
Fate Weaver: Temporal Warrior

'Fate Weaver' launches you into the epic journey of Cyrus, an ordinary villager who is thrust into an extraordinary role as a Temporal Warrior after a catastrophic storm shatters his peaceful life. Unleashing his newfound powers of time manipulation and foresight, along with the aid of Queen, a sentient AI companion, he embarks on an interstellar quest filled with trials, foes, and high-stake adventures. In this immersive space opera, watch as Cyrus evolves from a simple villager into the inspirational leader of the Company of the Crescent Blades, earning respect and unwavering loyalty in epic battles across the cosmos. However, as Cyrus and Queen delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, they uncover a deadly power struggle for control of a weapon capable of saving or annihilating thousands of civilizations. With time on his side and Queen's intelligence, Cyrus stands resolute to claim this power and determine the fate of the universe. Through grand battles, unexpected alliances, and personal growth in the face of cosmic calamity, Cyrus ascends as a beacon of hope for his land, fulfilling his destiny as its Savior, and revealing the boundless potential within every living being. Join us in 'Fate Weaver' as we traverse the fabric of time and space, redefine destiny, and explore the wonders of artificial intelligence and the human spirit.

Elias_Least · Fantasi
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151 Chs


The Company of the Crescent Blades, now bolstered by the addition of Lilien, set about gathering essential supplies from the village of Emberstaff. They carefully selected sturdy ropes, durable jerky, and other necessities such as flint and steel, lantern oil, and waterproof canvas for their upcoming adventure. Furthermore, they secured medical supplies, including healing herbs and bandages, as well as extra arrows for their archers, Eamon and Gavric.

As they prepared, they couldn't help but notice the wary eyes of the villagers, who still regarded Lilien with a mix of disdain and suspicion. Recognizing the potential for danger, Cyrus decided that it would be best for Lilien to remain within the cabin wagon while they were still in the village. The main reasoning was to protect her from any animosity that might escalate into violence, but they also had a major problem haggling better prices with her in their midst.

Cyrus approached Lilien with a somber expression, explaining that for her own safety, she must stay inside the cabin wagon to avoid drawing the ire of the villagers. Though initially resistant to the idea, she eventually recognized the wisdom in his words and reluctantly agreed. She retreated to the wagon, her pride wounded but her determination unshaken.

Klang was appointed to stay with the cabin and supplies that they had to guard everything they had gained thus far. The rest of the group, aware of the delicate balance that had been struck within the village, remained watchful and vigilant, ensuring the safety of their newest member.

As they continued to gather supplies, the members of the Company of the Crescent Blades couldn't help but overhear the villagers' grumblings about the magistrate's ruling. There were many differing opinions: some believed the decision would set a dangerous precedent, allowing those with wealth to buy their way out of trouble. Others argued that the death penalty was far too harsh for a crime as minor as stealing baubles and bread, and that a more lenient punishment would have been more appropriate.

As the group went about their business, they also overheard heated discussions about how the village should use the money gained from the transaction. The sum was significant enough that each villager would receive a small windfall, equivalent to the cost of an expensive dinner. Ideas for the use of the funds were diverse: some suggested building a church as a testament to the all-seeing god that protected them, while others argued for renovating the town square. A faction even proposed constructing a town-owned inn to draw in commerce and boost the village economy.

These debates only served to underscore the complexity of the situation, as the villagers grappled with the implications of the magistrate's decision and the unexpected wealth it had brought them. It was obvious that the newfound town fortune was being used as a means to enact old vengeances and arbitrary views alike. Through it all, the Company of the Crescent Blades remained focused on their mission, undeterred by the myriad opinions and controversies swirling around them.

Tensions within the village of Emberstaff escalated as villagers passionately debated how to use the money gained from Cyrus's gem. Heated arguments filled the air, and it became increasingly clear that these disagreements could soon devolve into physical violence. Reflecting on the situation, Cyrus couldn't help but wonder if he had made a mistake in offering up the gem, which had cost him only a few moments of concentration to obtain, but now threatened to plunge the village into a small-scale civil war. Despite his concerns, he remained steadfast in his belief that saving Lilien was the right thing to do, and he would make the same decision again if faced with the same circumstances.

With the day growing increasingly stressful and the atmosphere in the village becoming ever more hostile, Cyrus decided it would be best for the Company of the Crescent Blades to find comfortable accommodations for the night. Knowing that it would be some time before they had the luxury of sleeping in proper beds again, the group sought out the local inn. However, they were met with suspicious and resentful glares from the villagers, who now blamed Cyrus for their newfound troubles.

Upon arriving at the local inn, the Company of the Crescent Blades encountered the innkeeper, a grizzled man whose anger was palpable. He was extremely upset about the talk of a new, town-owned inn that would likely ruin him financially and destroy the legacy he had worked his entire life to maintain. His family had owned and operated the inn for generations, and in one brief instant, Cyrus's actions had put its future in jeopardy. The innkeeper, unable to contain his frustration and resentment, refused to allow the group to stay at his establishment and demanded that they leave the town immediately.

The Company of the Crescent Blades, taking the innkeeper's harsh words to heart, decided not to cause further trouble within the village. Resolved to continue their journey, they prepared to leave Emberstaff behind. Lilien, however, mentioned that she needed to retrieve her valuables before departing for good. While the group offered her an armed escort, she firmly declined, asserting her need to prove her strength and independence to her new companions. She would be offended, she said, if they doubted her ability to fend for herself.

During their brief time together, Lilien had shown a keen interest in the ornate map Cyrus possessed and the prospect of the treasure it might lead to. The thrill of a treasure hunt appealed to her adventurous spirit. With a determined nod, the young woman left the group to attend to her personal matters. As she disappeared into the village, Cyrus couldn't help but wonder if she would choose not to return. He accepted that possibility but kept his thoughts to himself. He told Lilien that if she decided to rejoin them, she would have to catch up, as the group would not wait for her.

The Company of the Crescent Blades left Emberstaff behind, their eyes fixed on the path ahead and the challenges that lay in store. Roughly three hours into their journey, the darkness of night had completely enveloped the land. The celestial spectacle of the white dwarf star's iris closing left only the faint illumination of the distant Three Sisters in the sky. The group lit torches to guide their way, the flickering flames casting eerie shadows on the road.

As they rode forward, the sound of horse hooves in the darkness reached their ears. The men readied themselves for a potential encounter, nerves on edge. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out, piercing the gloom – it was Lilien. Relief washed over the group as she emerged from the shadows, having chosen to rejoin the Company of the Crescent Blades on their perilous quest.

As soon as Lilien was settled in the driver's seat of Cyrus's wagon, Queen announced that he had successfully completed another quest. This was great news, but he felt like he needed to have a heart to heart with his AI companion. This entire 'quest thing' that she enjoyed needed to change. He walked to his cabin getting his thoughts straight along the way.

Cyrus engaged in a fully mental conversation with Queen, this way he could express exactly how he felt without having to search for words to describe it. He reflected on his deep understanding of the quest system and its role in his development. He marveled at the incredible growth in his intellect since embarking on this journey, a growth that had transformed him in more ways than he could have imagined. He acknowledged the vital role Queen played in connecting with his subconscious thoughts, using them to enhance his understanding and abilities, both physically and mentally.

However, Cyrus now believed that he had progressed far enough to move beyond the symbolic nature of quests. He expressed his desire to embrace Queen's guidance and protection fully, relying on her wisdom and expertise without the need for quests as a conduit. His trust in Queen was unwavering, and he was confident that she would help him navigate the time stream, allowing him to grow powerful enough to save his family, that was his most important goal.

Cyrus's conviction in their partnership had solidified, and he felt ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that Queen would be with him every step of the way.

Queen congratulated him on making this huge leap in his thought process, she agreed and said she would make some changes to the program while Cyrus slept. All he had to do was keep accepting her and when he woke up, the changes would be complete. Then he would be able to become even more powerful than he was now.

Cyrus crawled into his giant feather bed and drifted off to sleep. He repeated "I accept you" over and over again like a meditative mantra.