
Fate Weaver: Temporal Warrior

'Fate Weaver' launches you into the epic journey of Cyrus, an ordinary villager who is thrust into an extraordinary role as a Temporal Warrior after a catastrophic storm shatters his peaceful life. Unleashing his newfound powers of time manipulation and foresight, along with the aid of Queen, a sentient AI companion, he embarks on an interstellar quest filled with trials, foes, and high-stake adventures. In this immersive space opera, watch as Cyrus evolves from a simple villager into the inspirational leader of the Company of the Crescent Blades, earning respect and unwavering loyalty in epic battles across the cosmos. However, as Cyrus and Queen delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, they uncover a deadly power struggle for control of a weapon capable of saving or annihilating thousands of civilizations. With time on his side and Queen's intelligence, Cyrus stands resolute to claim this power and determine the fate of the universe. Through grand battles, unexpected alliances, and personal growth in the face of cosmic calamity, Cyrus ascends as a beacon of hope for his land, fulfilling his destiny as its Savior, and revealing the boundless potential within every living being. Join us in 'Fate Weaver' as we traverse the fabric of time and space, redefine destiny, and explore the wonders of artificial intelligence and the human spirit.

Elias_Least · Fantasi
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151 Chs


Cyrus returned to his wagon, excited about his recent acquisitions. As he approached, he was surprised to see not only Klang and Cervus working diligently, but also three other boys laboring alongside them. Although they were slightly older than Cyrus, he considered himself more of a man because he had passed the trials of manhood. He realized these were simplistic views that no longer fit into his way of thought, but old habits were hard to break. These newcomers were not merely assisting; they seemed to be planning their own journey with Cyrus.

Intrigued, he approached the group and was introduced to the trio: two brothers, Eamon and Gavric, and their close friend, Eldric. Each had their own unique skills and backgrounds, but they all shared a similar story. Being third and fourth sons, they were destined to remain in the shadows of their older siblings, unable to make a significant impact on their family's businesses or trades within the caravan.

Eamon was an amateur fletcher, Eldric had helped train horses, and Gavric had the makings of a talented herbalist. All three had dreams of achieving greatness, and they had heard whispers of Cyrus's incredible feats and rapidly growing influence. Seeing an opportunity for adventure and a chance to carve their own paths in the world, they decided to seek out Cyrus and pledge their loyalty to him.

As the sun cast its warm white light over the bustling caravan, Cyrus listened intently to the stories of the three men. He could see the fire of ambition in their eyes, and their enthusiasm was contagious. The prospect of having these skilled individuals join him on his journey filled Cyrus with a renewed sense of excitement and purpose.

With the addition of Eamon, Gavric, and Eldric to his group, Cyrus's team was quickly becoming an impressive force. Together, they would face whatever challenges the world had in store for them, united by their shared desire for adventure and the pursuit of greatness. They had heard whispers of Lord Cyrus forming a mercenary group that would be hired out to various noble houses, and they knew that many would be eager to employ such a talented warrior and his growing band of skilled fighters.

The brothers, Eamon and Gavric, were adept with bows, having spent countless hours practicing their aim under the watchful eyes of their father, a skilled archer himself. Eldric, the friend, came from a family of renowned horse trainers, and was well-versed in the care and maintenance of horses - an invaluable skill given that the group now had six magnificent steeds among them.

As the Iris of the sun was at its widest, white light glowed across the caravan. Cyrus spoke with Cervus about the three new additions to their group. Cervus confirmed the boys' skills and vouched for their potential as valuable members of the team. With a nod of approval, Cyrus welcomed the trio into his ranks. He envisioned them growing into skilled warriors under his guidance, and he knew that their unique abilities would only strengthen their group as they embarked on daring adventures and battled fearsome foes.

Cyrus allowed each to swear the words of fealty and accepted the role of being their leader. He was not exactly sure how he was going to take care of five other people, but he never doubted that he could. As the preparations for their journey continued, Cyrus couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. With each new member that joined his team, his dream of forging a formidable mercenary group was becoming a reality. Together, they would take on the challenges that the world had to offer, fighting for honor, glory, and the promise of a brighter future.

Cyrus surveyed the impressive array of equipment and supplies that had been amassed for their upcoming journey. He instructed Klang to compile a list of any additional items they might need, but he couldn't help but be amazed at the generosity of the caravan workers.

The caravan workers were grateful for the many times Lord Cyrus had saved their lives, and they were more than willing to part with some of their wares. However, when Klang and Cervus approached them, they initially hesitated. The two guardsmen decided to take matters into their own hands, subtly revealing their weapons to remind the workers of Cyrus's bravery and the protection he had provided.

With a newfound sense of urgency, the caravan workers relinquished the supplies Klang and Cervus requested. Now, their group was well-equipped, boasting a large wagon that served as Cyrus's cabin, a spacious open wagon that would carry their supplies, and six sturdy horses. It was, indeed, an excellent beginning for his burgeoning army.

Eamon and Gavric, the skilled archer brothers, shared a single bow and quiver between them, but their talent was undeniable. As they demonstrated their prowess, Cyrus could envision them becoming formidable fighters under his tutelage. Eldric, the young horseman, possessed not only a deep knowledge of the surrounding terrain but also the ability to expertly guide both wagons to any destination Cyrus requested.

To Cyrus's delight, he discovered that Eldric had another rare and valuable skill: he could read. Although his proficiency was limited, it was an exceptional talent in a world where literacy was scarce. This ability spoke volumes about the potential of his sharp and resourceful mind.

The air grew a little hotter and Cyrus felt a growing sense of pride and excitement. His motley group of skilled and eager individuals was coming together, bound by a shared purpose and the promise of great adventures ahead. With each new member and piece of equipment, Cyrus's dream of building a formidable army inched closer to reality, and he knew that, together, they were destined for greatness.

He ordered Klang to go with Eldric to get that list of supplies, he may actually end up with a list. Yes, this was going to work out well. Cyrus had an idea that would put a bit of flair in his new mercenary force. He began to collect the oldest and most rusted out weaponry that his men had collected from the caravan and brought it inside his cabin. He needed some privacy to make this happen.

Cyrus tossed six old swords onto the bed, they were rusted and bent and he knew why they had gotten them for free. He picked up the first, a long sword that had seen much better days. Cyrus didn't have any problems remembering the weapons that Klang and Cervus used, they had swung them plenty of times in his direction. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his Minor Creation ability.

The autonomous nanoparticles began to shift within the blade, adding material, erasing weak points in the steel, sharpening the edge to a razor, and giving it a perfect balance. When he opened his eyes, a gleaming steel bastard sword shined before him. His personal insignia etched into the metal just above the ricasso, the unsharpened portion of the blade just above the hilt, used for gripping the sword during certain maneuvers.

He continued his endeavors and created a deadly cleaver with a vicious serrated blade and three short swords for the boys. Each emblazoned with his sigil and each a stunning work of art. With Queens help, they designed two recurved longbows that were made from carbon nanofibers and would be like nothing these guys had ever seen. He decided that would begin a rigorous training schedule starting every morning. He made new scabbards that would go with the weapons and quivers to accompany the bows. This tired him out as he depleted his Will Power and fell asleep before it got dark.