
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

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35 Chs

Chapter 10

Night had fallen over Orario, and after a long day, Shirou finally lay down on the bed in the small room provided by Syr and Mama Mia. Though simple, the room was quite comfortable. Soft-colored curtains shielded the room from the chill of the night, and the noise from the restaurant below began to quiet down. Shirou felt tired, not only from his journey but also from the heavy thoughts that constantly haunted him.

After a while, his eyelids began to grow heavy, and before he knew it, Shirou had fallen into a deep sleep.

However, his sleep was not an escape from reality. Instead, he quickly plunged into a strange dream, one that felt so real, as if he had returned to a past that wasn't his own.

In the dream...

Shirou stood in an unfamiliar place. All around him was a ravaged battlefield, filled with the ruins of buildings and scorched earth. The sky was a blood-red color, and in the distance, Shirou could see the blurry shadows of figures engaged in battle.

In the middle of the battlefield, he saw someone familiar—a man dressed in red with dark black armor, wielding twin swords in both hands. His white, disheveled hair and sharp, weary eyes emitted a strong aura of determination and fatigue.


Shirou's heart raced as he realized who was standing in front of him. This man was him, or at least, a shadow of his future filled with disappointment and regret.

But something was different this time. Shirou saw Archer fighting, not to kill or erase traces of his past, but to protect someone—someone Shirou had never seen before. That figure was a young man with brown hair and eyes full of courage, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Ritsuka, a Master from Chaldea, appeared to be leading his forces with unshakable spirit, and Archer was by his side, protecting him from every incoming attack. Something had changed in Archer—he was no longer consumed by hatred or despair. Instead, Shirou could sense a hope that had begun to reawaken within him.

Archer fought with all his might, shielding Ritsuka from countless threats. Every strike he made seemed full of conviction, as if he had rediscovered his purpose in life—a purpose that had been lost for so long.

As Shirou watched, he felt a mix of emotions. He knew that Archer was a reflection of his own wounded self, but seeing Archer now fighting for someone else, for a greater cause, reignited a spark within him.

Suddenly, Archer turned towards Shirou, as if aware of his presence. Their eyes met, and for the first time, Shirou saw a small smile on Archer's face.

"I know you're there, Shirou." Archer's voice echoed in Shirou's mind. "I know you may still doubt the path we chose. But through this battle, I've realized something. Even though we've fallen, even though we've failed, the dream of becoming a hero still lives within you. It never truly died."

Archer paused, gazing at the crimson sky filled with flashes of distant combat. "Through Fujimaru Ritsuka, I've come to understand that being a hero isn't always about saving everyone, but about fighting for what's right, even if it's just for one person, one moment, or one final chance."

Shirou stood silently, captivated by Archer's words. He felt confused yet enlightened. This dream, or perhaps this memory, had changed the way he viewed his own journey.

Archer continued, "I may just be a broken shadow of you, but if there's one thing I want to tell you, it's this—never stop dreaming, Shirou. Never stop fighting to be a hero, even if the world laughs at you, or even if that dream leads you to suffering."

Shirou reached out to Archer, wanting to say something, but before he could, the battlefield began to fade. The dream world started to collapse, and Shirou felt himself being pulled back into the darkness.

Back to reality...

Shirou awoke, breathing heavily, drenched in cold sweat. He sat up in bed, staring out the window where the sky over Orario was beginning to lighten with the dawn. Archer's words still echoed in his ears, stirring a strange mix of anxiety and hope within his heart.

That dream—was it just an illusion, or was it truly a memory from a future that never came to pass?

But one thing was certain: the spirit of becoming a hero, which he had once questioned and doubted, was now beginning to grow again inside him, like a small flame flickering in the dark night.

With newfound determination, Shirou sighed deeply. He knew that his journey in Orario had just begun, and with all the challenges ahead, he would fight—not just for himself, but for the dream he had always chased—to become a hero, no matter how difficult the path might be.

After waking from the powerful dream, Shirou spent a few moments reflecting before deciding to get out of bed. The soft morning light was beginning to filter through the small window in his room, and he could hear faint sounds from downstairs. It was still too early for the restaurant to open, but he felt restless.

Shirou decided to head downstairs to see if there was anything he could help with. When he arrived at the main floor, the restaurant was still quiet. However, he saw someone already busy setting up tables and chairs, ensuring everything was neat and ready for the day.

The figure was a blonde elf with piercing blue eyes, who exuded a calm and serious demeanor. Shirou recognized her as the waitress he had seen the night before, who seemed different from the others with her more regal and composed aura.

The elf seemed focused on her work, not noticing Shirou as he entered the main dining area.

"Good morning," Shirou greeted softly, trying not to disturb her too much.

The elf turned gracefully, and for a moment, her bright blue eyes gazed sharply at Shirou. However, her gaze softened slightly as she recognized him as the guest who had just checked in.

"Good morning," she replied in a soft yet controlled voice. "You're the new guest who arrived yesterday, correct?"

Shirou nodded. "Yes, my name is Shirou Emiya. I'm staying here thanks to Syr and Mama Mia's help."

The elf nodded slowly, then introduced herself. "I am Ryuu Lion, one of the waitresses at Hostess of Fertility. Welcome to Orario."

"Thank you, Ryuu-san," Shirou replied politely. "I woke up early and thought I'd help with the preparations. I don't want to just stay here without doing anything."

Ryuu studied Shirou for a moment, as if assessing his intentions. After a few seconds that felt like a careful evaluation, she finally nodded.

"If you want to help, I won't refuse. We're still getting the restaurant ready for breakfast. There are a few things you can do," she said, her voice calm and professional.

"I'd be happy to help. What should I do?" Shirou asked, feeling relieved to contribute.

Ryuu stepped over to a nearby table and picked up some cleaning supplies. "You can start by cleaning the tables and chairs in the main area. Make sure everything is neat and ready for the customers."

Shirou nodded and immediately grabbed a cleaning cloth and a bucket of clean water. He began working meticulously, making sure every table and chair was in perfect condition. Meanwhile, Ryuu continued her duties, arranging cutlery and ensuring the kitchen was ready for the day.

As they worked together, the atmosphere became more comfortable. Though Ryuu didn't speak much, her calm presence gave Shirou the feeling that he was accepted here, at least for now.

After a while, Ryuu finally broke the silence. "You're quite skilled at this. Have you worked in a restaurant before?"

Shirou smiled slightly, still wiping down a table. "Not professionally, but I often cook and take care of my own home. So, I'm used to this kind of work."

Ryuu nodded, seemingly impressed, though she didn't show it clearly. "That's a useful skill. Especially in a place like this."

Shirou just nodded in agreement. "I'm happy to help. I want to show my gratitude for being allowed to stay here."

Ryuu paused for a moment, looking at Shirou with her calm blue eyes. "You don't need to feel like you owe anything. If you work hard and show good intentions, that's more than enough."

Ryuu's simple words carried a deep meaning for Shirou. He felt relieved that the people in Orario, despite their differences, had a strong spirit of mutual support.

After a while, the restaurant began to look ready to open its doors. Shirou and Ryuu stood for a moment, admiring their work.

"You've been a great help today, Shirou-san," Ryuu said in a tone slightly warmer than before. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Shirou smiled and bowed slightly in gratitude. "Thank you, Ryuu-san. I'll remember that."

The front door of Hostess of Fertility chimed softly as it opened, and three familiar girls entered with energetic steps. They were the regular waitresses of the restaurant, well-acquainted with the loyal customers and the atmosphere of the place. Anya, Chloe, and Lunoire seemed ready to start their day, wearing their neatly pressed green uniforms with cheerful expressions on their faces.

Anya, a cat-people with orange hair and bright green eyes, quickly noticed the unusual scene. Near one of the tables, Ryuu was talking to a red-haired man she didn't recognize. The man seemed to be working, wiping the table with focused attention.

Anya excitedly jumped forward, her tail moving energetically. "Nyaa~? Who's this guy?" she asked curiously, her ears twitching.

Chloe, a chienthrope with brown hair and a playful grin, followed behind Anya, her gaze filled with interest. "Oh, do we have a new employee? Mama Mia didn't tell me about this~," she said with a small laugh.

Lunoire, a human girl with wavy black hair, looked a bit calmer but no less curious. "It's strange. Mama Mia usually doesn't let outsiders work here without a reason."

Ryuu, noticing her friends' attention, turned towards them and explained calmly. "This is Shirou Emiya, a guest staying here. He's just helping out temporarily."

Shirou paused his work for a moment and bowed slightly to the three girls who had just entered. "Good morning, I'm Shirou. It's nice to meet you all," he said with a friendly smile.

Anya immediately approached Shirou, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Nyaa, you seem hardworking! But why are you here, Shirou?"

Before Shirou could answer, Chloe chimed in teasingly, "Are you trying to steal the hearts of the girls here? Or maybe Ryuu's heart?"

Hearing that, Shirou chuckled awkwardly, feeling a bit embarrassed. "No, no, I just wanted to help out because I felt bad staying here without doing anything."

Lunoire, with a gentle smile, patted Chloe on the shoulder. "Don't tease our guest, Chloe. Shirou-san, thank you for your help. You've made our work easier this morning."

Shirou smiled and nodded. "You're welcome. I'm happy to help. It's the least I can do compared to the kindness you've all shown me."

Anya seemed pleased with his response. "You seem like a good person, Shirou. But nyaa~ Mama Mia doesn't impress easily! So, you'll have to work hard!"

Chloe laughed again. "Oh, that's true! But don't worry, Shirou-san. If you keep being this diligent, maybe we can convince Mama Mia to hire you permanently."

Ryuu only offered a faint smile, observing the interaction between them. She felt relieved to see that Shirou was being accepted well by her colleagues. Even though Shirou was a stranger in Orario, he seemed like someone who could easily become part of their small community.

"Alright, let's get to work," Ryuu said, taking the initiative to end the light-hearted conversation. "The restaurant will open soon, and we need to make sure everything is ready."

Shirou nodded and eagerly returned to his tasks. He felt happy and a bit more at ease being around these friendly people. Perhaps, even though he was in a world completely foreign to him, he had finally found a place where he could feel accepted, at least for now.

Meanwhile, Anya, Chloe, and Lunoire also returned to their duties, occasionally flashing a smile or a glance of interest towards Shirou. It seemed like today would be an interesting day at Hostess of Fertility.

As Shirou continued working alongside the other waitresses, a question arose in his mind. He glanced around but didn't see the girl who had helped him before. Wiping sweat from his forehead after finishing cleaning a table, Shirou asked, "By the way, I haven't seen Syr this morning. Is she not working today?"

Anya, who was carrying a stack of plates, paused for a moment and turned with her characteristic smile. "Nyaa, Syr-chan? Oh, she likes to come in late, especially if she had too much fun the night before," she replied with a teasing tone.

Chloe, hearing this, chuckled softly. "Yeah, that's true. Syr has a habit of coming in late when she feels like there's no rush. But don't worry, she'll show up soon. She's probably just sleeping in."

Lunoire nodded in agreement. "That's how Syr is. But strangely, Mama Mia never gets mad at her. Syr always has a way of making herself likable, no matter what."

Shirou smiled lightly at their explanations. "Oh, I see… I thought Syr was the type of person who was very disciplined, but it seems she's pretty relaxed about time," he murmured, returning to wiping the table.

Chloe continued with a mischievous expression, "Oh, don't be fooled by her sweet face, Shirou-san. Syr can be quite laid-back when she wants to be. But she's also very reliable, especially when it comes to making customers feel comfortable."

Ryuu, who had been quietly listening while setting up the utensils, added in a calm tone, "Syr has her own way of doing things. And even though she's often late, she remains one of the best waitresses here. The customers love her."

Shirou nodded, feeling like he understood a bit more about the mysterious girl who had helped him. "I see… well, I hope she shows up soon," he said, still smiling.

Inwardly, Shirou was curious about who Syr really was. There was something intriguing and slightly mysterious about her that made him want to know more. However, he decided to wait and see. After all, he was just happy to be in a place where the people were so warm and welcoming.

Hostess of Fertility began to fill with morning sunlight, and the restaurant became busier with customers coming in for breakfast. The aroma of toasted bread, hot soup, and other delicious foods filled the air, creating a lively and pleasant atmosphere. Customers started sitting at their tables, and the waitresses—Anya, Chloe, Lunoire, and Ryuu—efficiently began taking and delivering orders.

Shirou saw the bustling activity and felt a desire to help even more. Noticing the busy kitchen at the back of the restaurant, he realized there was an opportunity to lend a hand. With steady steps, he walked towards the kitchen.

At the entrance of the kitchen, he was stopped by a loud, authoritative voice. "Hey! What do you think you're doing, kid? This kitchen is for staff only!" The voice belonged to a large woman with impressive blonde hair and a tough demeanor. This was Mama Mia, the owner of the restaurant, known for her strict reputation in running the kitchen.

Shirou paused for a moment and smiled politely. "I understand, Mama Mia. But I wanted to offer my help. I'm fairly good at cooking and thought I could ease some of the workload here."

Mama Mia glared at Shirou with sharp eyes, as if assessing how serious he was. "Hah! Kid, my kitchen isn't a place to mess around. I don't let just anyone come in and ruin the reputation of this restaurant with questionable food."

Shirou, not one to back down easily, decided to take up the challenge. "In that case, how about I cook something for you to taste first? If it doesn't meet your standards, I won't push it."

Hearing that, the waitresses nearby stifled their laughter, realizing the boldness of Shirou's decision to challenge the notoriously strict Mama Mia. Even Ryuu, who rarely showed much emotion, seemed surprised by Shirou's daring. Anya whispered to Chloe, "Nyaa~ he's really brave… does he even know who he's dealing with?"

Mama Mia narrowed her eyes, then smiled in her signature way. "Hah! Alright, kid. I like your spirit! If you can make something worthy of being served in my restaurant, I'll consider letting you work in the kitchen. But if it's not up to par… don't expect to come near this kitchen again!"

Shirou nodded firmly. "Deal, Mama Mia." With determined steps, he approached the kitchen counter, which was already stocked with ingredients.

In the Kitchen of Hostess of Fertility

Mama Mia gave Shirou temporary permission and allowed him some space to work. Shirou quickly began selecting ingredients—fresh vegetables, meat, herbs, and spices available in the kitchen. With trained precision and speed, he began chopping, slicing, and preparing the ingredients with skilled hands.

Ryuu, Anya, Chloe, and Lunoire stood at the kitchen door, watching as Shirou worked with focused concentration. His hands moved quickly and confidently, as though he was well-versed in the art of cooking. They observed how he combined the ingredients with care, using techniques that seemed quite advanced.

After a short while, the kitchen was filled with an enticing aroma. Shirou had finished preparing a simple dish—a hearty meat soup with fragrant vegetables and a slice of toasted bread topped with garlic butter. He plated the dish and, with confidence, presented it to Mama Mia.

Mama Mia, known for her sharp palate, took a spoon and tasted the soup Shirou had made. She chewed slowly, her eyes still locked on Shirou as if trying to read his thoughts.

For a moment, there was silence, and the atmosphere grew tense. The waitresses waited with anticipation. Anya held her breath, Lunoire watched cautiously, and Chloe smiled, clearly enjoying the suspense. Shirou stood calmly, waiting for Mama Mia's verdict.

After a few moments, Mama Mia finally swallowed the bite and set the spoon down. Her face remained serious, revealing no clear expression.

Suddenly, Mama Mia laughed heartily. "Hah! Not bad, kid. Actually... it's delicious!" she said with a satisfied grin. "You know how to use ingredients properly, and the taste is spot on. But don't get too full of yourself! This is just one dish, and my kitchen has more challenges for you!"

Shirou smiled in relief. "Thank you, Mama Mia. I'm ready for the next challenge."

Mama Mia nodded. "Alright, kid. You can work in my kitchen, but only under supervision. I don't want any mistakes here. Got it?"

Shirou nodded enthusiastically. "Understood, Mama Mia!"

With that, Shirou was officially allowed to help in the kitchen of Hostess of Fertility. The waitresses cheered softly, and the day began with a livelier atmosphere. Shirou felt satisfied, knowing he had taken a small step to prove himself in this new city.

As the kitchen buzzed with activity, the front door of the restaurant gently opened, and the long-awaited figure finally appeared. Syr Flova entered with her usual cheerful smile, though she looked slightly surprised to see the restaurant already bustling with activity. The blue-haired girl seemed puzzled, especially when she saw Shirou in the kitchen, busily helping with breakfast preparations.

Syr's eyes widened, full of curiosity. She quickly approached the other waitresses gathered near a table, still nibbling on the leftovers of Shirou's cooking. "Eh? What's going on here?" Syr asked with a small laugh. "How is Shirou working in the kitchen? Mama Mia is usually very strict about who's allowed in there."

Anya, who was munching on some of Shirou's garlic toast, grinned widely. "Nyaa~ Syr-chan! You missed something exciting this morning. Shirou challenged Mama Mia and convinced her with his cooking. You should try it too; it's delicious!" she said, handing a piece of garlic toast to Syr.

Chloe, wiping her lips with a napkin, added teasingly, "Yeah, Syr. Even I didn't expect it, but his cooking is really worth trying. Even Mama Mia agreed, and you know how rare that is."

Syr accepted the piece of toast from Anya, still looking curious. She glanced towards the kitchen, where Shirou was focused on chopping vegetables. Syr's eyes narrowed slightly, as if trying to make sense of the situation. "Hmm, I didn't think Shirou would attempt something so bold… But I'm intrigued," she said, taking her first bite of the toast.

As the first bite entered her mouth, Syr's eyes widened slightly, and a broad smile spread across her face. The rich, buttery flavor of the garlic toast, with its crispy exterior, surprised her. "Wow, this... is really delicious!" Syr exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't expect Shirou's cooking to be this good."

Lunoire, sitting next to her, nodded with a smile. "I agree. Maybe we should have Shirou cook more often," she said, half-jokingly.

Syr chuckled and nodded, but then glanced back at the kitchen, where Shirou was enthusiastically working on his new tasks. There was something in her gaze—a mix of admiration and deep curiosity. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see," she murmured softly.

She then walked over to the kitchen, unable to contain her curiosity any longer. "Shirou-kun!" she called out cheerfully, making Shirou turn around with a bit of surprise on his face.

"Oh, Syr! You're here," Shirou said, relieved to see her.

Syr smiled widely. "Of course! I just didn't expect to see you working in the kitchen. I heard you managed to convince Mama Mia with your cooking. Is that true?"

Shirou scratched his head awkwardly. "Well, I thought it was the best way to repay the favor since I'm staying here… and I wanted to help as much as I could."

Syr laughed again. "You're quite an interesting person, Shirou-kun. But don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

Shirou smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Besides, I'm happy to be working here."

Seeing their interaction, the other waitresses exchanged glances with smiles on their faces. It seemed like today at Hostess of Fertility had become more exciting than usual, with Shirou's presence bringing a fresh dynamic to their daily routine.

After a busy morning of serving breakfast, the customers began leaving Hostess of Fertility with satisfied smiles, praising the dishes prepared by Shirou. The restaurant was filled with the mouth-watering aroma, and everyone in the kitchen felt proud of their work. Shirou, having just finished his tasks, felt happy seeing the customers leave with smiles on their faces.

As the breakfast rush ended and the restaurant started to quiet down, Mama Mia called Shirou over for a conversation. "Shirou, I need to talk to you for a moment," she said in a gentler tone than usual, as she instructed the waitresses to take a break and clean up the dining area.

Shirou nodded and followed Mama Mia to a small table in the corner of the restaurant. "Of course, Mama Mia. What did you want to talk about?"

Mama Mia sat down, wiping her hands with a napkin, and looked at Shirou seriously. "I've seen how you work in the kitchen and how the customers respond to your cooking. You've got talent. So, I've decided to let you stay in one of the rooms upstairs as long as you work here. It'll give you a comfortable place to stay while you're in Orario."

Shirou looked pleased with the offer. "Thank you, Mama Mia. That would be very helpful."

Mama Mia continued, "However, there's one thing I'd like to know more about. It seems like you're not just here to work. What's your real purpose in Orario?"

Shirou thought for a moment before answering. "I came to Orario with the intention of becoming an adventurer and exploring the dungeon. I want to see the world beyond my hometown and find ways to improve my abilities. I believe becoming an adventurer will provide me with valuable experiences."

Mama Mia nodded, observing him closely. "An adventurer, huh? That path is full of challenges and risks. In Orario, being an adventurer isn't easy, and the dungeon can be very dangerous. But if you've already made up your mind, I won't stop you. However, I'd advise you to be cautious and perhaps gather some information or training before diving in."

Shirou nodded seriously. "I understand. I've been preparing myself and plan to start training and look for a guild that can support me. I just want to make sure I'm ready before entering the dungeon."

Mama Mia smiled, satisfied with Shirou's explanation. "Alright, I'm sure you'll do your best. And don't worry about your place to stay. As long as you work here, you can use the room upstairs. It's not too fancy, but it's comfortable enough."

Shirou felt relieved and grateful. "I really appreciate that, Mama Mia. Thank you so much for this opportunity."

Syr, who had been listening to the conversation, decided to join in. She approached the table with a friendly smile. "Sorry to interrupt, but I overheard your conversation. Shirou-kun, before you start as an adventurer, maybe it would be a good idea for you to join a familia."

Shirou looked at Syr curiously. "Familia? What's that?"

Syr enthusiastically explained, "In Orario, familias are groups of adventurers and other members led by a god or goddess. Joining a familia can help you get training, support, and the resources you need to become an adventurer. They can also help you with dungeon information and battle strategies."

Mama Mia added, "Syr's right. Joining a familia is a smart move before you dive into the dungeon. They can provide you with the necessary training and help you understand how to survive in that dangerous environment."

Shirou considered their advice and nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll gather information about the familias and consider joining one."

Syr smiled, satisfied. "Great! If you need help finding the right familia or more information, don't hesitate to ask me. I can introduce you to some people who might help."

Mama Mia smiled, pleased that Shirou was receiving extra support. "Alright, if you decide to look for a familia, make sure you also keep up with your responsibilities here. Your room upstairs is ready for you."

Shirou felt relieved and thankful for their advice and support. "Thank you so much, Syr, Mama Mia. I'll seriously consider everything you've suggested."

With a renewed sense of purpose and the support of Syr and Mama Mia, Shirou was ready to start a new chapter of his adventure in Orario—seeking the right familia and pursuing the dream he had long chased.