
Fate series: My Alternate Saber

Shiro Tenma is an 18 year old undergraduate who struggles to enjoy his everyday life. One day while he was working on the road he found a green amulet accidentally took it with him, unfortunately for him he got into an accident that very same day. he was transported to a world and told to participate in the holy Grail war by the goddess of the underworld. Note: I'm still learning to understand how fanfic works so please do tell if something isn't right. . . . . . This is an alternate reality of the fate series world, so don't expect to see the same thing. Show your support by voting for the book and interacting so I can keep on giving chapter everyday. Join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Komik
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64 Chs

The new Stage (R18)

The sound of chains wilting echoed throughout the tunnel, Shiro was being chained up inside one of the partitions there.

His face was badly wounded and his body had marks of previous beatings, he could barely breathe from all the blood he was losing.

A woman wearing a red latex outfit and holding a black whip walked inside the cell, it was in an abandoned facility so no one could track their doings.

"How is little Shiro doing today, it's morning and I'm feeling pumped up" She smiled, picking up a medium-sized needle that was on the table.

Her name was Jessica Blouse, she had dark hair and multiple tattoos all over her body. She walked toward Shiro who could barely keep his eyes open.

"First you killed my dragon, then I found out you're some kind of special master, I refuse to accept that" She scratched her hair, pulling it from its roots while she frowned her face in a crazy manner.

"But not to worry, we might not be able to kill masters in this stage, but we can still damage them" She extended her magic into the needle and drove it straight into Shiro's shoulder.

He screamed in despair, tears almost dropping from his eyes, he could feel his insides burning up, "Why…are you doing

this?" He asked, struggling to find his voice.

Jessica removed the needle from his body and sterned her face, "You still have the balls to ask me". She gave him a punch to the face which led to blood spilling out of Shiro's mouth.

Astolfo walked into the cell, "Master, your attention is needed at Central garden"

Astolfo voiced, standing beside Jessica.

Jessica sighed, "Why are they interrupting my fun?" She dropped the needle on the ground before stomping off, "Keep an eye on him, and don't do anything stupid".

"Yes, Master!" Astolfo saluted, with a smile on her face, as soon as Jessica left, she immediately ran toward Shiro.

"Aww, you poor thing, here" She used her hand to clean the blood away from Shiro's cheeks.

After that she brought out a plate of doughnuts, she hid it before she entered the cell so Jessica wouldn't get suspicious.

Pulling the doughnuts closer to Shiro, he immediately bit it, ingesting it up like a desperate monkey.

"Wow, slow down" Astolfo chuckled, after feeding him all six of her doughnuts she sat down on the floor beside him.

"Why are you helping me?" Shiro raised a question.

"Why am I helping you?... I don't really know myself, but I have this memory from my past summons, I saw another boy in trouble just like you, I just couldn't turn a blind eye" Astolfo uttered, feeling saddened.

"Funny thing is, he only had three years to live, but I still insisted he did something meaningful with his life, he ended up being a Saber during the holy grail and then a dragon" She chortled, but Shiro could sense the pain underneath it.

"I saved him, and he ended up being a sacrifice to the holy grail, so I guess, you remind me of him, and this is just me trying to redeem myself" Astolfo's smile faded as she kept talking.

"You have a good heart, it's too bad your master has a twisted mind" Shiro uttered.

"Even my last master was like that, but don't worry…" Astolfo stood up from the ground and dusted her outfit, "I'll help you find your servants and they'll get you out, I promise" She gave him a thumbs up with a smile.

"Thank you…"

*Before this event, right after the second stage of the holy Grail began*

After everyone has seen their opponents standing on opposite sides of the cliffs, they teleported into different parts of Rizaha.

Their battles would no longer be held on a battleground, instead, it would be a free for all deathmatch amongst the servants.

Shiro was at home in his room, checking his stats to see if there was a way he could improve in it.

He noticed a few things, like how his servants could no longer level up, the Aberration option was missing and they now survive on his Mana.

Shiro lay flat on his bed giving out a loud sigh, "This explains why most masters have only one servant, sustaining three servants with my mana is kinda scary" He thought to himself.

He clicked the air and his stats opened up in front of him, "I can still summon servants that's nice to know, I have an Archer, a Saber, and a Rider, what's a Ruler?" He questioned.

He noticed that the servants under the Ruler class had a lot of op skills that, if used correctly, could turn the tides of the grail war.

But Shiro didn't have enough mp for him to summon a Ruler class or any class for that manner.

A stone suddenly banged on his window outside from outside, He stood up to check, when he opened the window he found Minami outside.

"What are you doing-"

"Suush" Minami immediately hushed at Shiro, "Don't yell, come outside" She whispered.

"Uhn, why?"

"Just do it"

"Geez, okay" He wanted to turn so he could take the front door.

"No, jump" Minami uttered.

"You want me to jump?" Shiro asked, with a a perplexed look on his face.

"You have magic right, why are you so afraid?"

"Take that back, I'm not afraid" Shiro jumped out of the window and touched down on the ground.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Shiro asked, moving closer to Minami.

"Oh nothing much, revenge and all" Her eyes started blazing and as soon as Shiro made eye contact his entire body went numb, he couldn't move a muscle.

. . . . .

Back at Heaven's feel club, The male Gilgamesh who was tamed by Karie was having fun in the boot room with one of the female waiters.

Gil was on top of her, naked and so was she, he pounced his dick into her Virginia before giving out groans as he moved his hips.

~Uhnnn, Fuck~, the waitress moaned, she held on to the Gil with all her might, her mouth drooling from ecstasy with her body heating with lust.

Carrying her from the chair with her legs, he pushed her to the wall, moving his hips again while his dick kept bashing against her insides.

~Gil-sama, I'm coming, I'm coming~, She moaned, Gil released his sperm into her vergina which made her go insane with ardor on the spot.

He tossed her on the chair, leaving her with a mouth open and a creampie that was still dripping from her insides.

Gilgamesh sat down on the chair and grabbed the bottle of alcohol before taking a swig.

"I get that you love maids, but can you stop using my workers as cumdumps for your fetish" Karie uttered before he walked into the room.

"If the master wanted a part in it, you should have just said so," Gil laughed.

Karie sighed, "Listen, Goldy, the blue team has started their advance, I need an unlimited amount of magic energy to power my primordial human".

"And where do you hope to find that?"

"A master living at the east field, he goes by the name Shiro Tenma, I want you to assist Jessica in obtaining him".

"You want to kidnap master? Count me out sorry, that's not my style" Gil uttered.

"That wasn't a request, or would you rather k use a command spell" Karie glared at him.

"Fine, the master will be yours… but don't threaten me like that again, I don't think you'd want me as an enemy," Gil said, before taking another swig of the alcohol.

. . . . .


Tried smut for one, so I might be out for a week from the cringe.

Please support me with powerstones and comments, if you liked this chapter, I'll drop more, I value readers more than anything.

Oh and check out my new fanfic, Sword art online: Blood valley red. , I'm sure you'll like it

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