
12 Class cards users

After everything with Sakura was over and Avalon was given to her everyone was thinking to them self wondering what will happen next as they all wait for news on Sakura they wondered if things will just keep going up by this point no one knew what was going to happen until they heard the door open and saw El-Melloi come in

Gray: is everything done Master

El-Melloi: yes gray Sakura is all right all the crest and lust worm inside of her body is going this also means that she is no longer a mage or does worms where eating her Magic circuit normally this means that she can be a mage both see her mental state you can believe that she can never be a mage mostly do to the what Zouken has done to her I also believe that this is the reason why the Rider servant is dead

Shiro and the rest will be shocked that Sakura was no longer a Mage both they think it is for the beast after with this she can live a normal life after all she no longer needs to be forced to use or do anything that will hurt her both This also means with her no longer being master it meant that the rider class was gone which also means that she needs to be protected both know the question was where should she stay

El-Melloi: I know what you all are thinking all of you are thinking where should she be living now she can live in the Emiya household it is the best for her if your ask

Rin will then get up and then say something

Rin: No she will stay with me I want to fix our relationship After all it is the best way I can make out relationship better

Shiro: No not after what your father did I won't allow for you take Sakrua

Rin: listen her I am not my father so what are you saying I can handle this and I will make sure that she is save

Alter Saber: Oh and how will we believe that

They all start to arguing on where Sakura will stay after an hour of arguing they all will stop in the end it was decided that Sakura will stay in Shiro house and after that Rin, archer, Gray and El-Melloi will the leave the place as they did Shiro will say something to Rin

Shiro: Rin you have a class card don't you

Rin will turn back wondering how Shiro figured that out that she had a class card brought the card here if they got attacked after who knows a servant could have followed them both how did he figured it out and when

Shiro: it was easy to figure out that you had a class card with you your right hand was always in you pocket like you were ready to pull something out just in case and I thought what would help in fighting me so either you have a new magic or a class card a class cards makes more search to me Rin

Rin will be flabbergasted by this how the hell did he figured it out so easily and how is he so smart

El-Melloi: I think it is enough we should leave before this place become a battle field

Gray: yes master is right you guys we should leave

As they then leave when them coming back at Rin house Rin went to the her room and fell a sleep on her bead as then it would be morning she when downstairs to see something weird it was Arched and he was making Food for everyone Rin just decide to sit down on the table chair as she looked at gray and El-Melloi

Gray: Good morning Rin sama

El-Melloi: yes Good morning Rin you never told us that your servant can cook

Rin: will Neither did i

Gray: anyway I think we should talk about something the class cards

Rin: yeah what do you want to know

El-Melloi: how of the class card user do you know

Rin: Alright then so far that I know there are 4 cards users that we know the cards are Beserker, Rider, Lancer and assassin

El-Melloi: yeah both what are the. Servants each if them have

Rin: well ok then I will tell you that the first one I found out was that shiro he has the beserker class the servant Lancelot, Illya has the Rider card of Medusa, From Rider we learn that shinji had Assassin card Hassan of the 100 face and I have the Lancer card and my servant is Scathach

Gray: I am still wondering out all of our lancer card why they chose that card

Rin: ah yeah you guys in clock tower collect the class cards to make sure that they don't get into the wrong hands so did you get Shinji card

El-Melloi: No After me and Gray left the emiya house we checked Fuyuki forest we say damage from a battle both to say we found a class card we didn't we checked everywhere in the end we just fixed the place

Rin: Wait what are you saying

Gray: We are saying is that the cards where already take probably by another servant who as watching the fighting writhing to take the card for him or her Master

Rin: oh fuck this is bad if the master already has one the other class card if they get the other two class card they can fuse them to created a stronger version of that servant

El-Melloi: yeah if that happens there will be more problems both now I need to go

Archer: Go where

Gray: we will be going the church to look at the preach because I have felling that he maybe one of the master after one of the original master cousin by clock tower is dead while the other one has its extra servant

Rin: wait what

El-Melloi: I hurd from the higher up in Clock Tower that Caster's original master Atrum Galliasta had died I went to the crime scene and found that he was burned I even found his class card was also taken the class card of the saber and for Avenger Master bazett has a new servant we gave her one of the relich of Chu Chulainn

Rin: wait both me and archer fought him dies that mean some else has it

Gray: that is correct and if I have to say it that priest Kotomine Kiri

El-Melloi: and if he is a master he probably has one of the class cards as well Clock tower is not the only people who collected these cards so did the church and some normal people also got it

Rin: what do you mean

Gray: Class card also have a mind if there own sometimes they look for a host that matches them just like if don't something to summon a servant and the Holy grail give you one that matches you

Rin: I see so did you ever had fight one of them

El-Melloi: yes we fought and many time we had to kill them some we let them leave for they where the good people and they joined Clock tower card finder team this is a team made to find and take the class cards

Rin: Make seance that something like that will exist ever shinch the class card where from the world of the mages where turn upside down

El-Melloi: Anyways we will be leaving know we need to look into the priest

As they then leave rim thinks to her self that what can be next 4 of the class card are know and 3 are unknown and she is used the caster new master know has the saber card it means the 2 class cards are left unchecked and she wonders who does two people are as Rin was thinking this in Ruyuta temple Angelica was sitting as caster approced her

Angelica: what is that you want Catser

Caster: noting much just here to give you this

As caster then give Angelica a Class Card the Class card of the Archer

Angelica: and which servant is this one

Caster: we don't know Assassin says that his master never used as he says that since his master know has two class card he told me to give the arches card to some else

Angelica: Alright then I will keep it

As Angelica then take card and starts to wonder what heroic sprite is their meanwhile in the Einzbern place Berserker seem to be digging a hole as illya will be looking at it sella will approve her

Sella: lady illya what is this hole for what are you doing

Illya: you see a few days ago I felt something in this place it had the same energy as my class card both it was way to deep underground

Sella: Are you trying to say that there is another class card here

Illya: Yup that is why I haven't been in the last few battle I am way to busy

Sella: how many days do you think.it will take you reach that card

Illya: 2 more days after all it would have taken me 8 days both berserkers has been doing this for 2 days straight after all

Sella: Alright then Miss Illya

To be continue