Aiz felt overjoyed, even though she didn't show it clearly. The thought of spending time alone with Shirou made her heart race, and although she was still embarrassed about her weakness, a sense of happiness flowed through her. Aiz felt that this was a chance to get closer to Shirou, something she had been looking forward to for a long time.

The two of them stood there, enjoying the rest of the beautiful morning on Melen beach, while planning their swimming session. Inside, Aiz's heart continued to beat fast, imagining the time she would spend with Shirou, hoping it would become an unforgettable moment between the two of them.

As Shirou and Aiz stood on the beach, enjoying the peaceful beauty of the morning, they suddenly heard a cheerful voice from the direction of the inn. The voice broke the silence with an enthusiastic call. "Hey, Shirou! Aiz! Breakfast is ready!" It was Tiona's voice, waving at them from afar, calling them both back to the inn.

Shirou and Aiz glanced at each other before sharing a small smile. "Looks like it's time to eat," Shirou said with a slight grin as they both walked toward the inn, following Tiona, who had already turned and was walking ahead of them.

When they entered the dining room inside the inn, the atmosphere was warm and full of camaraderie. The other members of Loki Familia had already gathered around the long table, waiting for breakfast. The morning meal that had been prepared smelled inviting, filling the room with delicious aromas that made Shirou's stomach rumble a little. In the middle of the room, Lefiya, already seated on one side of the table, waved in their direction.

"Shirou! Aiz! Sit here," Lefiya called with a cheerful smile, pointing to an empty spot next to her.

Shirou, still feeling a bit awkward from the misunderstanding yesterday, swallowed and walked toward the spot Lefiya indicated. He sat next to her, trying to act normal, though his face flushed slightly as he recalled how he had misinterpreted Lefiya's comment about the moon. Aiz sat beside Shirou, her face remaining calm and cool as usual, though there was a warmth behind her usually quiet demeanor.

Once everyone had taken their seats, they began to enjoy the breakfast that had been served. The morning meal consisted of fresh bread, fruits, roasted meat, and a warm soup that comforted their stomachs after a long night. The dining room was filled with cheerful chatter among the members of Loki Familia, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie. Shirou, though still feeling a little shy, joined the conversation, occasionally glancing at Lefiya and Aiz beside him, enjoying the comfort of being near them.

Lefiya, sitting next to Shirou, would occasionally glance his way with a small smile, seemingly unaware of his nervousness. Meanwhile, Aiz quietly enjoyed her breakfast, though there was a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes about their promise to practice swimming later. The three of them sat side by side, relishing the peaceful morning and the delicious breakfast.

After breakfast ended and the dining room quieted down, Finn stood up in the center of the room. With a commanding posture and a focused gaze, he drew the attention of all the Loki Familia members. All eyes turned to him, ready to listen to the announcement he was about to make.

"Alright, everyone. We'll be holding a briefing now," Finn said in a firm but calm tone. "As you know, we've inspected the entrance to the Dungeon located beneath the sea. According to the report from Tiona and Tione, the Leviathan seal is still in perfect condition."

Tiona and Tione, seated at the side of the table, nodded in unison. "Yes, we both dove down and checked the seal. There were no cracks or damages at all," Tiona explained, recalling their dive to the ocean floor to examine the long-mysterious seal.

Tione added, "The seal remains intact, just as we expected. It seems that this isn't the entrance Hermes mentioned."

Finn nodded calmly, as if he had anticipated this outcome. "Exactly. Hermes' information suggests there's another entrance to the Dungeon, and this isn't the one." He paused for a moment, letting the information sink in for everyone.

Hearing this, Bete sighed in frustration. "So we have to start searching somewhere else again? This is a waste of time," he complained impatiently, leaning back in his chair, clearly displeased with the slow progress.

However, Finn ignored Bete's complaints and remained composed. Before Bete could continue, Riveria stepped forward, addressing a more pressing issue. "There's a bigger problem we need to discuss," Riveria said, her voice firm yet elegant. "We've discovered evidence that the Violas, the monsters swimming in the Melen sea, didn't appear naturally. They were smuggled in from outside."

The room fell silent for a moment, as everyone's attention turned to Riveria. "After further investigation," she continued, "it turns out that the Guild in Melen is involved in large-scale corruption, allowing the smuggling of these Violas." Riveria's expression showed clear discontent, making it evident that the situation was far more serious than initially thought.

Loki, who had been quietly listening until now, finally spoke up. With a sly yet attentive smile, she said, "Well, it seems we have business with the god Njord, who resides here in Melen. I'll handle that conversation directly. Not only that, but we also need to talk to Goddess Kali after our fight yesterday. I'm sure she knows more about this smuggling operation."

Hearing the names Njord and Kali, the atmosphere in the dining room grew even more serious. Finn nodded, appreciating Loki's decision. "Alright, with that, we'll continue this investigation. Riveria, keep up your investigation. Tiona, Tione, you two can help by checking the surrounding areas in more detail."

All members of Loki Familia understood their respective responsibilities. Shirou, who had been listening intently, sensed the gravity of the situation. The mission in Melen was far more complex than he had anticipated, and it seemed a large conspiracy was unfolding behind the scenes.

After discussing the Leviathan seal, Finn continued the briefing by addressing the battles from the previous day. Everyone present listened seriously, knowing that the incident had involved several important confrontations.

"Now, let's talk about our confrontation with Kali Familia yesterday," Finn began with a firm tone. "That battle wasn't easy, especially since we were not only facing them, but also dealing with surprises from various other parties involved."

Finn proceeded to recount the sequence of events during the battle experienced by the female members of Loki Familia. "Yesterday, Lefiya was kidnapped by Bache, one of the strong fighters from Kali Familia," Finn explained. "This forced Tiona and Tione to face direct threats, with each having to engage in a duel. Tiona fought Bache, while Tione faced off against Argana, Bache's sister."

Tiona and Tione, sitting at the table, bowed their heads slightly as Finn continued. "You both did your best, but I want to remind you—don't act on your own like that again. If we don't work together, the risk of injury or even losing members becomes much higher."

The Amazon sisters nodded, accepting the advice from their captain. Finn then mentioned that Aiz had come to assist. "During the fight, Tiona was helped by Aiz, who arrived and helped defeat Bache," he added.

Before Finn could continue, Aiz raised her hand to add another detail. "Actually, on my way, I was stopped by members of Ishtar Familia, one of them being Phryne," Aiz said, her voice calm despite mentioning the powerful opponent who briefly held her back.

Hearing Phryne's name, Bete immediately burst into laughter. "Hahaha! I took care of her last night. They didn't even stand a chance," Bete said arrogantly, recalling how easily he defeated Phryne and the other Amazons from Ishtar Familia.

Finn simply nodded and made a note. "Alright, we need to keep an eye on Ishtar Familia. It seems they are also involved in this conflict." The mood in the room grew even more serious as they realized more parties were involved than they initially thought.

Finn then continued his account, this time discussing his own involvement in the fight. "I stepped in to help Tione against Argana," he said, though he appeared to downplay his role.

However, Tione quickly interrupted with enthusiasm. "Oh, don't be so modest, Captain! You defeated Argana with a single punch!" Tione said, her eyes shining with admiration, while the others chuckled at how quickly Finn ended the fight.

Finn scratched his head a little awkwardly. "I just did what was necessary," he said, trying not to make it sound like a big accomplishment, though it was clear he had done more than enough.

Shirou, who had been listening closely the entire time, tensed slightly when Finn began mentioning his name. "And finally, Shirou and Gareth successfully rescued Lefiya from the Amazons," Finn said, glancing at both of them.

Gareth, known for his loud and hearty laugh, immediately let out a deep chuckle. "Haha! Yeah, I took care of the Amazons there, while Shirou got Lefiya out safely before things got worse," he explained, proud of how they handled the situation.

Aiz, sitting beside Shirou, suddenly looked worried. She turned to Lefiya with concern in her eyes. "Lefiya, you're not hurt, are you?" she asked softly, wanting to make sure her friend was alright after being kidnapped.

Lefiya, sitting across from them, blushed immediately. She felt a bit shy with all the attention on her, especially since the memory of that night was still fresh in her mind. "I-I'm fine. No one was hurt," she replied quickly, though her eyes darted toward Shirou sitting beside her. Her face reddened even more as she recalled the night when Shirou saved her, and afterward, they took a peaceful walk together while the others were still fighting.

Shirou, remembering that night as well, gave a small smile, feeling a little awkward thinking about how they had enjoyed a calm moment while everyone else was still battling. The two had shared a rare moment of peace, but now, in the middle of a serious briefing, they felt a bit embarrassed reflecting on how relaxed their time had been compared to the chaos around them.

With all the reports finished, Finn wrapped up the discussion firmly. "We need to stay alert. Our mission isn't over yet, and there's still much to be done in Melen before we return to Orario."

After all the reports were given and the discussion about the previous day's incidents had concluded, Finn stood at the center of the room, looking around at the members of Loki Familia. With a calm yet authoritative demeanor, he delivered the meeting's closing remarks.

"Alright, everyone. For now, we'll end this meeting. You've all worked hard, so you have free time to relax today," Finn said with a relieved tone. A small smile appeared on his face, signaling that this was a rare opportunity for them to unwind in the middle of their important mission.

Some members of Loki Familia cheered happily upon hearing this announcement. The tired faces, which had been filled with the tension of battle, looked a little more relaxed at the thought of getting some rest and enjoying the beautiful city of Melen.

However, the excitement didn't last long. Before anyone could react further, Loki stepped forward with her usual laid-back style and a mischievous smile on her face. "Hey, hey, wait a minute! You can't relax just yet!" she called out, halting the brief joy that had filled the room.

The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to Loki, who seemed excited about her next plan. "Before you enjoy your free time, there's a little business we need to take care of first," she continued, placing her hands confidently on her hips. "We've got a meeting with Njord, the fishing god who lives here in Melen, and also with Kali, the small fry we beat yesterday. You can't relax until you accompany me to meet them!"

A few members of Loki Familia groaned softly, though they were used to Loki suddenly interrupting plans with unexpected tasks. Tiona, who had been ready to relax, sighed and joked, "Looks like our plans to chill will have to wait..."

Tione grinned and patted Tiona's shoulder. "You know Loki always has something extra planned at the end," she replied with a small laugh.

Shirou, sitting next to Lefiya and Aiz, also sensed the change in the atmosphere. He looked at Loki with a slightly awkward smile but wasn't too surprised. He knew that when a god like Loki was involved, there was always a bigger agenda to follow before they could truly relax.

"We'll meet Njord first," Loki continued, "He might have more information about the situation in Melen, especially regarding the smuggling of the Violas. After that, we'll deal with Kali. I'm sure she has more to explain after yesterday's fight."

Finn, remaining calm despite Loki interrupting his announcement, simply nodded. "Alright, follow Loki's orders. We'll handle these meetings before we can truly rest," he said, refocusing everyone's attention on the tasks still ahead.

Although some members felt disappointed that their relaxation was postponed, they all understood the importance of the mission. After all, Njord and Kali played crucial roles in the mystery surrounding Melen, and these meetings could provide the answers they needed.

With that, the members began preparing themselves, setting aside their fatigue for the time being, and followed Loki and Finn's lead toward the meetings that would bring them closer to uncovering the truth.

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