
4 Saber vs Lancer vs Avenger

Alter Saber will rush out from where she was seeing the two people where fighting these two where Lancer and Avenger both seem to be handling each other with ease as they seem to be equal to each other as Alter Saber got close she heard what they were saying.

Lancer: so which servine are you

Avenger: what does it matter to you after all after your master's death you just left her there if I remember it was in the forest

Lancer would be shocked at that how did he know about his former master and more importantly who is this guy it is no way is Lancer because he the Lancer-class he is not Archer because he already met that class and definitely not a Saber. He didn't use a sword, if he had to guess he was one the 4 Caverly class. Assassin and Caster where out the question so the only two left are Rider or berserker he left the Berserker because he is located while for the rider class was only left unless he was an assassin as he was thinking all of this lancer wet to hit him Avenger tried to slash him with his weapons as they where fighting Saber came to the figth had stared to fight them as well.

Lancer and Avenger: what the hell

Lancer: so that boy did summon a survived after all

Avenger: you have to be kidding me looks kike me saving that boy was for nothing if summons a servant of his own

Alter Saber: I will thank you Servant in Red for saving my master bath if you wish to Attack my master I will take you both down

Lancer: know that is what I like to hear

As all three of them start fighting as it would be a free for all between them. Three of them As Saber will go in high speed and attack Lancer before being blocked by Avenger. Then Avenger will turn around and he will use his weapon to hit Lancer Angen Lancer will block it with his spear. As Saber will they come from the back ready to strike Avenger Lancer hits Saber with his lance almost hitting her armor Saber will then jump back. As then Avenger goes to Attack her with his weapon but Saber blocks it with her sword as she tries to hit him as she does cutting him in the center

Alter Saber:It is down and another one to go

Lancer: alright then I guess it's just you and me

Avenger: don't count me out yet I am not dead

They both will turn their head to see Avenger getting back up as his won will start to heal completely.

Avenger: unlucky for you two my master is near by giving me healing when I need it both chinch you managed to hit I will tell my servant class I am Avenger class servant

Lancer: I have never heard of an Avenger class before what really are you

Avenger: as I said I am an Avenger

Alter Saber: alright then Avenger lets continue our figth Also Lancer I think I know who you really are your spear and you way of fighting you are chu chulainn Ireland child of light if I am not wrong

Lancer: I guess there is a thing called being too famous both still I think I need to end things figth

Avenger then rush at him and started attacking him as saber will then go at well as the sounds of classic metals and blades can be hard they were moving is fast that no can properly see them as it was all of them seemed to be equal in power strength and speed but then Lancer jumps up into the air as he pulls his spear back with his right arm as the spear will start to glow red as energy will start to cover it as he then screams out something.

Lancer: Gray

Avenger: is really going to do it

Alter Saber I think so he is using his Nobel phantasm

Lancer: bulge

As they were saying he will shoot his spear targeting alter Saber will then try and block the Attack with her own novel Fantasma but will be stopped by Avenger as he starts to cast his Noble phantasm. As dark energy over his body as his body starts to change into that of Werewolf that pitch black with glowing red eyes as Avanegr jumps into here the spear is talking all the damages.

Lancer: will that take care of that servant

Avenger: no think again

Alter Saber and Lancer will be shocked at seeing that he was still alive Lancer's spear returns to him wondering how he was still alive his sure is always hits its target and makes sure to end them both how was this Avnger still alive Avenger will then turn back and jump away.

Avenger: I would like to figth more both I think it is better if I don't continue anyway goodbye saber and Lancer

Avenger then leaves the battle leaving Saber and Lancer alone

Lancer: I will also leave

Alter Saber: hey where do you think you are going you basters

As Saber rushes at him Attacking him with her sword but lancers will jump back escape the Attack and running away Alter saber will then tune her head to see shiro is there.

Alter Saber: Ah master how long where you there for

Shiro: I was there until the last moment where i saw those two events run away also I don't think we properly had to introduce our self to each other know did we your name is really not Saber so who really are you

Alter Saber: why should I give you my real name you are still not worthy of it yet master

Shiro: alright then also just call me Shiro I don't like the whole master things

Saber: alright shiro it is then

As saber said that she felt something it's some one.

Saber: Shiro watch out someone is coming one is coming and it is a another servant

As saber then go's away ready to hit the new servents shiro would follow her seeing saber fighting Archer before Shiro stops saber some stops.

Rin: Archer stand back

As Archer goes back Shiro then sees who this is he knows who this person is

Shiro: I didn't know that you where in this war as well Rin

Rin would be shocked not believing that shiro knew about the war and not just that he had summons his servant and it looked like a saber. Meanwhile Archer was chearching him self this version of him knew the war and he looked so different not only that even his Saber look like the one from a different time the timeline with that angry mango he knew who this was it was Saber alter he remember getting the memory of that universe shiro know that she was killed both this one was listing to this shiro which pissed him of because know he knew he was in whole different timeline so know what will he do.

Rin: I think we have something to talk about Emiya kun

Shiro: alright then tosaka

To be continue

Sorry for this chapter being sort then the last one but with that one I had to explain the class card and had get to the bit of everything this is why this chapter is shorter then the rest anyway I hope you guys like this ch