
Fate: Unbound Unbroken

Fate to some, Destiny to others, a being with various names, one and the same, the one who controls the path of the universe. When they first came into power, all they saw was chaos. Everything in disarray, so they sought order, and they found that very order through absolute control. A thread that trapped the chaos and seemed to mold the universe into order. Everything was predetermined, everything was fixed and because of all that everything was in balance. No one could go against their fate, those who have tried were cut from the tapestry of the universe, those who survived despite trying became an example of what it meant to tempt fate. Fate was vicious, fate was unkind and fate was absolute. Or so it was thought... ------------- He had played the game and was the last one left. Despite not being the strongest he was the one who survived the cataclysm. He finally finished this decrepit game but, at what cost. Fate stood in front of him. “Congratulations you have survived, unfortunately due to a lack of survivors your world will now be terminated”. Breathing in heavily, as the scent of blood filled the air, his armor shattered, his left arm limp, his body lacerated by thousands of slashes, he stood on a mountain of corpses. His friends, family, allies all but a distant memory. As he stood there barely clinging on to life he stared at fate and destiny into their eyes, hatred, pain, agony, lost, loneliness, every emotion flickered through his eyes till he displayed one final one ‘acceptance’. “NO!” “NO!” “I REFUSE TO DIE HERE, I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS FATE, THIS DESTINY. I WILL LIVE, I WILL SURVIVE, AND I WILL HUNT EVERY LAST ONE YOU DOWN! DO YOU HEAR ME!” A primal scream echoed through the wastelands that was once earth, as his vision faded to black. Not before a resounding SNAP echoed through the broken world.

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18 Chs

Chapter 8: [Error]

In the misty morning of the forest, Andrew lay next to the now-dead Frost-Wolf smiling. Despite his body being the equivalent of a mangled mess, his current detrimental physical state didn't take from the joy and hope he felt when he saw the familiar message and heard the familiar ding.

Finally breathing out a sigh, Andrew lay there in his own blood and began to laugh, as tears slowly began to gather around his eyes.

He finally had done it, despite the odds, he didn't just break through his limits he had crushed them and went beyond. The screen floating in front of him was an indication of such. Andrew closed his eyes as fatigue took over and his breathing slowed, till reaching a stop.

[Damage to hosts body detected]

[Beginning reconstruction]

Andrew's body began to heal, and his broken and twisted arms and legs seem to revert back to their optimal condition. His blood that was splattered over the ground, seemed to come to life as the droplets of blood materialized off the ground and seemed to crawl their way back to his body. The holes on his left arm seemed to stitch itself together closing themselves up.

As Andrew lay there, all of a sudden his eyes opened.


He gulped in the air as he was brought back to the land of consciousness, with his body now fully healed. Every part of his body had perfectly recovered and returned to peak condition. He had done it.

Opening and closing his hands, Andrew breathed a sigh of relief as he realized he hadn't lost any of his limbs. Looking at the floating blue screen in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a hint of a smile.

On the screen in front of him were all his abilities and capabilities that had been ranked F. He had officially stepped into the realms of superhuman even if he is the weakest now. It had been a while since he had seen such meager stats on a stat screen, but he would get stronger.

All of a sudden, the image in front of him warped. Unsure of whether he was seeing things write Andrew looked at the screen again.

The screen that is accessible by all Blessed, and shows their capabilities was glitching. Its text became blurry as it kept disappearing and reappearing. In the middle of the blue screen, a small red dot instantly formed. In an instant, it began to grow as the once blue screen now began to be dyed red. The red dot seemed to consume the blue screen in its entirety.

Then the screen disappeared.

As if, it had been shut down.

Andrew grew confused as he stood up, he realized something, despite the malfunction of the system window itself, the changes that it made to his body hadn't left.

Immediately Andrew felt a heat quickly grow in his body as he was attacked by a piercing pain.


His blood felt as if it had been lit on fire, every fiber of his being screaming out in pain. His newly healed body seemed to become unstable as if it was unable to hold itself together. His muscles began to spasm as he lost control of his own body.

Andrew collapsed back onto the floor as the pain threatened to overwhelm him. His body began to contort in ways one wouldn't think possible, as the pain he felt increased.

As Andrew experienced this he didn't notice that a new screen had appeared in front of him. The previously blue system screen now returned to crimson carmine red.


[Saved File Detected]


[Loading Saved File]






[CODE: 01000110 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01100010 01110010 01101111 01101011 01100101 01101110]






Andrew didn't notice what was happening, pain was the only thing Andrew felt. His body felt as if someone had taken his nerves and burnt them all at the same time. His body felt as if he was being skinned alive and every breath he took introduced a new wave of pain into his system.

Time passed for what seemed like hours on end, Andrew lay on the ground in a daze, unable to handle the pain he felt. His shirt had been drowned in sweat and blood.

All of a sudden a familiar sound rang and attracted Andrew's attention.


[Discrepancy detected]

[Syncing Saved File...]







[Status: SEALED]

[Current Access: 5%]

Andrew looked at the messages on the screen in front of him, still recovering from the pain he felt earlier. As he got his thoughts in order he stared at notifications and messages that appeared on the screen.

From his knowledge, the screen that appeared for Blessed was completely different from the one that was in front of him. Beyond any differences in color, the notifications rendered Andrew confused.

Why did he have a [Saved File]?

What caused the error?

What was the code that was displayed?

Various questions, questions with no answers surrounded Andrew's mind. Shaking his head to clear his mind he decided to focus on what was in front of him. For now, he had officially awakened as a Blessed, he had taken the first step.