
Volume 1.

Mayville was once a peaceful place in the south not having any sort of trouble but that all changed when all Evil beings around the country came to hide or run away hunter's or police.

Right now in a location in the downtown of Mayville a group of gangsters about five people could be seen discussing a plan on how to rob a bank ?

(a crashing sound)

What was that ?

asking the question was Mark a four feet toll man with a slight pale skin

Go check that out Mark ordering a man in all black with cold eyes.

Joe boss say go check that out, what did you say you fucking busted Spike boss say that you go check that out what me when did he say that you

go fucking busted stop wasting my time Mark i said you now go or else am going to solve you my

self Allright boss.


I was darring when you guys will stop talking I was getting bored with it now i hear that

you guys a cousing trouble around here so i thought that i should come pay you guys a visit

(Mark) So what if we a cousing trouble a you the


(??)No am not the police.

(Mark) Boss what do i do with this i with one now

(Boss) Kill him.

(??)Mmm i like You a man if few words how about this yay don't you work for me and I will let you live

( A leafing sound )

(Boss) You sho now how to joke around but I don't have time to play kill him already.

(??) Will i gave you around a chance.

As he was speaking a green gas of smoke was was liking from him.

(Mark) you are one of them say as he turns and run away.

(A dropping sound )

Body's were dropping to the floor as there skin was turning light green what do you say now about working four me ?

(Boss) You think you a the only with abilities he sad

Boss with his eyes turning red and visible line of red trike running around his body.

( To be Connteund ).