
Fate/Stay At Home

A cliche Chat Group Fanfic with Amakusa Shirou inheritance. I don’t own the characters and they belong to their creators. English isn’t my main language.

Heartless1190 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Dimensional Chat Group

(3rd POV)

[Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Group! Here you can chat and share your moments with everyone around the Multiverse! As a member of the group chat, any language that a member doesn't understand will be automatically translated to the language which the member can understand and vice-versa.]

[The Chat Group has an inventory function and a 'Dimensional Shop', where you can buy anything you want through the points that you have accumulated! To earn points, you can receive it from daily check-ins or by completing quests given by the Chat Group.]

[Further information will be in a file 'Chat Group Archive'!]

[Queen of Nightmare: Wait, this wasn't a scam?]

[Pervert Fake-Angel: Now that I have accepted joining this group from this strange object, where are my promised 40 million books from another world?]

[Fake ChuuniPriest (Admin): Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Group, everyone! My name is Kotomine Shirou, and I am also the admin of this Chat Group. And as you read, this chat group connect people from different worlds, but first, please read the file that is in the Chat Group Archive to have further information]

[Fake ChuuniPriest (Admin): Also, I don't know where you heard about that promise, but it was probably the Group Chat System trying to make you join the group]

[Pervert Fake-Angel: Does that mean it was a lie?]

[Queen of Nightmare: How don't you know? Aren't you the admin?]

[Fake ChuuniPriest (Admin): Yes, but even though I am the admin, I don't know everything about this Chat Group since I am not its creator]

[Fake ChuuniPriest (Admin): Also Fake-Angel, it isn't entirely a lie as you can buy books and other things you want in the Dimensional Shop]

[Pervert Fake-Angel: I see]

'They must be reading the file now.' Shirou thought as he stared at the chat that had gone silent now. 'And the Magi Mari and Simp Doctor haven't chatted yet. Although I am not sure who Simp Doctor is, I do know that Magi Mari is Merlin'.

'Maybe I should ask Merlin to teach me magecraft?' Shirou suddenly thought.

Although the Almighty Key provided him with the knowledge of all magecraft and made him able to use all of it, it didn't mean that he was a master of them nor that the magecraft he acquired could rival a proper caster from Age of Gods. An example of this is if the original Amakusa Shirou was summoned as a caster in HGW, he would still lose to another caster like Medea.

Then Shirou pressed Daily Check-In, he didn't need to read the information file in the Chat Group Archive as he already knew its content.

[Daily Check-In: 69 coins]

'Not bad.' Shirou grinned as he checked the Dimensional Shop.

[As the admin, you have the privilege of having a 50% discount on everything in 'Dimensional Shop'']

[Body Strengthening - Stage 1: 500 Coins]

[Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker (Regular): 350000 Coins]

[Magic for Dummies: 250 Coins]

[Black Keys (20): 7500 Coins]

[Ultimate Skill Raphael King of Wisdom: 495000 Coins]

(A/N: The prices already have been discounted)

'Shirou, it will be a waste of coins if you achieve Balance Breaker using the Chat Group, as with your talent, you can achieve it soon.' Albion warned and advised him.

'You are right, but I am thinking of saving for the Body Strengthening, Black Keys and the ultimate skill Raphael, but mostly Black Keys as I don't have a weapon right now.' Shirou said to Albion inside of his mind.

'Then you can do as you wish.'

Shirou then clicked on his profile and pressed on the Status option. The Status option will display the parameters and current skills of the member, the parameters will adjust themselves to the most convenient possible manner for the member.

(The Chat Group has many other things that the Author will think about later.)

[Name: Kotomine Shirou

True Name: Amakusa Shirou Tokisada

Race: Human/Pseudo-Servant

Class: Ruler/— (E/N: Pretender class lol) (A/N: Lmao, but no (not yet at least))

Age: 16

Strength: E (10)

Endurance: E (10)

Agility: D- (20-30)

Mana: C- (30-40)

Luck: A+ (100)

Noble Phantasms: Left Hand - Xanadu Matrix; Right Hand - Evil Eater

Sacred Gear: Divine Dividing

Skills: Magic Resistance (A), True Name Discernment (B), Revelation (A), Baptism Rite (B+), Charisma (C), God's Resolution (C) (Sealed)]


'Is this the typical cliche where I have to work out to restore the parameters or surpass them?' Shirou asked as he looked at his parameters. Aside from luck, all of the other parameters were lower than what Amakusa Shirou of the Ruler class had.

"That seems to be the case." Albion said inside his head.

"*Sigh* I should have expected this."

"Don't be so down, in your current state, you can fight a small group of low-class and middle-class devils alone." Albion tried to cheer Shirou up.

"You are right…" Shirou said before returning to the chat.

[Fake ChuuniPriest (Admin): So… has everyone finished reading the Chat Group Archive?]

[Fake ChuuniPriest has changed his name to Kotomine Shirou]

[Queen of Nightmare: Yes]

[Pervert Fake-Angel: Yes]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Good, do you still have any questions?]

[Pervert Fake-Angel: No]

[Queen of Nightmare: No, but to think that all of us are just characters from an anime in other worlds]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Is that so?]

[Queen of Nightmare: Aren't you bothered by it?]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Not so much, even if I was a character created by someone in another universe, I would still be myself, with my own personality and my own thoughts]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): This also includes all of you, even if you were some characters from fiction, the moment you joined this group, means you are already not bound by the destiny that the 'author' created, so you are no longer a 'character' but a real person]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): If you think like that, you won't be so troubled by it]

[Queen of Nightmare: I see...]

[Queen of Nightmare: Thank you, that helped a lot]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): You're welcome]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): By the way, you still haven't introduced yourselves]

[Pervert Fake-Angel: But don't you already know us from what you call "anime"?]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Indeed, but it would be better if you introduce yourselves since there is a chance that other members might not know your names and it would be inefficient and counterproductive if that happens, which is the opposite of what I want]

[Queen of Nightmare: I see]

[Queen of Nightmare: My name is Ruri Gokou, 16 years old and a high school student, but you can call me Kuroneko]

[Queen of Nightmare has changed her name to Kuroneko]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Nice to meet you, Kuroneko]

[Kuroneko: Nice to meet you too]

[Pervert Fake-Angel: I am Jibril, the youngest and strongest of the Flügel race, the ranked sixth race of the Ixseed]

[Pervert Fake-Angel has changed her name to Jibril]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Nice to meet you, Jibril]

[Kuroneko: Nice to meet you, Jibril]

[Jibril: Nice to meet you too everyone]

[Magi Mari~☆: You are all so lively]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Hello Magi Mari]

[Magi Mari~☆: Hello Admin]

[Magi Mari~☆: By the conversation, you know who I am right?]

[Kuroneko: You are Merlin, aren't you? The Magus of Flowers?]

[Magi Mari~☆: Correct!]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): But the real question is whether you are a male or a female…]

[Kuroneko: Indeed…]

[Magi Mari~☆: What do you mean by that? Of course, I am female!]

(A/N: It's Merlin Proto and a legit female)

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): I see]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Nice to meet you, Merlin]

[Kuroneko: Nice to meet you, Merlin]

[Magi Mari~☆: Nice to meet you too, everyone]

[Kotomine Shirou (Admin): Then I will leave first as I have to set up my room, so goodbye]

[Kuroneko: Goodbye]

[Magi Mari~☆: Goodbye]

[Jibril: Goodbye]


Shirou closed his phone and put it in his pocket. Then, he got up from his bed and looked at his suitcase.

"Time to set up my room I guess…" Shirou muttered.

'In the end, Simp Doctor didn't chat' Shirou thought as he opened the suitcase and took out some clothes with a few other things and started to set up his room.

'Maybe he is busy?'

"Shirou-kun, your uniform arrived!" Chihiro shouted at the entrance of the dormitory while holding a sack with Shirou's school uniform inside a plastic package.

"Okay, I will be there in a second!" Shirou shouted back as he left his room and walked downstairs.


A/N: Please suggest a world for the first quest!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Heartless1190creators' thoughts