
Fate/Surviving in Ancient Greece

Reincarnated as a demigod in Ancient Greece of the Fateverse, Eschios just wants to survive. Follow his journey as Eschios rises from a demigod to one of the greatest heroes in Mythology. *Not Bl *One or two updates every day *Romance Included *Continues after Mc's death (As a Servant) +If you can, please promote this work as a reader! +Please be respectful to other readers and the author. If the author bends the story to what the readers want, it could turn out worse. +There must be absolutely NO LEVELS OF FIGHTING OR DISRESPECTING FELLOW READERS

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25 Chs

Free from the chase

Apollo started glaring at Athena, who suddenly came down to the land near him. Just as the tension between the two major gods was getting too suffocating for Eschios, Apollo spoke up first.

"What do you think you're doing, Athena? Stopping my lovely search time with Eschios?"

"Father's orders."


After hearing Zeus being mentioned, Apollo's face tensed up. Athena then explained why she was there.

"Apollo, you've been too much of an eyesore for a god recently. You went all around Greece just for a demigod and neglected your duties as one of the Olympian gods. Are you planning to lower the status of the other Olympian gods as well? Father ordered you to stop this in an instant."

"..... Damn it..."

Apollo couldn't find any other words to use for an excuse. He could have fought Athena for Eschios' love if it was just her alone, but if she's here to deliver his father's words, then it is a different story.

Even though Apollo is madly in love with Eschios, he still knows that he can't stand up and win against his father.

Seeing Apollo all quiet, Athena called for Eschios.

"You can come out now, Eschios. I will protect you from Apollo."


Eschios hesitated. Does he really have to come out? What if Athena falls for him as well? What if she's made an agreement with Apollo to help him, and is secretly tricking him now? Thinking of the possibilities, Eschios shivered.

As expected for Athena, Eschios did not come out. Although Apollo isn't doing anything right now, he already is a great fear to Eschios.

Already knowing the reason why he isn't revealing himself, she held up something which she brought along with her.

"I've heard that your beauty has more effect on divine beings like us. Therefore, you can wear these."

Seeing the things which Athena laid down on the ground, Eschios looked at them with curiosity from the shadows. On the ground, there lay a robe, A black-colored mask, and an armor-like suit.

It didn't seem to have any dangerous uses to it nor looked like it was for capturing someone.

"You should wear those. The mask, the armor , and the robe are made to seal off your beauty. Hephaestus made this with his own hands, so you can trust the quality."

Athena explained, assuring Eschios.

"Hey, Athena! What do you mean, you're sealing my Eschios' beauty away! No way! This can't be happening...! This can't be...!"

After hearing Athena's explanation, Apollo began to cry like a man who lost his sausage, making Athena sigh in disgust and annoyance at her half-brother.

After seeing that Eschios was still not coming out, she said something which made her finally have Eschios come out.

"I, Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, swear on the River Styx that I will protect you from Apollo, and that I will make no attempts to harm you unless you harm me."


Finally coming out, Eschios put the mask on his face and wore the armor and the robe at a speed to which even the two gods couldn't see well.

Apollo and Athena couldn't check properly if the one who took the three gifts, but Athena could know that it was Eschios because of his insane speed.

Ignoring the crying Apollo, Eschios carefully asked Athena,

"Is... is it all right, lady Athena...?"

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about."

Because of the mask, Eschios' voice seemed more metallic and robot-like. Because of the now-more robot-like voice, Eschios' beauty in his voice decreased.

Eschios could now feel as if his blessing of beauty, which was more of a curse to him, was significantly weaker than before.

Enjoying the little feeling of freedom, Eschios checked his outwear, using the reflections on the pond of water nearby as a mirror.


Eschios liked it from the start because it sealed his beauty, but after checking it, he like it better thanks to the design. The design looked a bit frightening so that people wouldn't go near him, which was exactly what he wanted.

Checking himself out, Eschios looked like a happy little child for once in two years.

Although his beauty was sealed, Apollo was nose-bleeding after seeing Eschios act so excited.

"Aahhhh… Although his beauty is sealed by the clothings, when I see Eschios acting all cheerful like that, I… I'm so erect…"

After hearing that, Athena had to fight against her inner desire to stab Apollo with her spear.


Sensing Apollo's sticky sight if lust, Eschios again hid in the shadows of a tree.


"Now, we will start the discussion to end the chase of Apollo and Eschios, once and for all."

Eschios was seated right in front of Apollo, while Apollo was seated the same, the two facing each other.

To make sure nothing bad happens, Athena was right next to them, glaring at Apollo as if daring him to do anything.

"I can't take this! This is unacceptable! You're having Eschios seal his beauty with that?!"

"Well, if we didn't do this, then you would have jumped him already! Shut up!"

After some scolding from Athena, Apollo shut up.

"Hah…. So we're talking one-to-one, lord Apollo."

"You can call me just Apollo, my love!"

Eschios wished that Apollo would just keep his mouth shut.

Since Eschios' face expression is hidden because of his mask, Apollo couldn't see what face Eschios was making.

Inside the mask, Eschios was making a face with more disgust than a person has when they eat a live bug.

"I'm going to confess something to you."

"Confess your love to me, right?"

"No. Its about how much I hate love between men. I don't mind when others act on it with each other, but I detest it when they act it out on me."

Seeing Apollo shutting up after hearing that, Eschios continued.

"Ever since I was young, I've confessed love by many men whom looked at me with lust, and others tried to force themselves on me."

Shivering at the disgusting memories, Eschios continued to explain.

It was normal for all those things to happen to me. Personally, love between men disgusts me because of those experiences."

Eschios already disliked his beauty because of the troubles it caused him, but when the problem with Apollo happened because of it, he felt like he was going to go crazy.

He couldn't destroy his beauty as well. No matter what else he tried to destroy his face, it healed right after with such speed that he couldn't even feel the recovery.

"It's so tiring… do you understand, lord Apollo? I'm not going to accept your twisted love for me. Please give up now. I especially detest your advances towards me. I hate your songs of love, the looks of love in your eyes, the chase between you and I, and everything else you have done to get me."

After hearing Eschios, Apollo looked as if he had lost everything. His face looked as if it contained all of the world's depression in it.

Just as when Athena was going to tell Apollo and Eschios about the way the two can both be happy, Apollo lit a look on his face, as if he figured something out.

"I see! So I don't have to be a man, then!"



"Excuse me?

After hearing such an idea, Athena and Eschios looked at Apollo while making shocked expressions, even though Eschios' couldn't be seen.

Right after, Apollo's body began to glow in a blinding light, which Eschios had to guard his eyes from.

When the light disappeared, the two others stiffened up their body after looking at Apollo. In the place where Apollo originally was seated, was a beautiful woman. Apollo had transformed himself into a female.

"Fufu, so it doesn't matter if I'm a woman, then, right?"

"That's not the problem!"

"You don't have to be embarrassed! I'm always ready for your embrace!"

"I refuse! It's not about your gender, it's just that all the things you've done made me hate you, the god named Apollo!"

Apollo, shocked, looked at her? Him? Eschios didn't even know what to call the god anymore.

Athena then spoke up about her idea to the two, which solved the conflict.

"Apollo, perhaps Eschios would like you more if you have up on chasing him, and give help when he needs it?"

Interested, Apollo's head perked up.

"You can be his guardian god, protecting him at all times. Maybe, if he benefits a lot from you, you might have a chance. Think of it as slowly raising the affection."

Of course, Athena knew Eschios wouldn't love Apollo no matter what, but Apollo was desperate for Eschios. To the sun god, Athena's words were like a shining light in the darkness.

"Eschios, you are ok with that, right?"

"Yes, lady Athena."

Having helps from Apollo would feel uncomfortable for him, but Eschios was desperate for a way to stop the chase. Like it was to Apollo, Athena's words sparked hope in him.

"Good. Now, an oath will be made by Apollo."

To prevent something like the chase from happening again, Apollo had to swear an oath to the Styx river.

"I, Apollo, swear on the Styx river to never chase or do acts of love which are against Eschios' desires."

After the oath, Athena smiled warmly to Eschios and assured him.

"Eschios, you will now not be chased by Apollo anymore. You are free to go."

Hearing that, Eschios felt his legs go weak for the first time in two years.

'I am… free… I'm safe… I can… sleep… now…'

And with that thought, Eschios collapsed, falling into the sleep which he hadn't had for years.


Eschios pov:

Waking up.

Now that's a thing which I haven't had for so long. Wth my eyes opening, I thought of Apollo and quickly got up.

I have to move. Run away. He'll get me.

The room was… familiar.

'My room?'

Right then, I remembered what happened before I woke up.

I'm free.

That thought brought tears to my eyes. Hearing a gasp beside me, and I felt a gaze of happiness being sent to me.

'It's not Apollo's.'

I moved my face to see what the noise was about.

Mother. It was Selene, My mother.

Hugging me with tears flowing down my face, she assured me.

"You're free now, Eschios. You're free. Thank you so much for enduring… I'm so sorry, so sorry…"

And with that, I cried like I have never had before.

I was free.


A/N: Sorry for being late. By the way, I had a look at all the creatures in Ancient Greece mythology, and oh boy… the Noble Phantasm and skills Eschios could gain from these… heheheh…